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Get Baked and Go Fishing


autumn perch (season 07)



Styles P

if you were not keeping the fish above its bad to let them get debris on their eyes it scratches then and then they cant see to hunt.


if you were not keeping the fish above its bad to let them get debris on their eyes it scratches then and then they cant see to hunt.

The fish above are quite dead and have bigger problems then debris on their eyes. They going to be lunch!


whats up guys? I just got this 24 pound Stripper on the weekend. Its Deff my person best stripper. The fish was snagged for about an hour in the rocks. I could just feel the fish on my line and had to sit there with my pole. Eventually i just started to pull it in. Thumb on the spool pulling so hard it looked like my pole was going to snap in half ha. Eventually worked it in far enough that the fish came un-snagged. Anyways here's the pic.



Got out for some more salmon on tuesday. The water came up and the fish were running. Fish that had already been in the river were moving upstream and new fresh fish came in.

Got there at daylight. In a spot that is usually crowded right in town. To my surprise I was the only person on that side of the river in that stretch. Had all the prime spots to myself. I'm thinking awesome, I'm going to hammer them. Wait out fishing time., First cast fish on. Breaks me off quick. Went on to hook a fish every other cast and almost every cast at times. It was awesome. Landed one salmon and one small trout and lost a bunch of others. Then i get into another salmon and see that its a female. I decided i need to land this one for the eggs for bait. So i start chasing it downstream. The water was heavy current and i was just above a bridge, if it went downstream any further I'd lose it for sure. So im putting some wood to it to stop it from running downstream. I pull it out of the fast water and into an eddie/calm water on the the edge of the fast. Its in about a 12" of water and i'm trying to pull it back up onto the bank. It was fighting hard to get out and i'm pulling back just as hard. Get its head on the bank and start pulling it the rest of the way and hear a CRACK. Rod snapped. Managed to get the fish up on the bank as it broke, but the rod was done. That was my favorite rod. Had it for 5-6 years, caught/fought tons of fish on it. Many memories were made with that rod. I wanted to cry.


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Kryp Keeper



NIce fish hookahitta Stripers are tuff fish... they mean so much more when you have to wrestle them out of something rock,tree,random structure!!!

those musky/pike? zathir are cool lookin fish man if those grew to like 10 feet you would not want to swim where they live!!!!


it's getting cold......time to stock up on 2lb test and order a couple thousand waxies.


we all love fishing down here in new zealand as well. i don't do very much river or lake fishing (maybe once a yr for trout/salmon) mainly saltwater. love big game - marlin, tuna, mahimahi. but i'm just as happy with light gear fishing in a 10' tinny (aluminium boat) fishing with the kids. i'll have to work out how to post pics and will add a few to the post. - mahuta
The fishing thread

The fishing thread

This is a bass caught at floyd lamb state park las vegas , NV


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Kryp Keeper

nice bass lvcloset i grew up in vegas moved out in 87 what did u get him on i fish for bass mostly but on plastics like worms and jigs..
lemme give all you spinnerbait lovers a tip. this one was given to me by an old timer that frequented the shop i worked at.

black head, black skirt...copper blades

i tried it, and i have never seen a more effective bait on overcast days. its a tough color combination to find, but your best bet is ordering some copper blades from basspro or cabelas and modifying the baits you currently have. (or make some of your own)

great fish everyone!