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funny story


New member
So I was walking my dog the other day. As we were going past a park I saw some potted plants under a tree. I stopped for a second, looked at them...

Is that?
No, it couldn't be...
Is it?
How'd it end up down here?

It wasn't until I was standing next to them that I was sure that they were not marijuana. I think what happened was somebody must have bought some 'clones' and when they realized it wasn't weed dropped them off at the park.

A couple of days later I was walking the dog again and they were still there, so I grabbed the smaller of the two, took it home and repotted it. Looks kinda cool hanging out on my porch.
Is it Cleome/spiderplant/spiderflower?
Smells really skunky too. Flowers look like fireworks!



Active member
Haha i have a bunch of those around my house they do look very much like ganj plants.
i did actually find a pot plant on a dirt parking lot protected by a large tree.
someone clearly parked and threw out a seed from the buds and it grew

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