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garbage searched..advice?


yeah man better safe then sorry, as long as you stay free you can always grow again, but if they bust you it's bye bye growing for at least some time. trees can always be regrown in the end.

i would advise you to do a really through re clean of the whole house, specially garden area, 1 leaf could give it away. keep only a misdemeanor amount to smoke around.
I agree with my husband that if one dude came and took one bag, that I'd be worried about identify theft, as well as getting busted.

The other thought I had was your child. I have a feeling that s/he said something at school, maybe after a Dare assembly. Has your child gone to something like that?

And how about this neighbor? Is s/he a friend, trustworthy? Maybe s/he warned you b/c they feel guilty about ratting you out?


Don't know if that was the first time they pulled, if so they will be back. I got pulled twice, raided the second garbage day. Although I KNOW there wasn't anything in there they said there was. BS. how hard is it for a cop to come up with a bud to put in your garbage?
Being naive back then I didn't sweat it cause I knew they would never find anything in my garbage. All stems leaves roaches and even ash went into a container for offsite dumping. Fuckers got a warrant anyway.
Best of luck, be careful.

This is the real problem. Police do what they fucking want. A lot of peeps act like they are 100% safe if they dont throw illegals in the trash. But if they suspect you..for whatever reason.. your fucked. Police do PLANT evidence in clean trash as means to get a judge to sign the warrant.

The fact that they can use trash pulls for a warrant is complete bullshit. If the reason behind them being allowed to pull your trash is because once it hits the curb its free game - then for that very reason is should not be admissible in court. Whos to say some kid didnt toss his sticks and stems baggy in MY can as he was walking down the street.

This lame as tactics for getting warrants signed pisses me off bad..

Your neighbor is a saint.
Good job tearing down. Dont start back up. Ya gotta move...
How does family and kids prevent you from moving?

Rent your house out and relocate to another county at the least.
Otherwise your putting yourself, wife, and kids at risk. No knock warrants aint fun. We dont want anyone dead here. Cops like to shoot "drug dealers". Crazy huh? Over plants.

Stay safe.
Assume it was the cops. Also keep an ear out for low-flying helicopters over your house for further evidence you are on the cops' radar.

If it were me, I would get EVERYTHING out of the house: lights, hydro equipment, nutrients, fertilizer, grow medium, etc.

If you have any cash or guns, get them out of the house, too.

Best of luck to you.

Good call on ripping the grow.

8000 quid? Ouch.


Active member
always assume the worst. I learned this the hard way. Ask your neighbor though what they looked like. Smart thing breaking it down. Overcaution willl save you in this game.


Around here we have 3 bins, trash, cans, and yard clippings. It's not unusual to have Asians go through your trash to get the cans and bottles. I've seen it a dozen times at night here. I have a grower buddy with a motion detector on the trash, and not for police. In all the cases I've seen it's an Asian grandma doing her part to support the family. well my grower buddy calls it stealing none-the-less.

that motion detector just helps her see better. thumbz up!


One day you will have to answer to the children of
Cancel your trash service.

Cancel your trash service.

Just start piling the shit up in your Garage and take it to the dump/landfill yourself.

Or get a good friend to upgrade his service and put trash at his place. Or vice versa should you change locals.

I used to have Asians go through my trash all the time, but that was where I lived, no big deal.

If someone went through my trash out here, they may get fucked up. Actually, they wouldn't, I would just call the cops on them, and I would be outside to greet the cops.
Or get a picture of the theif and post it throughout the neighborhood. You can get a Game Tracking camera for pretty cheap.


Overkill is under-rated.
Fuck, sorry man.

Get a loan from lendingclub.com and go rent a grow house in another county. Good luck!


they heard from my youngest son (10 yrs old and we had a really long talk ) that i grew in my basement....sucks but thats what had happened.. on my gut i ran 3 more times then after the garbage tip bagged the operation...

i have a wife that works and 2 kids and we just cant pick up and leave ,

i will keep everyone posted...

I am certain if I were growing in the same house as my children more than just one neighbor would know.

you have a wife that works. At least you weren't relying on your grow entirely and that makes it so you get to stay and resume life in the fast lane.



Active member
i have people go through my trash all the time. once it is on the curb its fair game for anyone and cops wont do shit. i put bleach in my trash


Get another location or stay shut down....cant risk your family...not worth it to me...might print out a bunch of cop gets busted for illegal search stuff and load the trash some of it...


New member
Dont risk your family bro dont put that shit back up till u get a new spot.

I tore my shit down once cause of an old biz partner with a grudge.

ALWAYS go with ur Gut...if the gut says its cops then its most likely cops.

read that iphone bust thread, the dood could feel it coming. same with that tv show bait car about stealing cars. you can always feel it coming....its just if you pay attention to that gut feeling.


Just start piling the shit up in your Garage and take it to the dump/landfill yourself.

Or get a good friend to upgrade his service and put trash at his place. Or vice versa should you change locals.

I used to have Asians go through my trash all the time, but that was where I lived, no big deal.

If someone went through my trash out here, they may get fucked up. Actually, they wouldn't, I would just call the cops on them, and I would be outside to greet the cops.
Or get a picture of the theif and post it throughout the neighborhood. You can get a Game Tracking camera for pretty cheap.
Right on. You wouldn't believe how hard it is to stop the city from billing you for trash pickup.

I once had a fiend who ran a business. Because he was paying for a dumpster at his commercial location he would just bag up his regular household trash and toss it in his truck to take to work.

He practically had to go to war with the city because they refused to take it off of his water bill. (location where water/trash/sewer are all billed together). They just could not accept the fact that he wasnt paying for them to pickup his trash. Not sure what ever happened with it...I think he just mailed in what he wanted to...

- -

Damn Rednick...where do you live?

You'd actually want to fuck someone up for going through your trash? and even call the cops on them? Ouch..its your trash dude. Maybe ask whomever is going through your trash as to what they are looking for?...maybe you can set it aside before you pitch it if its that needed by them. Nobody deserves to get fucked up for trash pickin if there just tryin to survive.

One mans trash is another mans treasure...or for the unfortunate..their dinner and livelihood. Be careful to judge..your not sure what landed them in such position.

If they are itchin to steal your identity or something then I can understand, but if they are just looking for aluminum or leftover meatloaf then its a different story...


One day you will have to answer to the children of
I was refferring to Identity Theives, ect.
It is pretty obvious when someone is collecting vs. conspiring.
I live in the burbs now, people don't go through peoples trash out here.
City, different story.
But I also take all my shit straight to the dump for that reason that you just mentioned.


Assume it was the cops. Also keep an ear out for low-flying helicopters over your house for further evidence you are on the cops' radar.

If it were me, I would get EVERYTHING out of the house: lights, hydro equipment, nutrients, fertilizer, grow medium, etc.

If you have any cash or guns, get them out of the house, too.

Best of luck to you.

Good call on ripping the grow.

8000 quid? Ouch.

I see you have learned well. Good info “REMOVE EVERYTHING”.

Felling a little more confident nowadays?

If the dishes are not shaking you’re not growing.


Lay low buddy nothing's worth your life or the lives of your children. That's a hot spot now either get a new spot to grow at or switch to outdoors perhaps?