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geoengineering chemtrails soil ph and orgonite


I am who I am coz I is who I is.
The struggle for me is to live peacefully amidst it. Not to go down peacefully, no! But not to let the fact idiots are in charge ruin my day all the time. Some days this is not so easy.

Fighting the good fight, and trying not to be an angry jerk.

Amen brother, i try to keep at peace with myself and the earth and try not to get angry over it all, until enough people stand up for our mother GHIA then theres not much few ppl can do, but alot of voices can be heard.
I chant the daimoku from nichiren buddaeism, helps me keep at peace with oneself and share the peace with the earth and those around us.


The link is in my sig :D


Well-known member
Just wrote a long post and hit backspace, and lost it.This is a good discussion.Control by a select few.They want to control our food supply, at least we can still grow real food,unlike India where Monsanto owns all the seed co.Aspartame in all the gum, aluminum in our air food deodorant, and toothpaste.At least we are aware!Afro , people can only understand things when they are ready.Mr. F, I feel your pain and frustration, but you are fighting peacefully by spreading the truth!I highly recommend you look into using orgonite to help make some positive change.I know you are a chemist and scientific minded, but this stuff is extremely powerful and useful.Speaking from experience.Just look into Joe Cells, its connected.I use orgonite, and it has blown me away!You can make it yourself and it has may uses.JB, no chemtrails for 2 days now.I think one application of the chemtrails is to kill crops and trees to make us dependant on gmo and aluminum resistant seeds.


Active member
There's some pretty far out considerations for the real reasons behind chem trails. Eugenics has been bandied about. If you want to see eugenics in action you need look no further than the continued use of GE food despite the studies showing sterility in rats and hamsters after 3 generations. How much of the population eats this crap? Just like sugar has caused obesity and diabetes epidemics (greatly accelerated by HFCS) but is put in nearly everything we get sold as food, so GE will permeate into every facet of the food chain till huge swathes of the population are subject to it's negative effects. How negative are those effects - we have no real idea.

I think with chem trails it's more like a company wanting to sell excess chemicals, and a govt desperate enough to believe the shonky science that it will alleviate global warming.

I'm only a chemistry student, but I will continue in the discipline as I need to understand a lot more of what I read.

A well balanced organic diet, a worthy purpose, and people I love, this keeps me sane enough to function effectively in this world while still enjoying life. Just change the diet and emotional health suffers, especially when tired. Winter can be bad too, I think the lack of the suns vitamin e directly affects my mood. I lose energy and focus around the end of each winter and bounce back remarkably as spring warms up and I get some sun and of course a lot more time in my beloved garden.


Well-known member
Jb, nice qoute.Mr. F. I agree with all off those reasons for chemtrails plus more including warfare.The aluminum particles block the sun too.It has warmed a lot in the 2 days with no spraying.JB, heres some links to the un meeting banning chemtrails.
Anyone interested in orgonite?It has many benefits for gardening too, and making energy more efficient.It is a powerful tool.Mr F.?


Well-known member
This movie sums up the reasoning behind a lot of these topics we are discussing.
The Codex Alimentarius =
international harmonisation(globalization)
abolition of organic farming
introduction of gm food and livestock
removal of all ingredients labelling
restriction of all natural remedies
This is all in play already,also the u.s. did not agree to the u.n. chemtrail ban.


New member
This movie sums up the reasoning behind a lot of these topics we are discussing.
The Codex Alimentarius =
international harmonisation(globalization)
abolition of organic farming
introduction of gm food and livestock
removal of all ingredients labelling
restriction of all natural remedies
This is all in play already,also the u.s. did not agree to the u.n. chemtrail ban.

Whats your opinion on the US refusing to stop spraying? I have researched a great deal but always open to new ideas and opinions.

What scares me even more is I saw only one bee the entire summer and it was dead inside a flower outside our house. The bees are definitely missing. People just laughed at me until I explained why bees are so important. Then they started noticing too.

Kill the bees, destroy all crops. Force humanity to eat gmo's, get sick from lack of nutes, buy big pharma's poison. repeat.

Codex alimentarius took effect in December 2009. In that time, you are the first person I have met anywhere who even knew about this. The very fact that this codex labels nutrients as "toxins" is beyond alarming. All meat treated with monsanto recombinant bovine virus?!!!?

It is hard to believe such evil exists, yet here it is. We are nothing more than cattle to these deceivers.


New member
There's some pretty far out considerations for the real reasons behind chem trails. Eugenics has been bandied about. If you want to see eugenics in action you need look no further than the continued use of GE food despite the studies showing sterility in rats and hamsters after 3 generations. How much of the population eats this crap? Just like sugar has caused obesity and diabetes epidemics (greatly accelerated by HFCS) but is put in nearly everything we get sold as food, so GE will permeate into every facet of the food chain till huge swathes of the population are subject to it's negative effects. How negative are those effects - we have no real idea.

I think with chem trails it's more like a company wanting to sell excess chemicals, and a govt desperate enough to believe the shonky science that it will alleviate global warming.

I'm only a chemistry student, but I will continue in the discipline as I need to understand a lot more of what I read.

A well balanced organic diet, a worthy purpose, and people I love, this keeps me sane enough to function effectively in this world while still enjoying life. Just change the diet and emotional health suffers, especially when tired. Winter can be bad too, I think the lack of the suns vitamin e directly affects my mood. I lose energy and focus around the end of each winter and bounce back remarkably as spring warms up and I get some sun and of course a lot more time in my beloved garden.

Eugenics is behind everything the new world order stands for. Their goal is to split humanity into 2 races so that they can rule forever. Not a conspiracy, but a carefully implemented strategy.


Alchemical Botanist
Johnny Bud I understand and support your conclusions on this 100%. I have friends who worked in the "food" industry and when i found out about the codex i started telling everyone i know about it. It's about time for a refresher too! The codex is all about "helping" people also. Pretty much anything that hasn't been processed six ways from hell isn't allowed... because it might have...gasp... germs! I detest these fuckpigs sooooo much somedays.

All i need do is point to the fact that monsantokillercorp has it's bloodsoaked hands in inventing, distributing, and misleading the public on a huge number of deadly and persistent toxins. Aspartame, fucking agent orange, PCB's, the list just goes one. that filthy monster cheney-san has been on the leading edge of mass distribution of all sorts of toxins.

Fight the power hungry with free distribution of knowledge to help us all heal each other. The real parasites will starve themselves to death.


Well-known member
I think the spraying will continue everywhere they want.The U.N is just the world banks army, and they are all in on it.The u.s. will keep doing it in other countries too, I think.We get sprayed all the time ,and we had tons of bees(cause of our outdoor garden.)I saw some huge ones and dragonflies too.Just found out about the codex tonight, from Ian Crane.I like David Ickes videos too.3rdI , is the codex part of your friends job training?Even though knowledge is power this stuff can make you feel overwelmed, I know this is the hard part but lets talk about some solutions too!Orgonite,Joe cells,The vortex based mathematics of Marko Rodin,Free instant energy,traditional knowledge/remedies,things we can do to beat the oppression and lies peacefully.I'm still waiting to really talk about orgonite,and I have some experience with it if anyone has questions.Ashe , the power to make things happen.


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
I've yet to see any evidence of anything besides water vapor and unburnt hydrocarbons + burnt hydrocarbon byproducts in the vapor trails behind planes.

If there's aluminum in your soil, look to what's coming out of factory smokestacks, what they're dumping into rivers and oceans, and other recognized fonts of pollution, not what "seems right to the guy who assures me that 9/11 was an inside job". Really, there's plenty of evil, in people and corporations, there's no need to invent new ones.


Alchemical Botanist
I think the spraying will continue everywhere they want.The U.N is just the world banks army, and they are all in on it.The u.s. will keep doing it in other countries too, I think.We get sprayed all the time ,and we had tons of bees(cause of our outdoor garden.)I saw some huge ones and dragonflies too.Just found out about the codex tonight, from Ian Crane.I like David Ickes videos too.3rdI , is the codex part of your friends job training?Even though knowledge is power this stuff can make you feel overwelmed, I know this is the hard part but lets talk about some solutions too!Orgonite,Joe cells,The vortex based mathematics of Marko Rodin,Free instant energy,traditional knowledge/remedies,things we can do to beat the oppression and lies peacefully.I'm still waiting to really talk about orgonite,and I have some experience with it if anyone has questions.Ashe , the power to make things happen.

Thank you for pointing out that delving into this arena without a break can possibly cause some anxiety cyat.

It is most certainly about healing and what can we do. I'm going to look into orgonite some more as i have heard it mentioned, but know next to nothing about it.

David Icke is a genius in my book and his research is pretty sound.

As for my friends training? Yep, it includes all these protocols that are supposed to make food safer and at the same time make it seem that, without a fancy "processing" plant, your food will be dirty and unclean and not fit for consumption.

Let's talk about solutions. Mr Fista already mentioned some. Things like saving pure seed. If need be growing a small crop indoors just to make sure that seeds aren't contaminated by GMO genes. Making your own food and fertilizers, soap, basic things. Actively not giving money to these corporations or their, often cleverly hidden, subsidiaries and buy-out companies.

Taking care of yourself and your environment. Telling neighbors about soil health in a gentle fashion. Lead by example. :)

There is hope. Plenty of it. :jump:


Active member
Now we're talking. Solutions.

There are 4 (that I know of) major seed banks in the world determined to save genetics. But who owns them? Always seed your old school crops to excess and pass the seed on to others.

We need to promote and encourage independance. Real freedom not the shite the us government always bandies about. Independant water supplies, power supplies, food supplies. Cut them off from your money. Good nutrition alleviates many health problems. My sick cats only needed a switch to organic diet and they came right. The vets cost a fortune for band aiding the actual cause - their 'medical' and nutritionally based diet was utter crap and costing me a small fortune while actually contributing to the problem which cost me more small fortunes. I missed out on purchasing a scope twice because I didn't know how to care for my animals properly and had to give all my money to a drug peddling 'professional'.

