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geoengineering chemtrails soil ph and orgonite


el dub

Here's a little ditty from Commander Loohan's diary.

Quote: Nov. 8, '10: (12:25pm) Bad chem here, including some "vibeless" sprayers.

That old flagrant CIAtanist al-Awlaki is up to tricks again (BBC article). I last mentioned him May 24, saying he was on the surface in the desert in Saudi Arabia. I think he still is, but in a different location, along with 4 Saudi bodyguards. The bodyguards are not satanist, and 1 even still has a soul. Of course the Saudi regime is satanist and Jesuit-controlled.

I just updated the Qikxie page, and also have to announce the advent of yet another little nature-humanoid ally. These have no name that i can get, so i'm calling them the Red Elves. They are not at all related to the Um (oom) elves that i have mentioned before. The Red Elves have not been in our solar system before. They found out about my group and showed up.

The first i noticed was that i sensed some strange entities working the energies on my property uphill from my cabin this morning. Three females. I shrugged and bent down to pick up some firewood near my cabin, when i sensed a presence. It was the 3 ladies, all lovey-dovey. Seems i had married them in my sleep 3 nights ago.

Red Elves are around 14" tall, with bright orange, curly hair on their heads, armpits, crotches, and legs, like humans (the Um do not have body hair and are taller with dark hair). They have orange irises and pink skin. They are impeccably beautiful.
I have invited more, and now there are 60 more elvish couples here.

(4:40pm) Lately my kami Wopwex and her companion the 7D girl often hang around my CB array (the one in the recent video) and work the orgone for days on end when the chem gets real bad.

I had my 3 Red Elves on my shoulders and i walked down there and introduced them. The elves started helping those two, then called the other Red Elves over and all 123 of these elves were working on it with the other 2 for a long time. Now the 3 have rejoined me while the others continue.

It has been a bizarre day for sprayer pics. So far i've gotten 3 more of those bottle-shaped sprayers, but they were all further away and the pics poorer.

Also several pics of this plane that seems to have a protrusion from the fuselage between the front and rear wings.

And i got several pics of this blob in the distance.

And several of a different-looking item.

At one point i heard a jet roar approaching, sounding like it was kind of low and slow and about to pop into view over the trees. I readied my camera. Like all the "planes" this afternoon, it had no vibe other than that of a connection to those NGC 5746 ETs, so i expected to see a chemtrail.

So imagine my surprise when this apparent propellor plane came into view, no trail, but sounding like a jet! Next time i'll have the presence of mind to switch the camera to movie mode and record the sound.... end quote


New member
The UN was responding to a global warming mitigation strategy, which would have been to spray reflective particles in the upper atmosphere to obviously reflect sunlight, and reduce the warming effect. Other similar schemes to increase cloud cover, were proposed.

The UN said they didn't think it was a good idea at all, and in fact, made sure to prevent anything similar done in their name.

The fact that they banned something that was proposed doesn't mean anyone is using them.. same sort of reasoning behind banning biological weapons, and hydrogen bombs.. because these things are feasible, there needs to be legislation ensuring that there remains no grey area regarding their use.

You just proved you are full of crap. You said spraying is done to reflect sunlight during the day? Really? I guess they are spraying predominantly at night for no reason. But then again what do I know when mighty mouth know it all is spouting his rubbish.

Your veil is completely transparent.


New member
The UN banned geoengineering procedures which involved spraying substances to reflect or intercept sunlight. The most logical delivery method is from planes. Just because the tech exists to do something, doesn't mean that that something is being done.

Chemtrails have been theorized to be mind control chemicals, to sedate or enrage the population, chemicals to destroy agriculture, geoengineering experiments or procedures, things done by the government, things done by rich individuals, or by secret organizations like the Masons, etc.

You're not even consistent.

You are frightfully ignorant and a terrible guesser.


New member
Orgonite is only interesting for one thing, the fact that the beat generation featured it in more than a few books.

Otherwise, the very description of it says bullshit. Vague descriptions of mystical powers, defiance of the laws of physics, failed pretty much every double blind test to prove the claims of its supporters.

geoengineering is an interesting subject, lots of things to discuss, theories, methods, for example the possible colonization of mars.. or if you wish, have a look at Ascension Island, as an example of what humanity can do positively to change environments.

Normalcy bias can turn any charlatan into a know it all blowhard who knows nothing at all.

Oh gee, what is this?


I bet you believe in global warming dont you?


~Resident Puck Bunny~
Make your point without insults.

BTW....asking people to go to a website that ends with .gov isn't smart.


Active member

this video about chemtrails covers all the bases

Ixnay this lady explains what intraflights are these are really the only planes crisscrossing commercial planes don't do this.

this vid also speaks about nasa's fake contrail labeling and everything else on the subject with facts and refrences

Johnny good to see you here still and silver!


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
You just proved you are full of crap. You said spraying is done to reflect sunlight during the day? Really? I guess they are spraying predominantly at night for no reason. But then again what do I know when mighty mouth know it all is spouting his rubbish.

Your veil is completely transparent.


No, I'm saying that one of the many theories bandied about by twits like you involve them spraying reflective particles into the upper atmosphere to reflect sunlight, therefor allowing less heat to get to the earth, and thus reducing global warming..

The UN heard it as a proposal, and said (not unsurprisingly) we don't want anything to do with that.

Tinfoiled wonders like you take it as proof that chemtrails exist, most non-conspiratorial folks see it as exactly what it was, the UN saying it was a bad idea, and acting to make sure it doesn't happen.


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
You are frightfully ignorant and a terrible guesser.

You're awfully judgmental, I'm just stating facts as I've read them, I've seen all of those theories proposed(and others) and I've yet to see anyone produce evidence backing any of the multitudes of guesses.. heck, even the "documentary" you guys keep telling me to watch is called "what in the world are they spraying"..

I suppose you have the answer, and some solid evidence to back it up?


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
Normalcy bias can turn any charlatan into a know it all blowhard who knows nothing at all.

Oh gee, what is this?


I bet you believe in global warming dont you?

Oh wow, a government agency tasked with studying how the atmosphere works, and how the things we release into it affect us and the environment..

Rock solid proof of chemtrails, mister. (where are the sarcasm tags..) Sorry I'm so normal, I just have trouble accepting global conspiracies whose ideas of proof involve filming jets and making ignorant claims (a-holes like you don't help much either).

I don't believe in "global warming", I am however fairly convinced that humans are involved in global climate change, and I've seen plenty of evidence which points to pollution being a cause of increased glacier melt, rising sea levels, and many of the other symptoms including more extreme weather and rising global temps..


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"

this video about chemtrails covers all the bases

Ixnay this lady explains what intraflights are these are really the only planes crisscrossing commercial planes don't do this.

this vid also speaks about nasa's fake contrail labeling and everything else on the subject with facts and refrences

Johnny good to see you here still and silver!

Crop inspectors are now meteorological experts?

The problem with this stuff is the logical leaps they make. Contrails become clouds if the humidity is right, this can affect things in the same way that regular cloud cover does, but because they're human made, they have an environmental impact (I'm with you up to here). Then all of a sudden it's a cover up, and a conspiracy.

That's when you lose me.

I agree that humanity is making a mess, I don't agree that it's anything other than greed, laziness or ignorance causing these problems.

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