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Gas Prices - What do you think?


Active member
Gas prices are skyrocketing. AAA puts the national average as of 5/22 at $3.209 ( http://www.fuelgaugereport.com/ )

So since most of you drive, how is it affecting you? What are you doing about it? Are you looking for alternate modes of transportation? Thinking of downsizing your car? Buying less of other shit to comensate?

And if it isn't affecting you now, at what price do you think it will?

I read a news story that mentioned some dude in California who drops $100+ to fill up his SUV each time he's at the gas staton and he said he wouldn't change his driving habits until gas hits around $10/gal.



ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
It's been fucked up for a while here now. They said it's coz USA is starting their vacation season.. Yo wtf is that?! Shouldnt bother us here half way across da world, but it does. Fuckin oil companies and douche bags who get paid for this.
Altho i gotta say on the positive side. I been biking/walking/taking the buss more. Not that i'm that strapped for cash, I just dont have nothing that important to do/attent to :smile:

Still, most peeps buy bigger cars or tune their old shit to perform better. SUVs should be illegal imo. Atleast in the city. You gotta be a stupid mf to buy one of those in the city too. Where there is not a single sq meter without asphalt..
Oh yea u gonna need 4x4 with a 6 liter engine and big wheels and all that good shit!
Dont even get me started on idiot parents who have one kid and think he wont survive the trip to the soccer practice without a HumWee. :bat:


Cannabrex Formulator
Gas should be $4 a liter.

Then mebbe the world will revise it's lifestyle and stop wasting so much energy and resources.

Small-scale, low-impact, lower-tech localised communities are the future of humanity....this frantic malignant global profit-machine is in it's final death-throes as we speak...the final end game of misogynistic resource-hoarding control oriented patriarchy.
I know with gas as it is I'm not looking forward to moving this summer. I'm gonna drive 6000 miles from Maryland to Alaska. Ouch!


Oil companies are recording record profits - as in 45 BILLION last year. That's profit, not sales. Something's wrong when they keep raising the prices to continue that kind of profit taking. Keeps their shareholders happy at the expense of those who can't afford to get to work and have no public transportation to help. Costs me almost a day's pay to fill my tank, but I can't get to work otherwise. Our family has one car, my husband takes the train to work. My daughter will start driving soon. We had thought we'd be adding a second car this year, but I think we'll continue to rent a car if we need one to go separate places.


Cannabrex Formulator
BirdDawg said:
Oil companies are recording record profits - as in 45 BILLION last year. That's profit, not sales. Something's wrong when they keep raising the prices to continue that kind of profit taking. Keeps their shareholders happy at the expense of those who can't afford to get to work and have no public transportation to help. Costs me almost a day's pay to fill my tank, but I can't get to work otherwise. Our family has one car, my husband takes the train to work. My daughter will start driving soon. We had thought we'd be adding a second car this year, but I think we'll continue to rent a car if we need one to go separate places.

A perfect example of how sick, corrupt, bloated and evil the patriarchal Corpo-Nazi paradigm is.


High gas prices suck.I have a bigger problem with water prices,$8 a gallon for water should be a crime.If a .5 litre bottle of water is a dollar,and some costs more,that's $8 a gallon.Thats freakin crazy.

Boxy Brown

AmishFarmer said:
High gas prices suck.I have a bigger problem with water prices,$8 a gallon for water should be a crime.If a .5 litre bottle of water is a dollar,and some costs more,that's $8 a gallon.Thats freakin crazy.

its 25¢ for 1 gallon of RO water here.


I personally cannot wait until gas is 30 dollars a gallon, or at which point the possible profits linked with burning the fuel are overshadowed by the cost of the fuel itself. Don't know if thats 30 dollars or what for most applications. I question what the automobile provides me, and the society I live in.

They've got plenty of rope, let 'em hang themselves. If I were to be upset or anything over this, it would be purely manufactured under the reasoning that the people reaping the profits like to see us squirm, and it might encourage them to up the greed quotient and expedite the purge of the criminal element from the United States.


I'd vote for Hillary (*&^%$# Clinton herself if she came out and announced a Manhattan Project to free us from gasoline. But then she is like all the other politicans (probably more so)...not to be trusted.


AmishFarmer said:
High gas prices suck.I have a bigger problem with water prices,$8 a gallon for water should be a crime.If a .5 litre bottle of water is a dollar,and some costs more,that's $8 a gallon.Thats freakin crazy.
A lot of people say water will be the next oil in 20-50 years

i hope gas goes to $6-10, at least, so people will think twice about wasting energy
but i doubt that'll happen.
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This is what I try to 'drive' around in nowadays.. I can haul hella groceries, used to take my girlfriend around town... just do a lot of stuff. Plus the handling is just the same as a bike... I love my xtracycle. Yesterday I put a basketball in the back and took off to the park. The thing holds so much. This type of bike is the future. Can you imagine a car without any carrying space? So why not have carrying space in a bike? xtracycle.com


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Now that is a cool bike..thanks for the link..it's been bookmarked. How long have you had yours? Drawbacks?


Chat Mod
the thing that sickens me most is back in 2000 when gas was approaching $2.00 a gallon all the republicans were screaming for bill clintons head, now i dont hear anyone pointing blame towards w, and w has had more to do with pushing up the price of gasoline with his mid east policies than anyone. the one thing nobody is saying is that all the oil that comes out of the ground in the usa west of the mississippi river doesnt stay in america, it goes to japan. did ya know in venezuela gas is $.42 a gallon? this is what happens when ya get an oil man in the white house, its all about making the oil people richer.

peace -fb
genkisan said:
Gas should be $4 a liter.

Then mebbe the world will revise it's lifestyle and stop wasting so much energy and resources.

Small-scale, low-impact, lower-tech localised communities are the future of humanity....this frantic malignant global profit-machine is in it's final death-throes as we speak...the final end game of misogynistic resource-hoarding control oriented patriarchy.

I agree completely. But you forgot racist. Sadly a lot of countries want to make a society/environment that looks like ours (the US).


is it a coincidence that exxon-mobil and all the other gas giants are pulling in record profits that would even make cheney shoot mayonaisse?

theres evil afoot.

Mr. Nevermind

fr33th3w33d said:
is it a coincidence that exxon-mobil and all the other gas giants are pulling in record profits that would even make cheney shoot mayonaisse?

theres evil afoot.

And what is more amazing is that those profits are then handed out to CEO's as a bonus instead of the money being re invested in more refineries or alternative fuels. But why build more refineries? what would politicians have to talk about if they actually solved a problem? We been hearing about not enough refineries for years yet not a single one has been built for over 30 years and the ones we have are run down and break down alot causing the prices to spike more. If politicians did what they say then we would have more refineries and oil would cost less. Butinstead they need a topic to bitch about in debates and never do shit about it. Like immigration, gay marrige and abortion. Just shit to talk about and get votes but never act on. They gotta have a subject to talk about in next election so why fix the problem.

Then again what do you expect when the heads of oil companies have a closed door meeting with Cheney about energy policy? Noone knows what was said but we can all rest assured somewhere in the conversation was a plan to raise prices and profits and fuck the americans who have to pay more for gas.

This time in 2001 gas was $1.66 a gallon. Look at your prices today and ask does this make sense or are we being fucked?



I tried having a car, but the expenses that followed didn't fit into my lifestyle so I got rid of it and bought a bike! One of the best decisions I've made!

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