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GATOR mating season


Active member
A lady in Tampa found a 11 foot 500 pound gator waiting on her porch stoop when she was leaving her house this morning. The gators are in mating season and coming out of the lakes lookin' for luv.
I must carry the Jakinator on my shoulders to keep him from Gator Bait!


How you florida growers do it is beyond me. Florida is like a third world country for marijuana growing laws. Shit can get you 25 years for a personal grow.

Much love, Floridians. You've got brass balls.
Ya really, with all the import history of that state you would think they would want you to grow your own personal stash. Well, then again they make so much money off of the imports.

Do the gators make noises this time of year....well they probably usually do. I used to know an old guy who had one of those fan boats and hunted gators. Some wild old drunkard of a man, he was pretty cool but he passed on.


Gators are particularly agressive during mating season,a lot of people lose their pets which is a fuckin tragedy and a half.I hate the bitches only because of that even though its probably beyond their control..movingtocally until april of last year the laws were actually pretty lenient,I dont know where all this shit comes from about growing in Fla but it never ceases to amaze me.I can be walking down the street with 19 grams of blockhead and get basically a traffic citation.Even after the new laws went into effect,you still need 25 plants or more for a classs B felony with 15 year max.24 plants can get you five years max.Thats with past records and aggravating circumstances when people actually do time.Its far from growing in a third world country and before july of 08 was fuckin great


Active member
Damn, I saw the title, -"Gator Mating Season"- and thought "I dont care what season it is, I aint fukkin no gator."

awww come on Gator vijayjay ain't bad....LOL

But I am stuck here in florida by invisible bonds....SERIOUSLY....

I BELONG TO THE SOUTHWEST and wanna go home,,,,BUT my kids and grandkids are here. I know SOME grandparents survive without not seeing their grandkids daily....but I am addicted to the little shits and I need to join Grannys Anonamous for help.

My married macho 38 year old son started actually crying when I said I might move to New Mexico.
So I capitulated to the big ol' mamas boy.......

So I am makin' the best of it and will at least travel starting in 2012.

So I have to deal with Gators....snakes...skeeters....bird shit on my Toyota daily....under a lightpole where Ospreys roost and seagulls take a dump.
Hurricanes....potential tsunamis.....
Freakin' stingrays jumping up in watercrafts killing a tourist....sharks.....

I don't go in the water anymore unless it is the swimming pool .....and I am a beach and sun lover and you can't beat the weather here....BUT we are facing a SERIOUS DROUGHT here and ironically are surronded by water. Our Swamps are even burning and they had to shut down Alligator Alley.

Last year a lady was doing crack along the river and a gator came out and ate her for dinner. Don't do drugs by Florida lakes and rivers. We seriously have LOTS of gators here.:wallbash:

a weird high wave came up on the east coast not too long ago and was scary.......my whole county is barely hanging on to the U.S. and could break off if the plate shifts.....


Active member
Gators are particularly agressive during mating season,a lot of people lose their pets which is a fuckin tragedy and a half.I hate the bitches only because of that even though its probably beyond their control..movingtocally until april of last year the laws were actually pretty lenient,I dont know where all this shit comes from about growing in Fla but it never ceases to amaze me.I can be walking down the street with 19 grams of blockhead and get basically a traffic citation.Even after the new laws went into effect,you still need 25 plants or more for a classs B felony with 15 year max.24 plants can get you five years max.Thats with past records and aggravating circumstances when people actually do time.Its far from growing in a third world country and before july of 08 was fuckin great

Yeah but these MM bastards in the legislature have me cautious......on doing a small grow even. And my housing in the future will be even less secure for growing.
My home situation and my sons political aspirations is gonna cause me to go back in the closet on weed.

Won't do if granny is doin' a grow as the media is BRUTAL INDEED!:wallbash:

And my activism days will be over finally. Kind of a relief to just learn to deal with status quo though. Granny has to quit her contrarian radicalism for a quieter life and become the beach bum I really am anyway.
OHHH but what a ride it twas! :woohoo:


Active member
I went to the swamp today to take some photos. I seen some 8-10 footers. Not record sizes, but that would not matter to you if he is eating you (or worse, trying to mate with you).

A cajun at this swamp told me that if a gator hisses at you you had better be on your way. This one hissed at me.

Yeah ya gotta respect the gators space. I was at a kids birthday party with my 5 year old granddaughter yesterday and the house butts up to a lake and they had one of those Moon Walks for the little kids. I was afraid to leave her outside with the kids so I did Gator Watch from a lawn chair.

In mating season they WILL eat your small dog or small child. We can't expect wild animals to respect human life and we have to remember they are animals and we are encroaching on their environment to build homes and roads here in Florida.

Was once beautiful nature abounding here and progress is ruining it here.
At least the economy has slowed down the explosion of condos here.

But hey.....Gators gotta hang out somewhere.

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