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mob barley

New member
Just wondering if anyone knows the deal with our beloved plant in Germany. I'll be traveling to the Bavarian region and from what I understand they are pretty strict with buds. Can anyone clear this up for me? Should I not even look for buds while in nuremberg?


Active member
Its been 27 years since I was there and I'm sure things have changed but hash is where it's at in Germany. I was there for 3 years and never saw a bud but the hash was very good and cheap.


You can pick you friends and you can pick your nos
yep same here, I was in germany for about 20 months, between 80 and 82.

And frankfurt park is where we used t get the hash, and the only bud I saw was mailed to me from the states.


Green Mujaheed
Most of Germany is pretty smoker-friendly, but definitely Bavaria is the less friendly ! You're not allowed to have more than 6 gr on you overthere (10gr in Berlin or Köln and up to 30 gr in some länder). For more information check there : http://www.webehigh.com/

More hash than weed overthere, but usually pretty good one. SOmetimes even much better than what you can find in Netherland, at better price. Chances are to get some Turk hash, because of the strong community there.

Irie !

mob barley

New member
Thanks for all the info, So I'm leaving the states this evening. I'll be on the lookout for some hash. So whats the legality of smoking? Would i go unbothered smoking a nice J bone in a park or is it something thats sorta out of sight out of mind with the law?


Bavaria is really the wrong part of Germany for smokers... I would strongly advise you not to smoke in the puplic or carry hash/weed with you. Its gonna be hard job to find something here that isn't poorest quality...
good luck to you ;)


My wife is German and from Bayern (Barvaria) You can get lots of hash. Medium quality.
The buds run about 9 or 10 Euro per gram. The best place to find it is around a tatoo shop if you do not know anyone. Or a club....ask the bartender. The Germans are kind of closed to outsiders when it comes to this. Barvaria has the strictest laws in Germany concerning pot. You would have better luck being a herion addict. They tolerate that for some reason. The best cities to look would be Munich, Stutgart and Regensburg.

mob barley

New member
Thanks for all the info, Im over here now and haven't really even been looking for buds or hash. As my german isn't too great and all the different brews have been keeping me occupied! But I do appreciate all the information you guys have been giving me. Danke!

Keep it real,
Mob Barley
I have little experience with cannabis in Germany, but I'd like to warn that their neighbours, the Dutch, sometimes ship in large amounts of cannabis that have been artificially made heavier. It's the result of criminals' work who don't give a damn if someone will get ill from it, all that matters to them is the money. I'd stay away from low-grade imported cannabis from Holland. Yes I'm Dutch myself, so I know that there are bastards about. :bandit:


Traktor driver
^^ yea you only get weed with sand/talk or hairspray around here at the moment, and I live very close to the dutch border :wink:


..not only at the border!

it´s got standard quiet quick..what a shame. seems most kind dealer´s are growing there own now :pointlaug :joint: