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Genetically Engineered Cannabis


fuck the ticket, bought the ride
Can confirm that field trials have been going on for several years in north Warks on different soil types and aspect and is well known by the local lads.
Fields used are normally away from roads but can be found from public footpaths , i know many farmers from shooting rabbits on their land and none will talk about this crop or the GM trials also going on.

On two fields have seen no plants the following year in the hedges and cover strips , crop was dessicated with glysophate or similar in mid september and combined for seed and cattle feed , same as oilseed rape , looks like they deep ploughed after and seeded for pasture.

Last year loads was being taken from fields and sold as weed to the unwary or mixed in with genuine bud to bulk it out , looked the part and had trichs but just gave you a migraine and a sore throat.

There is apparantly a good example adjoining the northern relief road in Hinkley that is fast becomeing a tourist attraction.

Wait wait wait....you think the super secret test fields of GM hemp grown by legitimate farmers are being stuffed into the sacks you purchase off the street to "bulk it out?"

You sir, might be insane.


The Tri Guy
green, i think the way we speak over here is confusing the issue. "was being taken" means rippers were going at night and stealing it to bulk up their illegal sales on the street.
If you knew uk dealers, you'd know that really inst far fetched at all.


The Tri Guy
nothing other than they need better security around the places theyre grown in.
Just pointing out where some confusion was starting to creep in.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
So the speculative yet seemingly firm position is that there is no GM Cannabis being grown or tested at all? I find that hard to believe given the size of the global hemp industry.


fuck the ticket, bought the ride
Here's my stance:

GM cannabis could be a great thing

The only GM hemp has botrytis resistance.

We COULD today put this resistance into our drug cultivars. This sort of technology will be a benefit to cannabis lovers everywhere. We don't need to have an irrational fear of GMOs. We just need to properly test and segregate them from the rest of the ecosystem.

Doc doesn't have any credible evidence of the terminator gene in hemp.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
This is a very interesting article from Treating Yourself magazine, a controversial one I am sure many have read already but it does have some plausible scenarios regarding GM Cannabis seeds.

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fuck the ticket, bought the ride
If you thought High Times and Cannabis Culture has some bad writing then Treating Yourself might just be for you! Could they be more biased? Sometimes whole words are missing from sentences. And anytime they bring up Sam the Skunkman they try to make him seem like the devil. Not only with his frankenweed bullshit but they attacked him about water hash patents. I believe they were questioning if Ed, Rob Clarke, Mila, and Sam were DEA agents. Because they got the info out about water hash? Whaaaaat?


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
I think Sam is a Cannabis hero as far as I am concerned but there are some points in there about the Monsanto terminator gene and how it works which is why it comes up in a google search about GM Cannabis but it seems this article has caused quite a stir I am sure it has been talked about on here already.

I suspect that GM Cannabis research most likely is being done for strain patenting purposes and not only for purposes of beneficial traits like botyris resistance. There is alot of investment money being thrown at the Cannabis industry right now and big pharma companies probably are trying to find ways to protect "their" investments. I do fear big businesses coming in and taking over this industry, the whole thing is scary to think about. Save your landraces!


Now in technicolor
Nothing wrong with genetic engineering. I can't wait till we can engineer the plant to NOT look like weed, be far more potent and so forth.

There's a new strain of the coca plant that produces 4x as much cocaine and is resistant to the US defoliation efforts in Columbia. The plant was not genetically engineered, but it's still a good example of the types of things we'll be able to do!


Trying to have a good day
I think Sam is a Cannabis hero as far as I am concerned but there are some points in there about the Monsanto terminator gene and how it works which is why it comes up in a google search about GM Cannabis but it seems this article has caused quite a stir I am sure it has been talked about on here already.

I suspect that GM Cannabis research most likely is being done for strain patenting purposes and not only for purposes of beneficial traits like botyris resistance. There is alot of investment money being thrown at the Cannabis industry right now and big pharma companies probably are trying to find ways to protect "their" investments. I do fear big businesses coming in and taking over this industry, the whole thing is scary to think about. Save your landraces!

