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Get Baked and Go Fishing


Active member

Hey guys! That some amazing pics!

An old fisherman at sunrise in nowhere:smile:




Whats up guys.

Got back from a camping trim yesterday. Caught about 50 or so trout while we were up there. let about half of them go if they were just hooked in the mouth. Just kept the bigger ones and ones that were bleeders. Only got a pic of this big one I got. Most of the ones we caught were a solid 12in. trout. This one was 16in. Deff fought like a bigger fish ha.



Misty Morning...


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
Hey I love the occasional catfish... we have flatheads and channel cats around here... they taste great but BOY DO THEY STINK!

Its too bad that nobody really likes catfish or carp..

Seeing how your in this area you should try Ft. loudon for catfish. There are monsters in there but I wouldn't reccomend eating them.:joint:

Styles P

im sooooo stoked me and my boys went out fishing is a gravel pit. alot of people like to dump there trash out there instead of paying to get it removed(yeah nj trash). so were out there fishing and we found a boat someone didn't want and set a sale out there to get rid of it. a nice boat that can go out in a river, all we have is a lil 12 foot bass boat. going back to take it tomorrow to fix it up and go out and catch big fish. i love taking someone's else's trash and turning it into something special.

heres our boat that we found it looks completely different now. we redid the fiberglass deck, new panels, new dash and paint. now all we need is seats and a motor.

and heres a 3.8 lb bass from my private lake


heres our boat that we found it looks completely different now. we redid the fiberglass deck, new panels, new dash and paint. now all we need is seats and a motor.

and heres a 3.8 lb bass from my private lake

thats awesome bro, way to go! :D gotta love a man who can make good use of things like that.. respect !!!


I've said it before bro, and I'm saying it again. I'm so jealous of your fishing opportunities.

Nothing new for me to report. Still haven't had time to get out. Planning on going this sunday hopefully for something. anything

We are having a horrible summer rain weather wise in NY this year. Had like 23 out of 26 days with rain this past month.

But, these years usually mean early salmon runs in the fall!

hey bro, we've had a horrible cold and rainy season sofar, if it wasnt for a hot week last week im sure the salmon season would have been catastrophic.

im not sure i should talk about it, but i lost a 20lb+ one last week, and atm im just feening to go back and get it. would you believe i lost it because i used fireline and didnt make the fireline knot. so the line actually slipped off the knot! hat it a meter from shore, i touched it with my hands i tell ya!.. just.. argh nvm!!

right now there is a large number of fish in the river delta, just waiting for the river to get alittle bigger. any day now will be the day when teh big schools go upriver. mby ill upload a few pics from last weeks trip, i caught loads of arctic greylings on my 1h flyrod and i got a small pike aswell.


I'm ready to see the salmon pics or any pics whenever you feel like posting them up. I got about another month and a half before the first salmon start hitting the rivers here.

Had to turn down two different offers to troll the lake for king salmon yesterday. That hurt, but I had to work.

Got an email yesterday that my custom centerpin/float reel will be done in about 3 weekks. Can't wait to get that. Costing me over $500, but should be a sweet reel when done.

hey bro, we've had a horrible cold and rainy season sofar, if it wasnt for a hot week last week im sure the salmon season would have been catastrophic.

im not sure i should talk about it, but i lost a 20lb+ one last week, and atm im just feening to go back and get it. would you believe i lost it because i used fireline and didnt make the fireline knot. so the line actually slipped off the knot! hat it a meter from shore, i touched it with my hands i tell ya!.. just.. argh nvm!!

right now there is a large number of fish in the river delta, just waiting for the river to get alittle bigger. any day now will be the day when teh big schools go upriver. mby ill upload a few pics from last weeks trip, i caught loads of arctic greylings on my 1h flyrod and i got a small pike aswell.


crazy sativa damn brot, what did you give them ??testosterone ?

Crazy sativa

New member
I like fat fish :laughing:



grownowforever: i usualy fish with boillies. They are easy to make,i try to explain.
1/3 semolina,1/3 corn flour and 1/3 wheatflour mixed with per 6 eggs 50ml
liquid sugarcane syrup (any syrup will do) and 20 ml fishoil(this is optional and wont make any diference in winter cause of the cold water the oil wont drop out of the boillies)
From this dough you can make balls form any size but i prefer between
10mm-40mm.How bigger the boillies the more smaller fish you avoid .
Cook this for a couple of minutes and they are ready to use.

Good luck if you try them and big catches for all icmag-ers.:yeahthats
Hope i dont bother you guys with these carp pics but i have lots hehe.

weed & fishing!

weed & fishing!

i love to do a spot of fishing & being from scotland there is a great selection of loch,river & sea fishing to choose from.
i prefer a spot of loch fishing where i can get my fishing rod in the water,Roll a nice stick of weed & roast up a nice little fire to chill out next & admire my awsome scottish country side.
weed & fishing go hand in hand i say!! :abduct: