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Get Rid of Fungus Gnats For Good Using Mosquito Dunks


I'm doing both,Grated the dunks to fine granules first!!Sprinkling it on the soil and adding it to my water. Seems to be working. I also put a couple PIC fly sticks up,they have knats stuck to them,Thats my first line of defence. I thank everyone for there imput,

Smoke Buddy

Thanks for the mosquito dunk information Lola! Its been exactly what I needed... except in my grow, I noticed that it took a while for the gnats to get knocked down by sprinkling a small amount of dunk on each of my pots. They also seemed to come back slowly. After a couple runs dealing with the problem, I came up with a variation that works great. For my 12 3g pots, I mix 2 gallons of my soil mix with 2 mosquito dunks which have been ground up to a powder. That makes enough mix for about 3 large handfuls per container which topdresses more than an inch of soil thoroughly laced with BT. This seems to shut them down quick and keeps them away.

peace :rasta:


Active member
I apologize if this hasn't been mentioned before but, in rez's the crumbles clogs pumps and lines. To solve this, use a new sock. Crumble the dunk donut. Put in sock. Tie knot on end. Let float in rez or sqeeze to get pure liquid for hand watering. Saves many dollars over buying the liquid commercial product and does the exact same thing!

Smoke Buddy

I just wanted to add some information about these damn gnats. I have a strain of gnat that is absolutely immune from BT (mosquito dunks) probably because I have been using them for a few grows now and this colony of gnats has become immune. So after seeing them come back with a vengeance recently, I bought sns-203 and drenched the hell out of them. I saw a few die right when they touched the stuff and thought, wow, Im on to them now. NOT. About 3 days after sns-203 they had a hatch that was in the thousands many many thousands of the little bastards. So, Christmas morning I put a 1 inch layer of sand on the surface of the dirt on every pot. I watched them as they were pissed off they cant dig in that stuff at all. Yeah! Now, I go in there this morning and they are almost all gone. Finally... By the way, about 8 hours after I put the sand on, the plants began to droop a little like they didnt like their dirt covered or something but the next day they were fine...

Happy New Year!

peace :rasta:


Active member
The dunks suck....... I have used most commerically available products and there is only one thing that always works for me...... and that is General Hydroponics Azamax. It's expensive, but it kills alot of things, easy to use and is very effective!


Adept is the best solution I've found for fungus gnats, it's about 150$ a pound. 1oz makes 200 gallons of drench, much cheaper than gnatrol & all that crap.

Smoke Buddy

Ill never use any kind of poison again for gnats. Sand is the way for me now. Try it, you'll like it. They are still there but they went down to a population of about 50... from a million... then in one week, remove the sand... so when they get bad again Ill use sand. I keep getting these things probably from my soil storage in my garage. I see tons of gnats on my outdoor compost pile so they are here. I dont like to keep using poison over and over when there is a good natural barrier that solves the issue.
good luck.


New member
WARNING! BT-i kills plants! Dunks kill plants!

WARNING! BT-i kills plants! Dunks kill plants!

BT-i : is dangerous! Active ingredient
in Mosquito Dunks.

Used to crush the Dunks and sprinkle on top soil.
Result plants burned and died!

Used liquid BT-i and it also killed the plants!

Use with extreme caution!
Read the warnings!

Do not overdose!!! Will kill plants!

Dunks not intended for plant use.


Got any pics medicinedude? What did it do to your plants?

I've been putting dunks in my rez since I started.... and I use gnatrol consistently due to bringing in new organic soil constantly.

I have never damaged or seen a plant damaged by dunks or BTi for that matter. If it were possible then Im sure I would have done it.

Interested to hear



Kiss My Ring
i crumbled one up, tied it in a length of nylon stocking, dropped that into a spray bottle, shake like hell, and spray the soil surface.
have also tried crumbling and spreading on soil.
they seem to find their way back though.
now i'm going to try smokebuddys' method...


Just had a problem with symphilids. Edit: BT didn't do much. The infestation was BAD. Sticking a finger in the coco reveled hundreds of the little fuckers. They are tiny, clear to white and run around quickly with a jumping motion. Leaves kept dying off for seemingly no reason.

Used the 8% liquid in the rez I hand water from and used a .5% powder product applied to the top of each coco pot.

The 8% liquid supposedly treats 100 gallons of water with 6 drops. I used the whole bottle (a couple oz) in 60 gallons and used up two containers of the .5% powder.

Edit: Plants were looking great, and seemed to recover despite the persistent symphilids infestation. Can't really explain it and I don't think I'd give the dunks the credit. I don't think you can OD on BT although I've no experience with the actual mosquito dunks, perhaps they contain a filler not compatible with plants. If it isn't the filler causing problems its the insects themselves. I can assure you the BT in liquid form will do plants no harm even at outrageous doses!!

