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Gardening jobs in Colorado and Washington


Active member
That's an unfortunate experience.

An old friend and fellow grower with a Class 3 producer/processor license is looking for 15 people over the next 6 months. Not sure he's ready for a molecular biologist, but he is looking for three skill levels of full time gardeners, skilled propagators and will probably employ up to 30 unskilled trimmers over the course of the first year operating.

He is only one of many operations trying to make their name on purity, quality, consistency and customer service. People with class and great ideas.

The beauty of this new era of recreational marijuana is that "low class" producers of crappy flowers and products will waste away in a legit marketplace. It will take a minute but the cream will rise to the top. Plenty of room for quality people in this business.

Anybody interested in work in WA, drop me a PM and I'll forward you to the guy who's been shitting his pants about reliably staffing his operation.
That's an unfortunate experience.

An old friend and fellow grower with a Class 3 producer/processor license is looking for 15 people over the next 6 months. Not sure he's ready for a molecular biologist, but he is looking for three skill levels of full time gardeners, skilled propagators and will probably employ up to 30 unskilled trimmers over the course of the first year operating.

He is only one of many operations trying to make their name on purity, quality, consistency and customer service. People with class and great ideas.

The beauty of this new era of recreational marijuana is that "low class" producers of crappy flowers and products will waste away in a legit marketplace. It will take a minute but the cream will rise to the top. Plenty of room for quality people in this business.

Anybody interested in work in WA, drop me a PM and I'll forward you to the guy who's been shitting his pants about reliably staffing his operation.

You're right. He's not ready for a molecular biologist. Growing the best possible plant comes natural to this guy. He's moved so far beyond the simplicity of horticulture that he only uses the art of growing to soothe his mind and to return to that simplistic state that most of us live by. Guys got greenhouses full of plants that would make the largest scale weed grower feel small. Weed growers don't even understand the complexity of handling hundreds of species of plants, some very rare and special. Plants that are soooooooo much more valuable than cannabis. Then there's actual experiment that the plant was grown for. Omg how far behind is weed in the light of science and research. Not only from a knowledge standpoint, but Weed growers are by far at the very bottom of horticulture. Molecular biologists are incomparable in what they can bring to marijuana. Too bad everything is run by gross people. An MCB would be disappointed by the weed growers poor work ethics and low standards. Don't hire one. They'll only end up resenting you and be too good for everyone around them. Hire a team of plant MCB's and my god you're on your way.


Active member
yeah,,i think once "big money" and suits are involved,,they sure as shit aint gonna be concerned about letting trics go cloudy! lol,,its gonna be cut-down asap and strains that finish well before nine weeks,,,i cant imagine these people are gonna care,,
there just all about the money,,,944s2

I think Washington poses some revolutionary opportunities for everybody. Yes, schwag will be produced and foisted on the sheeple who choose Bud and Coors light and drink wine out of boxes because its cheaper, they have no standards and... well... u get it.

Then there is 10% of the marketplace that really cares prolly 15% more that want to look like they care or look like PEOPLE who care so people with discerning taste will like them too.

But because the "Invisible Hand" of the "free" market will exist in WA (vs. the isolated black markets that still largely exists in CA)the people who choose quality and know wtf they are looking for will have to be served. And be served, they will.


Active member
I know... I'll still be living in Cali for a while... maybe half the time now... but I just can't wait to be someplace that doesn't feel like its about to burst into flames on a 75degree day in May....


if it smells like fish
gets to 115 here,,, mid 90s common....thank god for the river and lake ,thank man for the ac unit....peace

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