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Gano's Veg Room


This is My ever evolving veg room. Currently the entire veg area is being covered by one SP250

Purple Urkle Up Planting top feed 035.JPG


Well-known member
Your garden looks good friend. Thank you for sharing your hard work with us. Keep us posted, most especially when you get flowers. I would love to see your flowers.


The first of the cuttings are starting to root out. I've counted 3 of them so far have started to produce a root(s). This is my first time cloning any plants under this LED light.


Veg room reset is right around the corner. I'm going to be looking at up to 2 trays, one will be veggies like leafy greens. At some point I will be starting a couple tomatos, I'm thinking Roma Tomato. Then once it gets cold enough for the earwigs to die off I'll be starting some corn, only a couple. I never grown some corn, so I'm not sure if it will need a 12/12 light cycle or if I can grow from start to finish in veg.

Then in about a month I might have to switch over to a MH for winter time, for some free heating for a few months. But that may free the light up again for another run in the 2x4 tent.


The current state of affairs with the veg room....

veg room cuttings-plants 003.JPG

The veg room has been a little neglected. So have what where cuttings. I trimmed the root ball off of the cuttings that are in the blue bucket. I'm now waiting on them to start producing new roots before I transplant any of them. They have been a little starved on nutrients, but now have nutrients in the water. They will not start to green up much until they start throwing new roots. All of the cutting in the vermiculite rooted, but one of them the grow tips died, just leaving one fan leaf.


Okay so only 1 made it. Maybe 2, but I don't expect to see it to make it. The mother plant wasn't in greatest of shape when I took them from her, I'm not go into those details.

Veg room area 006.JPG

I got the mother plant all trimmed up and now she is ready to start regrowing for me to get a new round of cuttings. She isn't under the LED.

purple urkle cutting and revegged plant 004.JPG


Well-known member
Okay so only 1 made it. Maybe 2, but I don't expect to see it to make it. The mother plant wasn't in greatest of shape when I took them from her, I'm not go into those details.

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I got the mother plant all trimmed up and now she is ready to start regrowing for me to get a new round of cuttings. She isn't under the LED.

View attachment 18996657
That looks cool. Is that an orange boat?


How long did you veg those? They look great!

Are you feeding a higher ec with the hydroton under the LEDs? Thanks buddy!

Sorry for not replying sooner... my bad. I assume you are referring to the two big plants at the top of the page. My brain is a little foggy, but I think that is about 3, maybe no more then 4 months (from transplanting). But they where cuttings that I neglected for a while so they may have had about 4 months on them before getting transplanted into the hydroton. Trying to answer now after the fact, is not going to be precise. But the first round of a top feed hydroton went better then would have guessed.

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