It seems like something like that has happened already in Spain.


ICMag Donor
Wait wait wait....you think the super secret test fields of GM hemp grown by legitimate farmers are being stuffed into the sacks you purchase off the street to "bulk it out?"

You sir, might be insane.

Far from insane , you cannot imagine how bad the supply and quality of weed is around here unless you grow or know a grower.

Hemp flowers are just the latest in a long list of plant material added to double profit by low level dealers or to sell as is to idiot kids , dried nettle flowers previously used and still common.

The unguarded and unfenced fields are part of an official test that is getting no publicity , the implication is they are about to derestrict hemp in the UK and about time too.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Genetically modified medpot?
By Reverend Damuzi - Tuesday, February 29 2000

Pharmaceutical companies may seize control of Canada's medical marijuana supply.
A source within the Ministry of Health, who wishes to remain anonymous, has provided documents and information to Cannabis Culture, describing how Canadian pot is to be grown for upcoming medical trials. The documents call for 185 kg (408 pounds) of pot to be grown in the first year, and double that amount for the second through fifth years.
The thirty-five page guideline document, with the weighty title, Draft Statement of Work for The Development of a Comprehensive Operation for the Cultivation and Fabrication of Marijuana in Canada, is still open to revisions. It includes proposals for how marijuana should be grown, processed and fabricated. Included in these guidelines is the potential to give a notorious pharmaceutical company exclusive rights for selling seeds to the budding medpot industry.

Mississippi schwag

According to the document, "the acquisition of seed will be performed by Health Canada during the project initiation stage. The prime contractor can choose to provide their own seed so long as it is from a licit source."

Which presents a problem. How many licit seed sources exist? In North America the only licit source is the University of Mississippi. Concerns about the effectiveness of notoriously schwaggy U of M bud prompted Dr Kilby of the Community Research Initiative of Toronto to state that he would prefer clinical marijuana come from another source (see CC#22). It would seem that Health Canada recognized these concerns when it began looking for private contractors to do the job.

Yet will the bud really be any different than that produced by the University of Mississippi? Cannabis Culture's anonymous source within the ministry gave us the scoop.

Advertisement"Scheduled labs around the country which are already growing marijuana are using seeds from the University of Mississippi," reported the official. "The genetics come from Monsanto."

Health Canada spokesperson Jeff Pender knew of the recent guidelines document that had been released, but denied knowledge of where the seeds will come from.

"Where would a potential grower get the seeds from?," repeated Pender when I asked him this question. "I'm not really sure. I guess? I could find out for you. I imagine growers could order seeds from the US."

Pender eventually suggested that the National Institute on Drug Abuse, which also gets its cannabis from the University of Mississippi, might be a source for contracted growers looking to buy licit seeds. If the unnamed source at the Ministry of Health is correct, all of these seeds would originally have come from Monsanto.

Monsanto's marijuana

The US-based Monsanto corporation became infamous last year when the public discovered that the huge pharmaceutical company was responsible for producing Agent Orange during the Vietnam war, for producing and selling Roundup to be sprayed on South American villages, for experimenting with dangerous genetically modified foods, and ? most recently ? for creating the dreaded "terminator" seed.

Terminator seeds are genetically engineered to produce a plant that will not produce viable seed, meaning that growers would be forced to go back to Monsanto each year to buy more seed stock to replant. Governments and public alike became wary of the concept when it was discovered that the terminator seed could possibly cross the species barrier, possibly spreading infertility among the plant kingdom like a disease.

Cannabis seeds from Monsanto are almost definitely genetically engineered. Genetically engineered plants can be patented, and it is in Monsanto's best interest to hold a patent on any seed they sell. Seed patents ensure that companies like Monsanto can continue to profit from seeds from year to year, as farmers are legally bound to buy patented seeds from the patent holder rather than simply store them from the last year's crop.

Pharmaceutical schwag

Interestingly, low-potency pot of the kind produced by Monsanto seeds at the University of Mississippi is exactly the kind of product the Ministry of Health is asking for from contractors. The guidelines ask specifically for "standardized marijuana cigarettes with THC content of between 4% and 6% and weighing [about] 850 mg."

