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GDP Under 318w LED from Hydro-Grow-LED.com

Day 41!!! Almost Done! Two weeks and a bit to go!!
The lady on the left in the front is beginning to suffer a cal/mag def.... the pH is 7.0... tomorrow i water with some more humic acid to lower the pH and chelate the minerals and shit clustered up in the soil.... one more watering with nutes and it'll be time to flush!!!
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except for the clear trichs these babies look pretty ready!!! they're dense as shit and covered in pixie dust... they might put on a little more weight in two more weeks tho!


I dont know, it does not look like 1 pound to me has of yet. I hope things really swell up for the amount of money you spent on that light.

one of my plants (one of 3 in which i suspect there is a boron def, due to the rusty (necrotic?) spots on some of the sweet leaves) got all withered up since last night. AFTER i watered her... Since i thought the defs were pH-influenced, i flushed the three plants i thought had defs with a nutrient solution (1st 2 gals were water with 1/4 strength nutes, 3rd was full feed strength) and of those three, this one looks like it's about ready to wither up and die!!!

i got some borax, thinking a little of that in some water (like 1/4-1/2 tsp/gal) might help.. a little unsure tho... the pH on all the plants is now about 6.8

It has been a little hotter in the room as well lately... low 90's... i turned the t5s off completely and indefinitely (was using them for heat)...

I also played the Sonic Bloom CD all day yesterday... so that, coupled with the dehum turned up too high (hence excess heat) might have dried them up... might also be nute burn, but since i fed them exactly what i fed the others and they're doing fine, i really don't know.. i hope the others don't turn out like this. I don't think it was overwatered, either, since the pots was light and dry on the surface... certainly not WET!

I don't know if i should flush again, add borax, leave it alone.. cut it down or what!! I'd like to salvage as much of it as possible!! Shit. lights go out in 2 minutes!!

please help!!!


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ok well, before the lights went out i flushed the problem plant with 3 gallons of pure water... so at the very least if it doesn't completely die, i can salvage some flushed buds from it next week... damn... well at least it was the plant with the least potential yield... was in a partly shadowy corner most of the time... i also turned down the heat tremendously... gunna finish this one out in the 70-80 range.
well.. i really hate to do this, but i had to chop her early... the bottom leaves were all wilted and i wanted to salvage as much as i could.... fuck. she was the lowest yielder by far, tho, so we'll see in about a week how much her little buds weigh... i say lucky if even 1/2oz of bong-sized buds for this one... only one smallish cola whereas everyone else had two or three large colas...


I just don't understand what happened? No offence but that plant does look absolutely terrible, how do you feel about this?

What is the amount of time left on the other girls in the garden? Are they viably looking better and more abundant?
other plants look GREAT... two of em have a boron def, so there's some rust colored necrotic spots on the a few of the sweet leaves, but it should trim right away and isn't affecting the buds as far as i can tell... i added 1qt of water with a 1/4tsp of Borax solution to the two deficient plants.. should keep it from getting much worse... but yeah, 9 more days... i'm cutting them down whether the trichs look amber or not... it's time, the older of these plants (the boron def ones) were obtained in september, so they're really old!!!
well the plant i cut down last week yielded like 9 grams dry of actual buds (there was alot of larf/popcorn, which i chalked up to having plants that were too tall for the 60 degree viewing angles)... next time i won't veg them over 12" before flowering. anyway, it was an experiment and we'll see in a week and a half what the end yield is... my guess is that the others will yield 2-4x as much as this one, given their longer growth period and closer proximity to the light... the four plants in the middle seem to have way bigger buds on them... seems being directly under the middle of light where all the red spectrum bulbs are made a considerable difference... the ones under the blue/white lights have more distance between the nodes than the center ones...

again if i yield over 1/2 a pound then i will consider this experiment a success...

Nevertheless, I offer this, the prayer of the humble LED grower:
O God of Heaven and Earth, of all that is seen and unseen, Lord of Light and Darkness, of all ephemerality and solidity, who reigneth over the four elements via the alchemical quintessence, hear my cry and lend your strength to the gnomes of the earth which gather NPK and other elements and arrange them into the growing strata of photosynthetic structures, that i may yield a 1/2 pound or greater of dank, dry nuggets.
HARVEST DAY!!! 7 plants to cut down... VERY anxious so see their dry weight... see you all in a week and we'll find out!


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...are you sitting down?

the total dry yield of pencil-eraser-sized buds or greater was...


yes. that is not a type-o. not even a solid QP from the big mother of HG-LED's misnamed "Penetrator" series. the statement that the 60 degree angle LEDs "penetrate" down to the lowest buds on plants up to 3 feet tall is just plain BS, since a good third of the buds on my plants were tiny leafy larfy popcorn crap that went into the trim bin. My plants were just under 30"!! Also another claim HG-LED makes, that it is comparable to a 1000w HPS, is an utterly ridiculous comparison, imo. So in that regard i feel pretty ripped off by these lights, even with a 25% discount for doing this journal, because it did not yield even its own discounted value in dry buds (well if you assume that i buy 1 gram at a time from my local club for $10 a pop, then it ALMOST did). Over time, yes, it will save me $$$ because i can grow enough dank ass weed at a time with this light to last me through to the next run. MAYBE. But that's it. I can't share my superchronic with anyone else unless i buy another one.

BTW, I did say I GREW SOME DANK ASS MUTHAFUCKIN WEED WITH THIS LIGHT, a fact I am very happy with. I just wish it would have yielded a bit more. We'll try again and see. Got some Prosource lights to try out... after that, some lights from GrowLEDHydro.com might be in order before i have exhausted my LED testing.

I might add that for efficiency purposes one of the Spinners from spinnerhydro.com might do better than any LED. If you are interested in one at a discounted rate please email [email protected] for more info!


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Not good news about the over all yield but how high do you have your light from the canopy... that last pic looks a bit higher than the recommended range?


New member
I have found the HGL lights not to live up to their claims. Small, airy buds, weak penetration and coverage is less then advertised. They do not achieve the results that have been posted about on various forums and neither do they operate as described on the HGL site. There are those that may disagree with me. Maybe they are right or maybe they have an agenda. Cammie and her alts are quite busy working the hype machine. Look before you leap. On a positive note - the potency of the bud they produce is top notch.

superchronitron, how much do you feel the T5's helped your grow? I am considering putting a couple in to supplement my HGL lights to get a better yield.


love machine
ICMag Donor
Damn sorry to hear about the yield, how about 2nd run with the same strains this time? Maybe you need to get it a little dialed in? And how come the buds arent purple? I've grown GDP many times and every time they turn purple (.

I would love to try LED but this kind of yield is pushing me away, not to bash LED but i yield well over an elbow with a single 600 watters.

Better luck next time




Sad it turned that way for you.

Leds are interesting tech, but beyond micro and heat bothered closets they don't seem economically feasible, even thou it's nice to see those bigger models in action. I'n not bashing leds and could be wrong of course, but time will tell with more people of various skills and methods running them.
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Active member

...are you sitting down?

the total dry yield of pencil-eraser-sized buds or greater was...


You know what I find to be really sad? The fact that I've seen people yield more with just the CFL's that you were using, than what you did with CFL and 300W+ of LED. Growers like you who wish to blame it all on the light, and bad mouth our company are dillusional. You seem to take no responsibility as a gardener for your yield at all...

MeanBean (a beginner grower) pulled a QP from our 126W on his 2nd grow ever (also posted on these forums)... So that's more yield than you, using 3x less watts, and no CFL's. The problem here was not the light, and he's not the only one yielding more than you using a single 126W... Sorry, but I call it like it is.