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George Floyd killing


wouldn't pop a snot bubble.

how bout the lovely cops that beat on people for demonstrating in public parks and shit.

standing, not blocking traffic, not throwing or rioting or looting, still get a tear gas canister in the eye socket.

yeah, fuck the first amendment... lets have china and north korea style bootlicking.


Active member
wouldn't pop a snot bubble.

how bout the lovely cops that beat on people for demonstrating in public parks and shit.

standing, not blocking traffic, not throwing or rioting or looting, still get a tear gas canister in the eye socket.
yeah, fuck the first amendment... lets have china and north korea style bootlicking.

Thats right...comming to a park near you....



Hardly the Nuremberg trials...and this is America...
We all have due process rights
I understand many have been force fed the msm
Narrative but justice is blind and is binary in arbitrations...its either this or that as much as lberals would like it to have gray areas and bendable its black and white...always has been and will always be.....this is what we live by

Due process gives the accused the benefit of innocence till proven guilty

This is not correct. Lawyers are said to ‘practice’ law (very definition of) because the law is not black and white, nor static. Even a basic knowledge of case law shows us that due process itself has a history of differing interpretations, and challenges; not to mention is without required procedures.

Reminds me of that year sitting through con law when a classmate attempted to justify his argument with, “because it’s the law!” Professor spent the next ten minutes shredding him. :biglaugh:

The ideal ‘justice is bind’ is just that, an ideal - not reality.


Active member
Nobody wonders why they took ole george out of the car to kill him?
Why does he get more play than MLK?

Nobody is asking the big questions?

Why did he not flee the scene once he was notified the cops were coming?
He never resisted arrest except to fall to the ground.
Why was he treated like that?

You folks don't have any questions concerning the incident at all?
What about all the counterfeit cash in MIN.

Not even one question?
Where is the bodycam footage?


Mnsa, I 'm a bit pissed and Jimmy is on the Bose howling the Stars and Stripes and the whole scene is SO FUCKED Man. Kneeling on a Man's throat until he dies. Fuck, That's fukn POWER Man! Illegitimate power. Position Power.

Fuck! my balls woulda been so tight if I'd seen that I woulda exploded!

You're brave for posting! And pissed or not you have my everlasting RESPECT!


Active member
Medical Examiner: George Floyd May Have Had a ‘Fatal Level’ of Fentanyl When He Died https://www.theepochtimes.com/medical-examiner-george-floyd-may-have-had-a-fatal-level-of-fentanyl-when-he-died_3476562.html


ICMag Donor
Chauvin lawyer: Restraint didn't kill Floyd, ill health and drug abuse did

Chauvin lawyer: Restraint didn't kill Floyd, ill health and drug abuse did

Chauvin lawyer: Restraint didn't kill Floyd, ill health and drug abuse did
Motion says former officer acted professionally and showed care in his actions. Star Tribune

The defense attorney for former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin is arguing that George Floyd died from chronic health problems exacerbated by drug abuse, not because of the restraint the officer used on him.
Eric Nelson filed motions late Friday in Hennepin County District Court on behalf of Chauvin, one of four officers charged in the May 25 death of the 46-year-old Floyd. Nelson also is seeking to change the location of the trial.
Throughout his interaction with Floyd, “Chauvin exuded a calm and professional demeanor” as well as a concern for the potential risks of the restraint he used on him, Nelson wrote.
Chauvin, the officer seen kneeling on Floyd’s neck, faces one count each of second-degree unintentional murder, third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter. Three other former officers, J. Alexander Kueng, Thomas Lane and Tou Thao, are charged with aiding and abetting manslaughter and murder.
In his 27-page motion, Nelson noted there was no bruising or tissue damage to Floyd’s neck or back. “Chauvin was clearly being cautious about the amount of pressure he used to restrain Mr. Floyd — cautious enough to prevent bruising,” Nelson wrote, adding that a bystander video showed Floyd raising his head several times while he was on the ground, something Nelson said he would not have been able to do if Chauvin had his neck fully pinned.
Images from the police training manual as well as the scene of Floyd’s death were included with the court filing. Motions to dismiss are standard practice in criminal cases, but this one also provides a detailed preview of arguments Nelson is likely to make at trial — if one is held.
Judge Peter Cahill will hear arguments on the motions Sept. 11.
The state also has filed several motions, including one signaling that it will seek an extended sentence for the officers if they are convicted at trial scheduled for March 2021.
Chauvin and Thao were the third and fourth officers on the scene. Kueng and Lane were the first to confront Floyd outside Cup Foods in south Minneapolis. The two responded to a 911 call from a store clerk alleging that Floyd had paid with a counterfeit $20 bill, a felony.
What Chauvin saw when he arrived on the scene with his partner Thao was a “strong man struggling mightily with police officers, which seemed contradictory to Mr. Floyd’s claims about not being able to breathe,” Nelson wrote, adding that Floyd was “handcuffed and acting erratically. Continued struggle posed a risk of injury to Mr. Floyd and, potentially, to officers.”
Nelson noted that the officers discussed but did not use a hobble restraint on Floyd because doing so would have made it harder to move him into the ambulance. “Chauvin demonstrated a concern for Mr. Floyd’s well-being — not an intent to inflict harm,” Nelson wrote.
Recordings from the body-worn cameras of Kueng and Lane as well as toxicology results from Floyd’s autopsy indicate he had ingested fentanyl just before his arrest — something that would have been problematic given his underlying health, Nelson wrote.
“He was a daily smoker of cigarettes. His heart was at the ‘upper limit of size’ due to untreated hypertension. Mr. Floyd suffered from arteriosclerotic and hypertensive heart disease,” Nelson wrote.
Floyd also told officers he had recently recovered from COVID-19 and was still positive for the virus at the time of his death, the memo said. Floyd also had been addicted to opiates for years and was under the influence of narcotics when he died, according to the memo.
Nelson wrote that he wasn’t attacking Floyd’s character by mentioning drug use but that “the most likely cause” of his death was “fentanyl or a combination of fentanyl and methamphetamine in concert with his underlying health conditions.”
When Hennepin County Medical Examiner Andrew Baker briefed prosecutors on the results of Floyd’s autopsy, he said, “If [Floyd] were found dead at home alone” with no evidence of other causes, it would have been “acceptable” to label his death a drug overdose.
Fentanyl overdoses have been certified at levels significantly lower than the amount Floyd had in his body, Nelson wrote.

