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Funny things Rednecks say thread


Active member
I can't take my truck in town to many loud exhaust tickets...
You ever been hogging?...(referring to picking up fat chicks banging or at least getting them naked in a farm field, then grab clothes and run. Supposedly the name comes from watching them run and squeal. Lol)


if it smells like fish
i don't say 90% of whats posted here....the hold my beer line and it will knock your dick in the dirt are 2 i do say .....


Active member
I don't even know how to try an spell some of the country jibberish.

Yaontoo=ya wanna f@$k

How about that ruint thing......."that girl is a skeezer and her box is ruint!!

I've always loved the "fixen to"
Its hotter than a $2 dollar whore on 50¢ day.

Slick as owl shit.

Im about to stomp a mudhole in your ass and walk it dry.

These are real life country boy sayings I've heard plenty throughout the south.


Well-known member
If'n a frog had wings, he wouldn't bump his ass when he hops.

One mosquito says to the other "Lets carry this guy off before the BIG ones get here."


Well-known member
shit fire and save the matches...

Fat Freddy said a long time ago "Well I'll be dipped in dogshit". I don't think he was a redneck but I have said it since and I am.


shut up and keep sucking !
which trailer is our one ?
can somebody hold this horses head ?

quick joke,

This guy walks into a bar in Redneck county and orders a white wine. Everybody sitting around the bar looks up, surprised and the bartender looks around and says: "You ain't from around here, are ya... where ya from, boy?"

The guy says, "I'm from England."

The bartender asks, "What th' hell you do in England?"

The guy responds, "I'm a taxidermist."

The bartender asks, "A taxidermist... now just what th' hell is a taxidermist?"

The guy says, "I mount animals."

The bartender grins and shouts out to the whole bar, "It's okay boys, he's one of us!" :)


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I'm from Louisiana we have all kinds of sayin's.

"You gonna get down?" (Are you getting out of the car?)

Fixin' to....... (I'm fixin' to whoop your ass.)

"There ya go." (Person 1: "Billybob shit his drawers when the cops arrested him" Person 2: "There ya go."

"Useless as tits on a bull"

"Nervous as a whore in church."

"Sha baby!" (That's a cute baby)

"It's like watchin' a monkey fuck a football." (Look at this idiot.)

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