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GCG and Boobs's 2012 NorCal Organic Outdoor: The Foothill Fetish



The deer are getting fucking UNBELIEVABLE this year. They're coming up to the HOUSE, and the God damned dog isn't doing a thing about them! She just watches them now. WTF do I need, a tiny terrier? It'll drive us nuts.


I've never figured out if deer just don't give a fuck or if they're just really dumb. Been close up to them as fawns, and they're sweet, but really unsure of their intelligence level.


Active member
We have more than one family of deer on our property and they have never once fucked with a single one of my pot plant. They have eaten a few shrubs and a baby apple tree once during the cold of the winter, but never even a single nibble in 3 years of being here. I catch them sleeping amongst the pots some early morning and they just get up and slowly walk away when me and the dog round the corner. Samson doesn't even chase them much anymore. He had a showdown with a big buck one day. Noting happened just lots of barking and snorting, but ever since then he doesn't give much of a chase, just a few bounds and barks to clear em out.


All I gotta say is, damn. Keep killing it guys. Pretty fun first grow, huh Boobs? Your pics look amazing, but truly dont give your garden the credit it deserves. Thanks again for the invitation to come check things out, it was a pleasure meeting you both. I can only hope to have a crop as beautiful as yours someday. Good luck !
My Flo selection


Spider that setup shop on my deck



Active member
Flo is looking dank! Yours looks a little better than mine does right now, more blue or thai influence in yours it seems, mine has almost no purple properties to her.


Active member
Hate those spiders. I seem to walk through one of those webs once a week this time a year. It freaks me out every time. If I see them, I just break the webs. It keeps them around and we all know spiders eat bugs.
Hossauce identified it as a white garden spider I think. I'm more concerned of a recluse or widow getting to me, as I've seen both around.

Did you replant OBuds?
damn that flo is looking great gcg and wow be careful, that spider is looking like a beast!

The Flo is really exciting me, seems to be taking on the purple thai traits both look and sniff. This is my first time with it as a full season outdoor. What I have had of it was small and not properly done, at my fault.

The resin production and visual presentation so far have me looking too often.

I'll make sure you guys have a proper jar of it.


Don't you two love watching the Sativas fill out? I sure do.
Hossauce identified it as a white garden spider I think. I'm more concerned of a recluse or widow getting to me, as I've seen both around.

Did you replant OBuds?

We don't get brown recluse out here, but we DO get a spider called a hobo spider, and those definitely cause necrotic lesions.

A high schooler out here taught me more about 'em than I thought possible, really messed up her leg getting bitten by one of those things.


Active member
Those sativas are looking great Boobs! I see your pup finds shelter in the shade like mine does from the hot sun. Looking to be 6-7 feet tall? Those are going to be some long, thick colas thats for sure! Going to need an extra outside cage, or poles to support those hogs


child of the sun
thanks guys.

samson, I don't think I'll do any more support... the cages inside of them will be enough I think, you can't really see in the pictures too well but the branches don't extend too far beyond those inner cages.

here's another look at the lavender from a different angle, she's a lot wider than what it looks in that last picture I showed.


and of course, the blue dream, dancing in the wind. :peacock:



very nice, boobs! love the shot of the breeze pushing back the blue dream, she loves that air flow.. your spot is amazing, its like a little mj grove tucked in the big pines.. :)jealous!


thanks guys.

samson, I don't think I'll do any more support... the cages inside of them will be enough
High boobs! I'm sitting here looking at your work, and I'm just going to say that I agree with samson. Get some Hortonova or similar and just wrap them with it. I've spent too much time picking dirt out of beautiful buds, and I've learned at least this much--an ounce of Hortonova is worth a pound of good weed.

I plan to try to stretch the season this year. I've never taken them past the third week of October, so we shall see how well that works out. I plan to make hoop houses over the beds.

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