Cool Moe

Active member
trolls everywhere you look in here these days, just dominating these switchboards with their nonsense, hatred, and division.


The Tri Guy
Elon Musk pointed out that when someone gets covid, goes for a swim and gets eaten by a shark, that's a covid death. Now some are saying if you take drugs and get killed by cops, that's a drug overdose? Seems a strange way to collect stats to me.


Well-known member
Elon Musk pointed out that when someone gets covid, goes for a swim and gets eaten by a shark, that's a covid death. Now some are saying if you take drugs and get killed by cops, that's a drug overdose? Seems a strange way to collect stats to me.

people "say" lots of stupid shit...folks with diabetes etc can live for decades with it. but if they get covid, they can die pretty quick. not a hard connection to make. the virus sped up their demise by decades.
fentanyl killed Floyd...the media copy and pasted to create a narrative... called it day one... cops will walk as I predicted...riots will explode tenfold


ICMag Donor
fentanyl killed Floyd...the media copy and pasted to create a narrative... called it day one... cops will walk as I predicted...riots will explode tenfold

Contributed....maybe, heart attack with fentanyl, but the closing off the trachea (wind pipe) with heavy KNEE indention, rolling back and forth....THAT's WHAT KILLED G.R. Murder 1st degree pre meditated.

Riots....I haven't seen this much discord in cities everywhere since NIXON days, 1972. Recall a riot at UNM, turning over VW, lighting on fire.

It's going to continue until DJT croaks on cheeeeeze burgers or he's ousted.



Well-known member
Fentanyl AND methamphetamine as in Ice , so yeah .....He was speedballin comin and goin , but that so-called "training officer" that choked that guy out for 8:46 , thus the "Get your knees off our necks" march in DC recently and sparked all this bullshit so-called "peaceful protesting" that allows the anarchists cover to burn , pillage , and loot said Democratic run cities for the last 3 months is political guaranteed........George Floyd was tragic , but what it sparked was paid for riots in the streets that Democrats thought would buy them an election.....and it backfired on em.....now.....

Biden`s comin outta his basement to condemn the violence and blame it all on Trump.....I pray for deliverance , but Biden`s world`s not 1 I look forward to.....After 3 months of NOTHING , not a WORD about rioting in the streets , statues toppled , people killed while the whole world that mainstream media and Democrats control turned their cheek and acted like all this shit wasn`t goin on and refused to tell the American people what was goin on without THEIR spin on it , but rather "peaceful protests" that might`ve gotten a little outta hand.... Cities affected are run by nuthin ass Democrats with NO regard for their citizens whatsoever.....NOW .....Joe`s comin out....lil too late while turning this shit around and tryin to blame it all on Trump ..... What`s Joe`s plan to stop all this shit ?.....Oh....

Where`s Joe....God help us all if he s elected.....God bless George Floyd , and God Bless America.....

Peace.....DHF....:ying: .....
Contributed....maybe, heart attack with fentanyl, but the closing off the trachea (wind pipe) with heavy KNEE indention, rolling back and forth....THAT's WHAT KILLED G.R. Murder 1st degree pre meditated.

Riots....I haven't seen this much discord in cities everywhere since NIXON days, 1972. Recall a riot at UNM, turning over VW, lighting on fire.

It's going to continue until DJT croaks on cheeeeeze burgers or he's ousted.


nope... knee had zero to do with it, knee wasn't even putting pressure... this is a 100% a copy and paste job by the media to push a false narrative to rile the rabble...just wait till the innocent cops walk free !! i welcome it actually , the more rioting the better chance Trump has of be reelected


Well-known member
VIDEO: The Final Proof: Trump Has Been Stoking Division and Violence While Democrats Have Been Pushing Peace and Unity


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