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General Soil Question + More


New member
Hey all, new to the site and really like the content on here, been lurking for a while especially on the 12/12 thread :p

anyway, im creating a story about a fictional scenario and I need some help

my space is 50cm x 1m, heigh around 1.5m

im planning on putting 9-10 plants in there in one big tray like Atmosphere does, but I dont know how much soil would be best used

How many litres of soil yall think ill need? I was thinking around 30-20 but im asking here just to be sure

Also, I will be growing both Bubbleicous and Northern Lights and wanted to know what soil and nute combinations would be best for these strains?

Yall help is appreciated



New member
Im doing my first grow at the moment so I am not maybe the best guy answer but I would suggest you to use as much soil as possible.

I have 5 plants in 2gallon pots and 2 plants in 3 gallon pots and the difference is huge! The ones in the 3gallon pots are way ahead of the ones in the 2 gallon pots and I dont think it's a coincidence :)

At least I will definately have at least 3 gallon pot for every plant I have next time. Unless im going to SOG, but if im going SOG im not gonna prolly use soil. :)



New member
Appreciated B :)

Well i guess then it would have to be at least 25 litres or so

Any links or pics for your current grow m8?



Active member
Go to the grow diaries, find something you like...copy it. It's the best advice I can give. We could talk all day...or you could find a grow under the same conditions as yours and copy what they're doing. Why reinvent the wheel?


New member
Haha appreciated Ibjamming :)

only reason im asking is because i will spending at least 2 hours searching through the 12/12 to find it, but good results require research n patience right?

Appreciated for the reply :]



He's right... if you want a successful grow without the whole learning the ins and outs and quirks of your set up, mirror someone else with a successful op. It cuts out a lot of the work and trial and error.


New member
Oh by the way, one real question im having ( which i guess is pretty important )

If Im using just one big tray filled with soil instead of pots, will i still need holes underneath for the runoff? The water around here is pretty good, and when im watering i will be doing it very carefully using a moisture metre so it gets the exact amount of water needed.

And ive searched and found the answer to my question, if his is a cubic m2 and its 200 litres then im guessing since my dimensions equal 0.5m2 then it would be safe to assume 100 litres would be safe for that space?



EDIT - I editted earlier in response to your post Kstampy but I forgot what I put, will update with my response in the morning :)


Active member
Hey all, new to the site and really like the content on here, been lurking for a while especially on the 12/12 thread :p

anyway, im creating a story about a fictional scenario and I need some help

my space is 50cm x 1m, heigh around 1.5m

im planning on putting 9-10 plants in there in one big tray like Atmosphere does, but I dont know how much soil would be best used

How many litres of soil yall think ill need? I was thinking around 30-20 but im asking here just to be sure

Also, I will be growing both Bubbleicous and Northern Lights and wanted to know what soil and nute combinations would be best for these strains?

Yall help is appreciated


These soil mixes, while organic are tried and true. You can use either one and still use bottled nutes, or you can fertilize anyway you want.

Go here and read the first page.

Either way, these are fool proof easily made soils.


New member
Heavily appreciated grapemAn*, will update or repost after reading but probably wont be till 2moro since im a bit drunk :)




i would have thought you will still need drainage, i think the drainage aids with pulling new air into the mix and also prevents rot setting in.


New member
Appreciated bushwakka, but how would I deal with the drainage when using one big tray in a small space? ie if I put a tray underneath and had the tray suspended or attached above, how would I remove the tray? Or would it just be best to get some sort of vaccum that can suck it up if u get what I mean?



*- Im thinking of suspending the tray even higher and then putting a equally sized tray underneath so it would be easy to remove, im guessing this would work?

Sam the Caveman

Good'n Greasy
Here is what you could do

In the bottom of your tray drill just one hole for drainage and line the bottom of the tray with perlite then put your soil on top of that. If you wanted you could make the hole the exact size of a hose or a screw in barbed fitting and then have the hose drain into a bucket.

Just an idea.


New member
Very highly appreciated Sam, +REP

I know ideas like that are relatively easy to come up with but when youve got so much to research for a fictional scenario where in the story its the dudes first time growing, so many things to think about so its hard to come up with the simple things if you get me.

Im still researching other things at the minute, but if you or others dont mind, what do you think of this list of necesittys so far? Anything to add?

PH UP Adjuster
PH/Moisture Checker
Fan ( to provide air for the stems )
Inline Fan
Lighting -( including ballast and reflector )
Extractor carbon filter ducting ( ie the carbon filter, extractor and ducting )
Tray for the plants
Humidity checker/Thermometer



Also, im going to use the hose pipe idea but im not sure if id have space to have a bucket, if i water while its dark n lights out, could i just place the bucket outside the closet while im watering? I know its obvious but I mean like there definitly wouldnt be any run off at any other time right?


New member
I would suggest you get some kind of trays underneath your soil pots/tray.

Really eases up the cleaning of your garden floor. It is really hard in my opinion to water the plants without any water leaving the drainage hole, hence some kind of tray underneath helps to keep your garden clean. (it gets very dirty when you start feeding them with all kinds of fertilizers if the water floats around the floor).

And as others have stated, in my opinion too having a drainage hole is highly recommended. No need to worry if you accidentally give them too much water and so on.



New member
Iight, appreciated again Biqq :)

well as stated i dont really have any room for a tray underneath as it would be to hard to remove, what do you think of the hose idea draining into a external removeable bucket which is only placed for use when im watering?




New member
what do you think of the hose idea draining into a external removeable bucket which is only placed for use when im watering?

I think that should work. Also I recommend you use some kind of cheesecloth or somekind of net to "cover" the hole so any soil wont get in the tube and/or get out of your tray. Again helps you keep everything clean and nice. :) Just a piece of pantyhose should be perfect for that.



New member
Iite, appreciated again Biqq :)

Ive managed to find some small stumps in my story from when the closet was emptied, and from some simple advice from a relative, i found out i should be able to place a removeable plate underneath so scrap the hose idea :)

What you think of the list in the previous page or anyone else? Coming to ordering in the story soon and need to know if ive missed anything out




New member
Hmmm.... one thing im worrying about is how am I going to know when to water a 70litre container, I thought about getting a moisture metre/ tensiometer but i cant really be spending more than 20 pounds on one and supposedly ones at this price wont really work, how will i be able to tell because the container is gonna be too fkn heavy to pick up, finger in the soil?




New member
Fingers in the soil is a good way. Also you will see when the plant is thirsty when it starts to droop a little bit :)
