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Funny pullover story


Active member
boys have friends to, that be guys, i dont call them boyfriends or guy friends, i calls ems as i sees em, my homedawgs :laughing:


Active member
2 buddies and I went surfing in the day after I scored a halfer...so we smokin some bomb all day and decide to go up in the hills at night where we could see the city and all 3 of us fell asleep in the car...foggy up all the windows(cold at night)...I had the weed up on the dashboard.About 11 grams left.

Well...about 1-2 hours into our deep sleep since we surfed in the day,since we was all tired,we toked 3 joints then fell alseep...Well,some LOUD knocking was going on in the car on the driver side...I was sitting in the passenger seat and I saw it was some guy with a flash light..it was the local police guy...But I couldn't see out the window since it was all fogged up,just the light..So I went and grab the weed off the dashboard and stashed it down my pants into my underwear.And then woke up my buddies..

Well... we all had to exit the car and we were searched for weapons..then told that we were on private property and we had to leave...

We left the property...... then I rolled another joint and my buddies tripped out and asked "where was that weed?" I said "down my pants"......

I took a hit and then said "He also grabbed my balls"

My other 2 buddies said "He grabbed mine too!!!"

We were laughing and yelled out profanities about that cop being a fag and foundling our balls and Didn't even find the weed down my pants!



Active member
2 buddies and I went surfing in the day after I scored a halfer...so we smokin some bomb all day and decide to go up in the hills at night where we could see the city and all 3 of us fell asleep in the car...foggy up all the windows(cold at night)...I had the weed up on the dashboard.About 11 grams left.

Well...about 1-2 hours into our deep sleep since we surfed in the day,since we was all tired,we toked 3 joints then fell alseep...Well,some LOUD knocking was going on in the car on the driver side...I was sitting in the passenger seat and I saw it was some guy with a flash light..it was the local police guy...But I couldn't see out the window since it was all fogged up,just the light..So I went and grab the weed off the dashboard and stashed it down my pants into my underwear.And then woke up my buddies..

Well... we all had to exit the car and we were searched for weapons..then told that we were on private property and we had to leave...

We left the property...... then I rolled another joint and my buddies tripped out and asked "where was that weed?" I said "down my pants"......

I took a hit and then said "He also grabbed my balls"

My other 2 buddies said "He grabbed mine too!!!"

We were laughing and yelled out profanities about that cop being a fag and foundling our balls and Didn't even find the weed down my pants!


So then,... he.... found.... what he was lookin for, -rite?:laughing: Just so long as hes the only one who enjoyed it!