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Genetically Engineered Cannabis


ICMag Donor
It was part of trials in the UK,, and since you need a home office license to cultivate hemp in the UK,, then yeah we took / stole the genetics! ALL the plants were hermaphrodites btw.

Terminatory genes restrict plant populations from becoming feral and over-growing agricultural land in proceeding generations. Otherwise crop rotation wouldn't be possible... and domesticated species would grow wild on the field edges,, such is the case with barley in the UK.

I'm not quoting from books here! We done this,, made history!

Hope this helps


dont they have to study and map the genome first?? as far as anybody knows DEA will not authorize official study, in the US anyway right?


ICMag Donor
This isnt in USA !!! The worlds a bigger place! And these hemp trials started in UK and Canada first!

Now they are common place,, under license,, here's 350 acres worth..

Lotus sports car with hemp panels : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZTb1HFhtNo

Please allow us to help educate..

edit : btw ,, you dont want to live anywhere near that shit! it would contaminate regular seed crops!


ICMag Donor
Just cause you aint yet seen it,, don't mean it aint happening :biglaugh:

I cannot explain the science behind it,, because i'm a grower,, not a scientist

Peace n love all


ICMag Donor
Information about GM Cannabis is mostly undisclosed. Some university references,, and information made available to license holders,, that's about all in the UK. There's more information available in Canada.

Many farmers now employ security measures in the UK , mainly to stop teenagers (such as ourselves) stealing their crops.

The reason we took interest and made seeds was mainly as use for a cover crop (not for cannabis) but wild game bird populations. The fact that there isn't a single cannabis plant growing in the original location today (some 6 hecters) after growing rampant and wild in the 2nd season,, would suggests that they weren't "normal" hemp seeds.

Hope this helps


Information about GM Cannabis is mostly undisclosed.
... mainly to stop teenagers (such as ourselves) stealing their crops.

Cool info. Just a teen AND you new what the seeds where, what was going on there?? Come on, you must have been on the inside!


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Had they been "normal" you would have never got rid of them, typical feral hemp is very hard to erradicate it still even grows wild in much of the USA despite constant attempts to remove it and dates back to farmers who grew it during the first World War to supply hemp for the Government. I'm sure Chimera will chime in here later and throw some big fancy words at this discussion and tell everyone why we are all so stupid and know nothing. Same goes for GITT, the resident armchair backseat I read it in a book expert of nada! ;)


fuck the ticket, bought the ride
I don't doubt there's hemp growing on this planet, even though i've never personally seen it. I don't see how the 6 hectares that you personally know is anything more than anecdotal evidence.


fuck the ticket, bought the ride
Yes excuse me for existing in America and never seen fields of terminator infected hemp.

"There are conceptually two types of GURT:

1. V-GURT: This type of GURT produces sterile seeds meaning that a farmer that had purchased seeds containing v-GURT technology could not save the seed from this crop for future planting[1]. This would not have an immediate impact on the large number of primarily western farmers who use hybrid seeds, as they do not produce their own planting seeds, and instead buy specialized hybrid seeds from seed production companies. However, currently around 80 percent of farmers in both Brazil and Pakistan grow crops based on saved seeds from previous harvests.[3] Consequentially, resistance to the introduction of GURT technology into developing countries is strong.[3] The technology is restricted at the plant variety level - hence the term V-GURT. Manufacturers of genetically enhanced crops would use this technology to protect their products from unauthorised use.
2. T-GURT: A second type of GURT modifies a crop in such a way that the genetic enhancement engineered into the crop does not function until the crop plant is treated with a chemical that is sold by the biotechnology company[1]. Farmers can save seeds for use each year. However, they do not get to use the enhanced trait in the crop unless they purchase the activator compound. The technology is restricted at the trait level - hence the term T-GURT."

google is so hard. Good thing someone sprayed your hemp for a few generations or it would not have been viable when you stole it. Did you notice how it said 'conceptually' ?


ICMag Donor
Manufacturers of genetically enhanced crops would use this technology to protect their products from unauthorised use.

Interesting stuff. Like i say there isn't much information on trials which took place 15 years ago.

No doubt the germ-plasm of the 400+ types of commercial hemp seed available to farmers have been altered since then.



fuck the ticket, bought the ride
No doubt the germ-plasm of the 400+ types of commercial hemp seed available to farmers have been altered since then.


Please explain to us the evidence of this statement. The hemp fields are maintained by farmers, funny how i don't see any mention of these terminator traits in the journals. Do you?


ICMag Donor
You will need to get beyond the first few pages of google to find anything relevant to GM hemp seeds. Also note that for food production,, GM crops have not been used (on paper) in the food chain,, although trials have been conducted before in the UK, Canada, and Australia.

Extra reading...



quote : Since Hemps recent comeback and growth in popularity we have found many companies are mass producing hemp which has been slightly genetically modified for industrial reasons,

source : http://www.healthnvitality.com/superfoods/hemp-seeds.htm

As emphasised below,, the use of "GMO's is often outside the scope of analysis".


