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ICMag Donor
There are a few of you that think you're funny. Well guess what? I don't find it funny.

Some clowns post a blatant lie regarding this site in a video and a few of you have to play it up.

I'm going to eat my lunch, and then I'm going to come back and go through your posts. To those that I refer to, you may as well pack your bags. If you think that about this site, I'm going to do you a favor and get rid of you. I'm so sick of listening to this foolish shit and to have our own members harping along is more than I'm going to stand for.


JJScorpio would I be out of place to ask wh@ this is about?



Scorpio, i agree whit you. Personally i don't belive at what the video said... icmag & dea... no, no way!
We just want to talk about this video, it's not against icmag rules.
Also stop the censorship... we live in a state were you can get arrested only for sayng that mj is harmful...
now i'm in a hurry, sorry.


ICMag Donor
JJScorpio would I be out of place to ask wh@ this is about?


No you wouldn't.

There was a member here named Jesse who had a beef with one of our breeders. He finally had to be banned. After that he started spreading rumors saying this breeder worked for the DEA and associated this site with that crap. He also said mods have access to members IP addresses, which is an outright lie. He'd keep starting new handles spewing the same garbage so I'd ban him again. He then decided to make a video stating all the lies. A few of the members of this forum then decided to harrass one or more of the mods because the video was deleted, which really pisses me off.

We take great pride here in member safety and for them to do this makes me want to boot them. No mods have ever, or ever will have access to any members IP address. We go way out of our way to protect members here and take great pride in that, and for people that are members here to jump on the Jesse bandwagon really shows what they really care about.

Sorry if I seem pissed, but I am. Like I said, we go a lot farther than we have to to make sure members here are safe and I'd like about 5 min alone with this puke Jesse.


'nuff said!...Thanks for answering JJScorpio...I can see why it infuriates you so.

Nasty Rumors have a way of achieving almost UnDead Status...they must be put down whenever they arise...

Don't let your anger become too great though...ICMag has, as far as I know, and am concerned, a reputation beyond repute...

There are Haters...but they are arseholes...let the shite they spew fertilize your resolve.....



ICMag Donor
I wonder where all the ones are now that joined in that great thread calling KG a nazi, amongst other things?

Don't be bashful, let's get the conversation going again. You want to spew bullshit about this site, censorship and freedom of speech? Here's your chance.....



JJScorpio scusa se mi intrometto.

Perchè cosi tanto accanimento riguardo una cosa che definite tutti falsa? ora inizio a pensare che ci sia qualcosa dietro. e non apprezzo neanche le minacce di ban , perchè fratello io come altri alimento questo forum (conoscendone tutti i rischi) e ho il diritto "almeno" di dialogare liberamente, senza svariate censure.

Io sono il primo a crederti Scorpio ma come altri necessito un chiarimento.

Respect Ritual

Sorry for my bad english

JJScorpio sorry if I intrude.

Why so much rage about something that defines all false? now begin to think there is something behind. I do not appreciate and even threats of ban, because brother, I like other food forum (knowing all the risks) and I have the right "at least" to talk freely, without many complaints.

I am the first to believe Scorpio but like other I need a clarification.

Respect Ritual

sorry for my bad english
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Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
No you wouldn't.

There was a member here named Jesse who had a beef with one of our breeders. He finally had to be banned. After that he started spreading rumors saying this breeder worked for the DEA and associated this site with that crap. He also said mods have access to members IP addresses, which is an outright lie. He'd keep starting new handles spewing the same garbage so I'd ban him again. He then decided to make a video stating all the lies. A few of the members of this forum then decided to harrass one or more of the mods because the video was deleted, which really pisses me off.

We take great pride here in member safety and for them to do this makes me want to boot them. No mods have ever, or ever will have access to any members IP address. We go way out of our way to protect members here and take great pride in that, and for people that are members here to jump on the Jesse bandwagon really shows what they really care about.

Sorry if I seem pissed, but I am. Like I said, we go a lot farther than we have to to make sure members here are safe and I'd like about 5 min alone with this puke Jesse.

You and I don't always see eye to eye ... but on this one I couldnt agree more... I hate that stupid school yard pollitical shite...

that guy ruined my experiance at another board with his BS

good on you man... be tough!

edit - I just noticed this is in "Italian", sorry for the intrusion - this should be for all areas, I think... peace


JJS maybe someone owerdo it a bit... but there's no bad intention from italian the members, they are a bit angry about the why the post as been locked, they ask for a reason for the closeing/deleting of the post, u can agree with me the a statement like this: There are slanderous, libelous comments in that video. It will not be tolerated here. End of story. Any further threads on said topic will continue to be closed and if you persist even after being warned, you will be temp banned. are a bit heavy for a place like this forum.

just try to undeasteand the guys here m8 :)


Let me just point out that if jjscorpio had access to ip, he would have stopped this dude from coming back and posting under a different name; by banning his ip or whole and complete subnet, based upon the fierceness of his mood :D

This is a public forum and everyone can see whats going on, dont forget that, tho i seriously doubt that this site could run for such a long time if the dea was involved. And posting lies like this should either be completly ignored or banned, tho with the correct public response like this clarifying the issues.


UnDead Member
sorry jj ... but ... someone ask to understand a situation. (I can prove it ... I've never seen that f***** video BEFORE writing to ask why a thread was deleted). NOBODY of us want to play up like you said. We want only to understand.
KG delete my post. treat me like a child, threatens me of banning for something that I've never ever done. It will not be tolerated here. End of story. Any further threads on said topic will continue to be closed and if you persist even after being warned, you will be temp banned.[/B][/COLOR]

Last warning. One more thread and temp bans will start. You have seen the multiple closed/binned threads. Yousaw me ask you all to stop. Thre video and said discussion of it will not be tolerated on ICMag. Final Word. As I said, one more thread complaining and temp bans will be handed out.

