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funny things you've said/done


h^2 O

sitting here eating some rice n sausage burrito and thinking about something funny that happened a while back. I was going through a "don't give a shit phase" at the time, and was going out of my way to not interact with other people on the streets, etc. Anyway I'm walking through some subway thing and this woman says "excuse me do you know what time it is?" and I quickly turned around and replied "sorry, I don't speak English." She turns turns away and then yells "hey!" and I turned around and laughed and ran.


Once on a 4-H trip to Washington D.C., I wanted to go to the gift shop at Mt. Vernon, Home of George Washington.

I came by boat there, and had no ticket to leave the grounds and re-enter. Although only 13 at the time, I figured out that by pointing at my camera and saying "Film, film" in a fake foreign accent, I could get past the security guards! On to the gift shop!

Later, I had fun pretending not to speak English, and going to a local stadium when good concerts were in town. I would wander past Security, smiling, and pretending not to speak English, saying "Boyfriend inside, boyfriend inside. I go now, yes, boyfriend inside." This worked amazingly well..... haha


sunshine in a bag
i faintly recall telling someone a joke, and much to my chagrin, they did not laugh

does this count


Freedom Fighter

h^2 O

looks like the subway gas attacks but the people dont look japanese. Your post has brought shame and dishonor.


One time.

I gave my snake some beer.

It was slithering this way. And that.

It was all fukked up.


Freedom Fighter
looks like the subway gas attacks but the people dont look japanese. Your post has brought shame and dishonor.

But yours brought tears--:nanana:
(Smoking some Purple Snowcap right now...this one's for you...water-guy--:dueling::nanana::yeahthats)