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General Hydroponics (Black Magic) at Home Depot


Good bad ugly

Good bad ugly

Hawthorne is definitely bringing indoor gardening gear main stream. They are not finished with their acquisitions in that space as I understand it. I hear they will shortly be expanding their product line significantly (having said that, try walking into HD and getting the quality advice you can get from going into a good grow store). It should be an interesting ride.

GH founder Larry Brooks basically started the indoor gardening industry when he brought to market the Aqua Farm (later renamed Water Farm) to market back in 1975. He initiated the entire idea of flying under the radar and allowing companies to exist and thrive in the US that were designing products specifically for cannabis cultivation at a time when this was certainly frowned upon and could end you career/life.

Personally, I was surprised when he made the decision to sell out (literally and figuratively) to Scott's, who in many ways stands as the antithesis of the very industry he created. The lesson here, kids, is big money always wins. As we speak, small mom and pop operations (whether it be dispensaries or indoor garden stores) are being pushed out by big money. I have been lucky enough to be on the front lines of the burgeoning cannabis industry for over ten years now. It has been quite a ride. Having said that, the future concerns me.

So what do you think? Is the main stream recognition of cannabis and cultivation techniques ultimately good or bad for the proliferation of that magical and yet-to-be completely understood flower? We have survived for years flying below the radar with quite a bit of success. I hope we don't forget the morals and values we picked up along the way. Look out for each other and spread the good herb everywhere you can. Good luck. :tiphat:
They have complete 600w and 1kw lighting systems on their website. Times are changing :) until they offer 25%off, and 30%on big orders I'll be frequenting my local hydroponics outfit :)


Well-known member
So what do you think? Is the main stream recognition of cannabis and cultivation techniques ultimately good or bad for the proliferation of that magical and yet-to-be completely understood flower? We have survived for years flying below the radar with quite a bit of success. I hope we don't forget the morals and values we picked up along the way. Look out for each other and spread the good herb everywhere you can. Good luck. :tiphat:

The good, the bad and the just plain ugly, it doesn't matter what any of us 'think', what will be, will be.:ying:

I'm glad it's gone mainstream 'cause it makes it that much easier on the rest of us.:biggrin:

And no matter what happens legally, there's the unaknowleged reality that there will always be homegrowers doing our thing.;)

Jericho Mile

Hawthorne is definitely bringing indoor gardening gear main stream. They are not finished with their acquisitions in that space as I understand it. I hear they will shortly be expanding their product line significantly (having said that, try walking into HD and getting the quality advice you can get from going into a good grow store). It should be an interesting ride.

GH founder Larry Brooks basically started the indoor gardening industry when he brought to market the Aqua Farm (later renamed Water Farm) to market back in 1975. He initiated the entire idea of flying under the radar and allowing companies to exist and thrive in the US that were designing products specifically for cannabis cultivation at a time when this was certainly frowned upon and could end you career/life.

Personally, I was surprised when he made the decision to sell out (literally and figuratively) to Scott's, who in many ways stands as the antithesis of the very industry he created. The lesson here, kids, is big money always wins. As we speak, small mom and pop operations (whether it be dispensaries or indoor garden stores) are being pushed out by big money. I have been lucky enough to be on the front lines of the burgeoning cannabis industry for over ten years now. It has been quite a ride. Having said that, the future concerns me.

So what do you think? Is the main stream recognition of cannabis and cultivation techniques ultimately good or bad for the proliferation of that magical and yet-to-be completely understood flower? We have survived for years flying below the radar with quite a bit of success. I hope we don't forget the morals and values we picked up along the way. Look out for each other and spread the good herb everywhere you can. Good luck. :tiphat:

It's just sound business. Not everyone lives under the illusion of martyrdom.