How to behave according to you is this manners ? democratic ? .

Nobody trust liar. nobody want to ear liar. everybody MAY HAVE the possibility to DISCUSS about liar. otherwise I call it fascism . (or kgb way, to be biparty ...)


sorry jj ... but ... someone ask to understand a situation. (I can prove it ... I've never seen that f***** video BEFORE writing to ask why a thread was deleted). NOBODY of us want to play up like you said. We want only to understand.
KG delete my post. treat me like a child, threatens me of banning for something that I've never ever done. It will not be tolerated here. End of story. Any further threads on said topic will continue to be closed and if you persist even after being warned, you will be temp banned.[/B][/COLOR]

Last warning. One more thread and temp bans will start. You have seen the multiple closed/binned threads. Yousaw me ask you all to stop. Thre video and said discussion of it will not be tolerated on ICMag. Final Word. As I said, one more thread complaining and temp bans will be handed out.

How to behave according to you is this manners ? democratic ? .

Nobody trust liar. nobody want to ear liar. everybody MAY HAVE the possibility to DISCUSS about liar. otherwise I call it fascism . (or kgb way, to be biparty ...)
HO capito poco ma ho capito che ti quoto.


Soul Feeder

i understand your feelings and i'm pissed off as you are of frustrated people posting their "ultimate truth" on youtube...
Our concern is about free of speech, we like the forum and like the rules, we'll not start a riot but we ask only to use your mods power wisely.
Censorship is bad, and get worst if you delete a thread without a word.
If you lock or delete a thread explaining the whole story, we are happy to stop spreading misinformation and to obey good sense rules. But menacing a ban acting like a 5 year old kid is out of place here.
We live in a country where censorship in a real life issue, i've already explained my point of view in a -DELETED- thread (maybe YOU can read here: http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?p=3010853). In the same thread i've pointed out the i found the video dumb and full of crap. If i try to moderate things and you shut the door in my face what kind of reaction did you expect?

Lets go on in a constructive manner if possible please.

Peace & Respect



ICMag Donor
Maybe some of you never saw the earlier thread directed at mods by a few certain people, who I might add haven't posted in this one. The ones that were calling mods names and making accusations.

It's not our intent here to ban anyone. But it's also not our intent to listen to people degrade us and call us names. Especially over something as inflamatory and full of lies as the video that was posted.

I really don't want to ban anyone, but there are a few people that owe KG an apology. We put up with a lot of crap and mods shouldn't have to take being referred to as "Hitler" or any of that other garbage that was posted.

I can assure anyone that "NO MOD HAS OR EVER WILL HAVE ACCESS TO A MEMBERS IP ADDRESS OR ANYTHING CONTAINING THEIR PERSONAL INFORMATION". I can swear on that to everything that is holy to me.

This site didn't last this many years because we don't take pride in members security. That is, and always will be foremost in what we do here.

I'm going to close this thread now. All I ask is for those that decided to attack one of the mods here, just think how you would feel if someone said those things regarding you. You decide whether or not you think you might owe her an apology. Respect is a two way street.....

Thanks to those that understand the rational behind my rant.....


ICMag Donor
I took the time to be polite and to come here, give people a chance to express their opinions and to explain why a thread was closed.

Not one of the original people that were being rude bothered to post anything, instead they decided to start another thread and continue to be rude, and to a female mod at that. What gives with that?

I apologize to those of you that were very polite and understanding to the issue. But for those of you that think you are going to be disrespectful to a woman, there will be repercussions.

We have a section here that explains the Terms of Use for the site. These are rules not to censure anyone, but to keep the peace. Everyone, including mods have to abide by them.

I don't understand why it was necessary for a few of you to continue the rudeness when I thought we had tried to put this peacefully to rest.


~Resident Puck Bunny~
They don't get it JJ....They think I owe them an apology....I guess they don't browse the rest of the site or they would know I didn't do or say anything I haven't in other forums. No one gets special treatment, don't know why it's so hard to understand. I did give an explanation. Just cause they didn't like it doesn't mean I didn't give one.


I want an explanation. I want to know why instead of talking as do common mortals and explain things, you and the other moderators have threatened us and banks closed and deleted thread.

1 explained not got anything.

io voglio una spiegazione plausibile. voglio sapere perchè al posto di dialogare come fanno i comuni mortali e spiegarci le cose, tu e l'altro moderatore avete minacciato noi di ban e chiuso e cancellato thread.

non c'hai spiegato 1 bel nulla.


~Resident Puck Bunny~
As I said, an explanation was provided. It just wasn't the explanation anyone wanted to hear. I closed threads about the same subject because I had already said the discussion wasn't wanted here. I closed threads that were abusive and insulting to IC Mag, moderators in general and myself in particular. All within the TOU and all things I do daily, usually without the crying. It should've been obvious to anyone who saw the video to understand why it wasn't wanted here.... I'm done explaining myself. After some of the accusations that were posted, it isn't deserved and I'm not going to waste my time on people who are listening with closed ears.

BTW...The reason I don't post pics is because I grow with my b/f and he is more paranoid than I and asked that I don't post them here...not because I'm affiliated in any way with any conspiracy...I've never met nor talked to anyone here off site.
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