If you are running coco you should be using the liquid right from the start. A stiff dose when the blocks are expanded and a drop every couple gallons throughout the grow. I'm told you won't see any soil born bugs and based on the carnage I witnessed I believe it.

The 8% liquid is a far better deal by weight/price than the mosquito dunks and way easier to apply..just use the dropper to dose the rez..no reason to add mosquito dunk filler when you can accomplish the same thing with a dropper.

I'm extremely thankful to everyone for putting this info out there:)

Be aware the liquid form of BT is way cheaper and easy to apply. Just use the dropper to dose the rez.

From the little info I have it seems BT may be effective against symphilid larva. We'll see on the next round. Since their life cycle is over a month killing the larva wouldn't show much effect during a grow with full infestation.

Sorry to get anyone's hopes up, I figured I'd better edit the post.

Azamax didn't do much of anything either. Still a million symphilids running around, but the plants look great and are yielding?


Since I use promix I have fungus gnats as a regular guest. I make a little "Death dirt" as I refer to it: A couple tablespoons of Diatomacious Earth & promix stirred to a pretty white color....um, always wear a dust mask or respirator when using Diatoms, they are non-toxic but abrasive to the soft tissue in your sinuses.

I have also made a foliar spray with a touch of molasses to attracts the bugs and a tablespoon of said Diatoms added to it...shake well.

I have not beaten them totally but I do control their numbers (according to said yellow sticky things) in an ok fashion.

oh yeah... Slice a potato, put a slice on top of UR soil, wait a day and then look under it. The larvae can not resist the potato and U can literally spoon a bunch of them out.


I have a major gnat infestation..I was wondering if there is any consensus here on what works best? Half of you say dunks rock, half say they suck. 3 people say sand, 6 people say sand doesn't do anything. Azamax? Azatrol? DE? I just want to get rid of the bastards without affecting my plants. I have 6 plants in 3 gallon hempys. has anyone dealt with them in perlite/vermiculite before? What do you recommend? The gnats don't seem to hurt the plants, they do get stuck in the resin quite a bit though.


Active member
There are some nasty fungus gnat's going around! I have some now that are immunite to Mosquito Dunks, Diatomaceous Earth, SNS-203, Cedar Spray, Gnatrol and even Imidacloprid! They just mulitply and multiply and there is never a moment of non pressure from these damn things. I dont want to put sand on top of my soil because that kills the air coming in from the top... I wish there was a decent product out there that just get's rid of the nastiest fungus gnats..


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I am using a quarter of a dunk soaked in 1 gal of water and let it sit a few days before watering. This has removed the thrips and gnats completely. I reuse the same piece of dunk till it is gone.

I tried crumbling the dunks on top of soil with no luck. I also tried crumbled dunks halfway down in pots with half soil covering. This worked for a while but then stopped.

I tried the sand on top of soil but found the gnats would go to holes in bottom of pot and breed. You have to seal off bottom of pot or treat the soil that is exposed for that to work.

I have neem oil and cedar oil and backups, a drench of either will keep them down but does not seem to kill all of them.


BT-i : is dangerous! Active ingredient
in Mosquito Dunks.

Used to crush the Dunks and sprinkle on top soil.
Result plants burned and died!

Used liquid BT-i and it also killed the plants!

Use with extreme caution!
Read the warnings!

Do not overdose!!! Will kill plants!

Dunks not intended for plant use.

You burned your plants. Not the Bti.

The dunks haven't worked for me...but they certainly aren't dangerous to your plants either.


Well-known member
So I have spring fever and needed to grow something. I bought a Rosemary plant at the nursery that came with fungis gnats at no extra cost. I read your post and rushed out to Lowes and bought some Mosquito Dunks. The active part is BT Israelensis so it should be fine. Do you figure a couple weeks to get rid of the gnats?

Thanks for the idea.

Treetroit City

Moderately Super
Anyone using beneficial nematodes to wipe out gnats? 20 bucks at my local grow shop.
Can also be ordered off amazon for the same price.


Well-known member
Do you think Lowes (big box hardware type store) would deliver to OZ? Anyway Mosquito Dunks are on their website (www.lowes.com). Search for product by mosquito dunks. The product is called Mosquito Dunks (R). They are 6 dunks about small donut size. They are very crumbly so I used a kitchen knife to scrape some into a bowl. I used a spoon to crush it and then sprinkled about 1/4 TSP on top of the soil. Be sure you get something with BTI in it and good luck.