Ive used the brand. The All Purpose Supplement is not watered down Floralicious Plus but actually real deal FP just relabled and without the fulvic acid. Its still one ml. per gallon amd only 50 bucks a quart. Last a long time compared to the other kelp/amino supplements on the market. Great as a foliar spray as well in veg with some BioAg Fulpower and yucca added in. The bloom boost also has amino acids (soy protein hydrolysate) along with potassium, phosphorus, a litle nitrogen, molybdenum, sulfer, and magnesium. The base nutrient is a standard 2 part used throughout veg and bloom. A 5-2-8. Loaded with calcium..magnesium..and dtpa chelated iron. Iam sure all of it comes from the GH Sebastopal facility. The base is super cheap. 60 bucks for an A , B. gallon set and one tsp of each part to a gallon of water gives you just over 1.0 EC of a full profile nutrient solution. I dont care where in hell it comes from...who owns what...its at every Home Depot which i have across the street. The coco coir /perlite 1.5 cubic foot bag is 20 bucks. They also have a 3.8 bale of Promix like peat mix but its over priced. The fabric root pruning pots they have (5 and 10 gallon) are overpriced as well and can be sourced cheaper. But everything else is rock bottom inexp3nsive and works as good as the hydroponic shop brands. Ive compared it to Canna..Heavy 16..House and Garden..Botanicare.. and Blue planet and its just as good. Your results will be similar especially with General Hydroponics Keep it Simple feed program.

St. Phatty

Active member
I still like the old-fashioned grow store with the Afro'ed manager who likes to talk about growing - even before '96.

Now if Home Depot starts doing demo's of Ozone generators (industrial size that are normally purchased by sewage plants and other people with smelly ions)

that WOULD be cool :woohoo:

I remember once an Afro'd manager show'd me their ozone generator. It was pretty cool & smelled like lightning and blew a LOT of air.

That was about 1992 so he was doing an act of social activism just by having his store open.

Thought I would add - ozone is very reactive so it's possible you're not supposed to breathe it.


Invertebrata Inebriata
I remember once an Afro'd manager show'd me their ozone generator. It was pretty cool & smelled like lightning and blew a LOT of air.


Thought I would add - ozone is very reactive so it's possible you're not supposed to breathe it.

I remember the first time I smelled ozone up close, I was using a metal grinder. It did smell like lightning or really electrified air, which is kind of what it is. I love that smell. :biggrin:


Are ozone generators even sold in hydro shops anymore? Ive seen them but never heard of anyone buying and using them. And does anyone remember the pre- ozone machines called "ion fountains" ??? Hydrofarm pushed these way back in the day and they didnt work for shit. Lol.


I cough up honey oil
St.Phatty: you are smart to not breath it. There is no safe level of breathable ozone.

First time I really got a lungful of ozone was while trying to generate enough voltage to generate x rays. Big fat 10" arcs will do the trick. Exactly like lightning!

One time I bought this goofy rooting gel/agar type stuff at Home Depot. It was sold in like the same containers as pudding snaks. It was a 4 pac Johnson. I stuck a cut in one of the packs and NOTHING. The three remaining just sat on a shelf for years.

Then one day while going through my seeds, I pulled out some of the oldest, most improperly stored seeds in my stash and while staring at them reminiscing of a time long ago when they were still viable, I remembered those rooting gel snak packs!

I grabbed about 20 seeds and sterilized them real quick before putting them on the surface. I pushed some in a little. I put the 3 pack right back on the shelf and forgot about them. Literally forgot all about them for about a fkn year! Haha

anyway about 4-5 of them germinated at some point! A couple of the ones I pushed into the surface grew normally( leaves up/roots down) and the others had long tap roots laying on the surface. None had come free of the shell.

They were in nearly total darkness. There was zero mold on any of them. The gel had become slightly stiff and dry. No idea how long it took them to actually germ.

It was the first time mold and fungus hadn't been a factor. I've had old seeds pop but grow so slow that they eventually succumbed to disease and rot.

I was at OSH not long ago and saw it on the shelf. If you got old seeds but no autoclave or laminar flow hood(aka peasant class) this is a cheap long shot of an option you may want to try.

Kinda inline with the subject of this thread so not a complete de-rail.:biggrin:


You can buy a pint of PH Down for for $8-$10, I guess they want customers coming back every week.

This has absolutely zero to do with pot!
GH is a fertilizer company and nothing more.

Please read the thread. They are selling products for indoor growing.


Active member
Are ozone generators even sold in hydro shops anymore? Ive seen them but never heard of anyone buying and using them. And does anyone remember the pre- ozone machines called "ion fountains" ??? Hydrofarm pushed these way back in the day and they didnt work for shit. Lol.

Ozone is bad for plants, pets and people. I only advise people to use them to help scrub stinky exhaust going outside.