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Ganjapreneurs are cashing in on Colorado's booming medical pot business

Ganjapreneurs are cashing in on Colorado's booming medical pot business

I knock on the locked door of the nondescript one-story building not far from downtown, willing away my anxiety.
"Can I help you?" A security guard peers from behind the door, eyeing me suspiciously. He's an older guy, probably somebody's grandpa, but he gives me a look that says he doesn't have a problem tangling with a whippersnapper like me.
"I have an appointment," I stammer. I have Xeroxed medical records and $200 in cash to prove it. At that, the security guard is all smiles.
"Come on in," he offers, opening the door wide and beckoning me into one of Denver's most successful medical marijuana dispensaries.
I'm here to become a state-certified medical marijuana patient. If I succeed, I'll have access to one of the fastest-growing — and unusual — businesses around.....

Many of these are operated by what insiders are calling a "second wave" of ganjapreneurs — savvy, experienced businesspeople and professionals. Some honed their chops running ventures that have nothing to do with marijuana; others are opportunists from the heady California dispensary scene who see a new market ripe for investment.
In the meantime, legal consultants, insurance companies and real-estate brokers are carving out their own niche, building industry-wide infrastructure for a form of commerce that never before existed......

Scott Durrah and Wanda James, the couple behind Eight Rivers restaurant in LoDo, are teaming up with Noah Westby, owner of DaGabi Cucina and Sole Coffee Roasters in Boulder, to open a Denver dispensary called the Apothecary of Colorado.

"The decriminalization of pot makes sense to us as a civil-rights issue, a medical issue and a legal issue," says James. "That's why we're looking into opening a dispensary. I think medical marijuana is the first step, and I think legalization or decriminalization could be the next step."

The trio is aiming for an up-market, professional atmosphere. "We are very proud of what has been done with the marijuana movement and the people who are involved, and we just want to create that second piece," says James. "It's the second generation of dispensaries, and we really want the 45-year-old professional to feel comfortable coming in." They plan to model their business after Harborside Health Center, an Oakland, California, operation that, with its natural-wood decor, electronic checkout counters and on-site Buddha garden, is the Neiman Marcus of dispensaries.

They won't be the only ones taking that approach; Harborside itself is coming to town.
On a recent afternoon, a well-dressed Californian named Don Dunkan stops by a vacant storefront downtown near the busy intersection of 22nd and Lawrence streets. "It's an empty canvas," he says of the 2,200-square-foot space — one that will be transformed into a swanky new breed of dispensary that will go by the name Local Product.

Dunkan is a partner in Harborside Management Consultants, an offshoot of Harborside Health Center that's branded itself the "A-Team of medical cannabis." The consulting group plans to help others launch Harborside-quality dispensaries around the country. Of the thirteen states besides California that allow medical marijuana use, the first place they decided to do so was in Colorado.

"We have been looking at Colorado for several years now, watching the scene," says Dunkan. "I would say right now in the state of Colorado, there is a vacuum that needs to be filled. It's an exciting place to be.".......


he says of the 2,200-square-foot space — one that will be transformed into a swanky new breed of dispensary that will go by the name Local Product
Just want Denver needs :jerkit: a Swanky Dispensary

Nothing like a high profile dispensary.. thanks for putting a target on your back.. if one is going to be raided i guess we know where they would go first.
Feds get the building to right?

Blue Dot

If I succeed, I'll have access to one of the fastest-growing — and unusual — businesses around.....

Many of these are operated by what insiders are calling a "second wave" of ganjapreneurs — savvy, experienced businesspeople and professionals. Some honed their chops running ventures that have nothing to do with marijuana; others are opportunists from the heady California dispensary scene who see a new market ripe for investment.
In the meantime, legal consultants, insurance companies and real-estate brokers are carving out their own niche, building industry-wide infrastructure for a form of commerce that never before existed......

Ugh. :wallbash:


Money is a motivating factor for sure. From a business stand point MMJ is a "new market" with "low barriers to entry" few "regulatory hurdles" and a "open product space". To some this is a good venture.

They go on the news to generate buzz, nothing more. Buzz brings in investors (if the need them), and name awareness (which they surely do). Tailoring to the high end swanky client is probably smart, as that group could feel somewhat intimidated by the whole concept of MMJ. What they dont get is MMJ is its own community built on tight interpersonal relationships, at least it is now, that may change in the future. It is harder for a total new comer to just open their doors and make a profit.

Anyway, if they stay squeaky clean prompt a professional standard at their operation, I will welcome them. IMO we have too many shady operations all ready.

All you can to is watch and wait.


Kola Radical

I've met 2 different people in the last couple of weeks who moved here just to grow weed. Seems that times are bad in some other places.

Come on down. The more the merrier, I say. Get the odds in our favor, politically. And the more people who are growing and buying, the more the prices will level out because competition will sort it all out.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Such a great article. I love the reporting that WestWord is doing (and has been doing) on the MMJ industry. Yes folks, that's what it is, and good on it for that! I just hope it evolves into a small family farmer/commercial dispensaries type of thing.


Patient Grower
Just want Denver needs :jerkit: a Swanky Dispensary

Nothing like a high profile dispensary.. thanks for putting a target on your back.. if one is going to be raided i guess we know where they would go first.
Feds get the building to right?

Harborside is the platinum standard for dispensaries IMO. They've managed to stay open a few years around here without getting tagged by the Feds.

I'm not sure why you'd resent experienced people that know what they're doing moving in. It took years to get the dispensary network running as smoothly (lol) as it is. If we didn't come, then you guys would just have to reinvent the wheel. But it's a moot point, you're better choices are to like it or love it because it's going to happen regardless.


I'm a little confused about this statement, do you take your records to a dispensary to become a patient rather than a doctor or physician in Colorado? DD
There are quite a few that have Dr.'s on-site to sign recommendations.
Having medical records to substantiate your claim is obviously helpful, however, I've yet to see ANYBODY(Personally or on ICForums)in Colorado be denied when seeing a Doc without records.



Patient Grower
What, you guys would die if you had to reinvent the wheel? I'm sure you all would do fine on your own, but would spend a bunch of years repeating avoidable mistakes.

I'm coming because I'm sick of CA, and CO has the best opportunity for me economically, considering my profession.


the more the merrier.

also, after a 3 week safari trip to Botswana, Africa, I learned all about the herd mentality: the more animals in your herd, the less chance you yourself will get eaten by the lion.

Blue Dot

What, you guys would die if you had to reinvent the wheel? I'm sure you all would do fine on your own, but would spend a bunch of years repeating avoidable mistakes.

I'm coming because I'm sick of CA, and CO has the best opportunity for me economically, considering my profession.

Pretty telling that your a member/proponent of ASA yet are "sick of CA".

I thought cali was supposed to be the poster child for the ASA? (rhetorical question)


Patient Grower
I'm sick of Cali in general. Too many taxes, regulations, and people suckling the gov't teat. I like the medical scene. I put up with all the bullshit when CA was the only game in town for me to be legal and mostly left to my lifestyle but now there are alternatives. I'm sure ASA will cash a check that I send them despite being drawn from a bank in a state other than CA. Anyway, ASA is nationwide.

CO ASA: http://sensiblecolorado.org/mm/
DC: http://www.bigbook.com/bp/Washington-DC/Americans-for-Safe-Access-L0132654067.htm

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