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GDP Under 318w LED from Hydro-Grow-LED.com


New member
Inverse Square Law, your LED was far too high, you added Borax without knowing the concentrations. pH is one of your most critical factors, if it was out of its proper range then the light doesn't even enter into it, keep these all in mind and good luck next time.


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
I don't agree with your guess on the weight. They still have three weeks left. For where they are at in flowering I think they look pretty good. We'll see how much more weight they pack on.... And I don't know how much growing you have done, but if there's any density at all the plant on the left would easily go an ounce with three weeks to go.

I'm going to take a ride later today and stop in and take a look at them personally and I'll have a much better idea of their density.....

hey jj howd your friends grow turn out under the led?
i know its been a while,,,,
well the plant i cut down last week yielded like 9 grams dry of actual buds (there was alot of larf/popcorn, which i chalked up to having plants that were too tall for the 60 degree viewing angles)... next time i won't veg them over 12" before flowering. anyway, it was an experiment and we'll see in a week and a half what the end yield is... my guess is that the others will yield 2-4x as much as this one, given their longer growth period and closer proximity to the light... the four plants in the middle seem to have way bigger buds on them... seems being directly under the middle of light where all the red spectrum bulbs are made a considerable difference... the ones under the blue/white lights have more distance between the nodes than the center ones...

again if i yield over 1/2 a pound then i will consider this experiment a success...

Nevertheless, I offer this, the prayer of the humble LED grower:
O God of Heaven and Earth, of all that is seen and unseen, Lord of Light and Darkness, of all ephemerality and solidity, who reigneth over the four elements via the alchemical quintessence, hear my cry and lend your strength to the gnomes of the earth which gather NPK and other elements and arrange them into the growing strata of photosynthetic structures, that i may yield a 1/2 pound or greater of dank, dry nuggets.

sounds to me you yielded much higher than you are saying because you didnt weigh the popcorn buds. those are part of the yield also and should have been weighed. this whole thing is flawed because you had problems with your plants. not to mention you yourself said at 4 weeks you were further along with the LED than you were with HPS.