Which means the cigarettes to be used for clinical trials will be phatties containing over three-quarters of a gram of schwag bud each! These fat joints will deliver about twice the tar per dose as marijuana currently available from experienced growers, which reaches between 8-10% THC.

The Health Canada document seems concerned that smoking can cause harm, and promises to explore other methods soon after the initial trials are run. Yet the product they choose to use is guaranteed to maximize the risks and problems associated with smoking. Could it be that the Ministry of Health is creating its own excuse not to use smoking as a delivery method?

Our anonymous source within the ministry assures us that the government plans to eventually only allow the use of inhalers, similar to asthma inhalers.

"The inhaler gets rid of any small industry that might develop, by regulating the delivery system. The other idea that didn't go through was to develop a seed system that would allow cultivars from across Canada which would then be grandfathered. What this means is that once the cultivated varieties were tested they would be introduced just the same as if they had been genetically modified."

Patented seeds and dose delivery methods could mean complete pharmaceutical control of medicinal cannabis sometime in the near future.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Great posting bro and some good info in there, I say they need to get their seeds from Gypsy! Then they might have some useful provable results from the quality end product.

I suggest they grow Sweet Tooth if they want a nice positive buzz but hey I am biased. ;)


fuck the ticket, bought the ride
Headban it's a decade later how'd that genetically modified medpot work out for them? Doesn't the University of Mississippi supply come from seized DEA stuff? That's my understanding. They're also the ones who test the potency of seized illegal drugs.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
You know it's funny because the doc's here still try and stick Cesamet when you go and see them and all the phara THC products they are all over that here. Not sure what it's like in the US but here it's all about the BIG PHARA GM Shit that is all the doc's here push. LOL talk about pushers /you got your DEA/your doc's /your Gov. and they all have BIG Pharma in their pocket atleast here they do.Nabilone,Cesamet Steviex just to name a few.
There is a PP system that the Gov supplies really shitty 7% to 8% bud for $5.00 a gram and it's full of sticks and ppl owe them 1/2 a million in fronts LOL.. They were told to make it weak ,was the story I was told. It also grows 30% faster underground near a copper mined if I'm not mistaken .
peace out Headband707


ICMag Donor
And another paper that talks about the POSSIBILITY of GMOs in hemp. Not a single mention of current ones. Big surprise. Hope this clears things up. And nice use of google Doc.

Brain-ache .. lol

I already told you twice.. you WILL NOT find undisclosed documents on google,, only reference to trials that have already taken place in the UK / Canada / Australia. Reason being, they are undisclosed / secret / in testing.

GMOs (Genetically Modified Organism) are BIG business,, food seeds,, which we later sell to other countries like America, Russia, and China to name a few

Hope this helps

headband 707

Plant whisperer
I agree with doc BIG BUSINESS HERE GM FOODS ASSHOLE ONE AND ALL.. these guys are going to take the seed business down boys so collect those seeds!!!! peace out Headband707


ICMag Donor
Agreed. Once they 'genetically patient' specific cultigens it will be "illegal" to grow them, breed them, and produce next years seed stocks from them, without written permission or royalties being paid. Once genetically modified to terminate or produce in-viable off-spring, then they have us all by the balls. This is Monsanto's main game-plan,, the global domination and control of food supplies :no:

fritillary seed collective have been producing our 'own' varieties/seeds for some years now for this very reason.. (veggie and ganja) ,, not that we ever plan on patenting any of them,, its just the question that they cannot take-away what we already have in seed stocks... they can only lock us up for growing them.

Hemp seeds are no different.

Anyhow,, GM Hemp is BAD news... and since the subject is unquantifiable,, because of prohibitive laws,, and because it's the subject to secret scientific research,, there is no real way of telling if the hemp field down the road is GM or not... (without taking sample seeds and sowing them generativity,, and , we already did that years ago, when they trialed it).

The early bird catches the worms... (and all the GM viruses they may hold)!

Hope this helps

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