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Germination techniques

Hello fellow soil growers. I have been growing for a few years, nothing big or special. I have been using bag seed and doing mostly outdoor, with one indoor grow (flouros.) For the most part i have always been sucessful, with one expection of over fertilizing. I recently decided to get serious, i bought a 400w hps and some skunk #1/big bud seeds. I really wanted this stuff to be the dankness. Well long story short, i have been having a really hard time getting my seeds rooted and doing well. Its almost like i am trying to hard, but i can't figure out whats wrongs.

I am looking for a good way to get my seedlings germinated and rooted well. What i have been doing is soaking the seeds in water for a day, then puting them directly into the soil. They are in solo cup sized containers. They seem to pop through the soil and get their first or second set of leaves, but them they do nothing at all. I am making sure they have enough water, but they just start to go yellow after about a week. i think that my problem may be with dry spots in my soil, but i am not sure. I have never had this problem with the yellowing and stunted growth.

What techniques do you guys/gals use to get your seedlings nice and strong?I have been looking around and the jiffy peat pellets seem like the way to go. It seems like an easy way to keep the moisture even in the root area. Thanks for any help.

This is what the look like after a week or two

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That looks like overwatering to me, for which you need to do is move this into the infirmary you will get some good help their will bet that is overwatering how I prevent that. I wait till the mix in the cup is peeling away from the sides of the cup and then I wait until the next day. And when I removed them 12 days into. I put them in two or 3 gallon bags, and just water around the base of the plant itself wait about a week watching closely. Wait until you start plant droop a little I killed many seedlings over watering.


just use a misting sprayer thing to water them so the soil is just moist. they dnt like it wet ... And jst coz it looks dry on top doesnt mean its not sobbing wet a bit deeper down. get ur hands dirty and stick a finger in to see if its moist a bit further down (it should be MOIST not too DRY and NOT TO WET!!!)
also it pays to make sure ur soils pH is about 5.5 - 7.5 in my opinion (6.5 being ideal) ... dolomite lime is an easy solution to keeping pH right (and is a good source of calcium), jst mix it into the soil.
bt dnt get carried away, they're jst children, they need to be nurtured bt if u baby them too much they'll b pansies that dnt no how to defend themselves lol

Hope this helps a little .. I got a bit carried way hahaha



Active member
To tell you the truth I do believe your mix is at fault, especially if it is pre-fertilized, you have an overdose of nutes. I changed out a long time ago to a "soiless mix". I make sure it is soaking wet when I plant my seeds and find no need to water until the mix shows me it is dry after germination which could be as long as 10-12 days after dropping the beans. I no longer use the wet paper towel, soaking in H2O or any of the other assorted messes and just go with 9oz. plastic drink cups, a little Master Growers Mix and plant the beans at about 1/2 inch into the mix, cover and water in until runoff. I then set them in the germinating chamber and wait. Usually with in 3-7 days I have 100% germination.



"making sure they have enough water" sounds to me like "watering whenever I think their dry" which is more than likely too much. :confused:

Not saying this is the best way, but it's definitely the best way I have used.

The weight of the cup/pot.


Just pay attention to the weight of the cups/pots after you water them.

Get a good feel for how heavy they are. Then wait about 5 days, and pick them up again. They should feel drastically lighter telling you the plant has used all/some/none of the water.

With some practice I feel like I've gotten it down to a science. I like to let my babies go bone dry occasionally and I can feel just that last bit of water in there I swear :crazy:
Thanks for all the info. Jubb, i am doing it in a similar way, i soak the beans for a day and then set them in the soil. I am not soaking the soil though, but it is pretty damp. Do you think i should have them in a dome for humiditity, could that be the problem?


Active member
Yes, that is good. Make sure it is saturated pretty well when you drop the bean 1/2" down into the mix and cover, then dribble some more water over the just planted bean to settle the soil. Set under lights and away you go!
