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Funny Pictures Are Funny


Active member



Can you please share with me the secret to posting gif's on here ? I don't know how, and it's frustrating the hell out of me.

Quoting you is easy enough, but posting one myself, no way......:confused:



here I am, sorry but I worked this weekend, I am an Italian cook, have patience for a moment that I understand how to tell you, I'm not very good at writing in English, and I know that I will have to help myself with some images. ps: but it cannot be that I am the only one who knows how to do it and I also discovered it by chance how to do it

edit : I try now

Open the window: image properties
paste the url of the gif you want to put in the space provided
Uncheck where it says: Retrieve remote file and reference locally
Click OK
I hope you understand

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