Hope this helps
Last edited:


ICMag Donor
Enquote : ' "Scheduled labs around the country which are already growing marijuana are using seeds from the University of Mississippi," reported the official. "The genetics come from Monsanto." Health Canada spokesperson Jeff Pender knew of the recent guidelines document that had been released, but denied knowledge of where the seeds will come from. '

Please wake up ppl ,, before it's too late !!

Edit: thanks whoever moved this topic. Its an interesting and relevant subject :yes: :canabis:


ICMag Donor
Can confirm that field trials have been going on for several years in north Warks on different soil types and aspect and is well known by the local lads.
Fields used are normally away from roads but can be found from public footpaths , i know many farmers from shooting rabbits on their land and none will talk about this crop or the GM trials also going on.

On two fields have seen no plants the following year in the hedges and cover strips , crop was dessicated with glysophate or similar in mid september and combined for seed and cattle feed , same as oilseed rape , looks like they deep ploughed after and seeded for pasture.

Last year loads was being taken from fields and sold as weed to the unwary or mixed in with genuine bud to bulk it out , looked the part and had trichs but just gave you a migraine and a sore throat.

There is apparantly a good example adjoining the northern relief road in Hinkley that is fast becomeing a tourist attraction.


The Tri Guy
the only company I know of with a licenece to grow canabis in the uk is GW Pharma, listed on the stock market with an overall capitalisation of 135 million uk pounds. One of the directors has been ditching his shareholding recently and the share price hasnt really moved for the last year. They trade at 85 times earnings which means shareholders are hopefull, (more so than the directors it seems).
For £70 mil we could take control of that company. The shareholders meetings would be very different if we did lol.

Personally, I dont want monkies glowing in the dark, I dont want daffodils to smell like roses, and i dont want my weed plants holding cactus genes and altering the way they operate. I can see benefits in gettting pigs to grow organs that can be used in human transplants, but I'd rather see the genes in plants that can grow outside, develop according to evolution rather than in lab settings.

I deliberately chose to ask what qualitites the thread starter would like to see before chiming in myself as I was interested.

The problem as I see it, (and this is a particularly weak area of my understanding) is that its like upgrading an engine in a car or a graphics card in a computer. You then have to upgrade the grear box/ motherboard etc to handle the new power. Adding a gene to do this or that within a genome while causing that observable new character trait, may be placing demands or having effects that are not noticable until its too late. But as I said, its a weak area for me and my fears may be unfounded.


As the thread starter (not thinking it would escalate to this) I was only wondering if it will be possible? I would love for a seed bank to come out with a new strain that fully resists pest, or can be grown in the winter, or even possibly yield double because the crossed the GE it in some way. But then again would it be bad for us? I try not to eat any produce that is not labeled organic. After reading about pesticides cause ADHD in children and especially bad while pregnant. Is a dwarf plant or an auto flowering plant not genetically altered in some way? If that is true it would not matter because its still the way we grow it? Or is it?


ICMag Donor

Autoflowering plants have been selected by normal breeding methods (often Ruderalis x Skunk).. which has been inbred towards certain natural traits in lineage.

Genetically Modifying breeding is about altering the DNA sequence,, to include a foreign gene,, which triggers a desired effect in the organism(s) and/or offspring.

Hope this helps


fuck the ticket, bought the ride
You will need to get beyond the first few pages of google to find anything relevant to GM hemp seeds. Also note that for food production,, GM crops have not been used (on paper) in the food chain,, although trials have been conducted before in the UK, Canada, and Australia.

Extra reading...


Here's some more quotes from YOUR 'papers.'

"Furthermore, no GMO hemp has been developed " Ooops, did you actually read these?

This whole page is about how they WANT GM hemp that doesn't exist...

And another one that WANTS gm hemp when there isn't any.

"Weiblen’s research found that the genes responsible for THC are active (expressed) in tiny hairs located on Cannabis flowers. A hairless Cannabis variety would be drug free and visually distinct from marijuana. However, hemp industry advocates strongly oppose the genetic modification of Cannabis to exempt it from current U.S. drug policy. They argue that existing hemp varieties are already low in THC; that genetically modified hemp would not appeal to consumers, and that federal drug policy should be amended to permit cultivation of existing varieties."

Notice that it says WOULD be not that GM hemp IS hairless?

quote : Since Hemps recent comeback and growth in popularity we have found many companies are mass producing hemp which has been slightly genetically modified for industrial reasons,

source : http://www.healthnvitality.com/superfoods/hemp-seeds.htm[/QUOTES]

I don't take one sentence from a food store site as evidence of GM hemp. Thanks tho.

As emphasised below,, the use of "GMO's is often outside the scope of analysis".


Hope this helps

And another paper that talks about the POSSIBILITY of GMOs in hemp. Not a single mention of current ones. Big surprise. Hope this clears things up. And nice use of google Doc.