Money is their life blood. Cut it off.


Fuck Entropy.
Money is not their life blood.

They make the rules... They print the money.

Power is their lifeblood.

Presently, They manage our psychological relationship (via media outlets, and the extension of credit/debt) to money to control our world view, and keeps us enslaved to a system that dissipates and misdirects our vitality.

But that's just nit-picking.

Like you say, true local (quiet) independence is the only mechanism for survival.

Although all monumental acts in history have been precipitated by one or a few giant personalities.

Mine is small.

Like a fieldmouse.

So, like a fieldmouse, I think I will hide.

And collect the old seeds.

And try and protect them from particulate aluminum and the terminator genes...


New member
I've yet to see any evidence of anything besides water vapor and unburnt hydrocarbons + burnt hydrocarbon byproducts in the vapor trails behind planes.

If there's aluminum in your soil, look to what's coming out of factory smokestacks, what they're dumping into rivers and oceans, and other recognized fonts of pollution, not what "seems right to the guy who assures me that 9/11 was an inside job". Really, there's plenty of evil, in people and corporations, there's no need to invent new ones.

You have every right not to believe but basing your argument on nothing more than guessing simply isn't going to win an argument.

You have yet to see evidence? That is telling. Considering the fact that so many respected scientists are going out of their way to offer evidence and talk about this issue illustrates an interesting relationship between your inability to seek evidence and your ability to dismiss it.


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
SBS news here in Australia were talking to an Indian woman called Vandana Shiva who has dedicated her life to setting up heirloom seedbanks and is taking monsanto on in the media. She is an amazing woman and said monsanto's share price has dropped by 49% in the last year...already halfway there :smoke:

Do not be fooled into feeling powerless and that your voice is just going to be ignored. Many people are waking up to the NWO agenda or whatever you wish to call it. The Indians are protesting en masse against GM seeds and are refusing to sow them after disasterous results and crop failure. They have also woken up the the vaccination scam/eugenics agenda. The Chinese are also very suspicious and many around western nations are also refusing the flu one at least. The poison is everywhere.

By educating the masses via the internet we have been rising from our slumber. David Icke puts it well by saying humanity is finally getting off our knees and pulling our heads out of the sand.

The Federal reserve is well on track to the complete ruination of the US and world economy. The $ crash is waking up many people who used to call all this just conspiracy theory...

@ixnay007 Have you done some research of 9/11? Other than what is on fox,cnn or snopes? The official conspiracy theory has holes in it large enough to fly a boeing through. Have you read Hunter S.Thompson's last book, Kingdom of Fear? After Hunters initial Osama paranoia and revenge lust he realises his error and states the buildings were blown up. He was rumoured to be planning a 9/11 book as his next work before his asassination... i mean suicide :smoke:



New member
Johnny Bud I understand and support your conclusions on this 100%. I have friends who worked in the "food" industry and when i found out about the codex i started telling everyone i know about it. It's about time for a refresher too! The codex is all about "helping" people also. Pretty much anything that hasn't been processed six ways from hell isn't allowed... because it might have...gasp... germs! I detest these fuckpigs sooooo much somedays.

All i need do is point to the fact that monsantokillercorp has it's bloodsoaked hands in inventing, distributing, and misleading the public on a huge number of deadly and persistent toxins. Aspartame, fucking agent orange, PCB's, the list just goes one. that filthy monster cheney-san has been on the leading edge of mass distribution of all sorts of toxins.

Fight the power hungry with free distribution of knowledge to help us all heal each other. The real parasites will starve themselves to death.

Thanks for your support, it actually means a great deal everytime I see awareness like yours, it gives me a sense of hope.


New member
SBS news here in Australia were talking to an Indian woman called Vandana Shiva who has dedicated her life to setting up heirloom seedbanks and is taking monsanto on in the media. She is an amazing woman and said monsanto's share price has dropped by 49% in the last year...already halfway there :smoke:

Do not be fooled into feeling powerless and that your voice is just going to be ignored. Many people are waking up to the NWO agenda or whatever you wish to call it. The Indians are protesting en masse against GM seeds and are refusing to sow them after disasterous results and crop failure. They have also woken up the the vaccination scam/eugenics agenda. The Chinese are also very suspicious and many around western nations are also refusing the flu one at least. The poison is everywhere.

By educating the masses via the internet we have been rising from our slumber. David Icke puts it well by saying humanity is finally getting off our knees and pulling our heads out of the sand.

The Federal reserve is well on track to the complete ruination of the US and world economy. The $ crash is waking up many people who used to call all this just conspiracy theory...

@ixnay007 Have you done some research of 9/11? Other than what is on fox,cnn or snopes? The official conspiracy theory has holes in it large enough to fly a boeing through. Have you read Hunter S.Thompson's last book, Kingdom of Fear? After Hunters initial Osama paranoia and revenge lust he realises his error and states the buildings were blown up. He was rumoured to be planning a 9/11 book as his next work before his asassination... i mean suicide :smoke:


FUCK YES YOU TELL IT BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In time, the fed will burn and all its constituents will get what they deserve.

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