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Well-known member
It's amazing so many put up with the outrages taxes on fuel. In Illinois since the Jelly Bean Pritzger was elected our fuel taxes have increased 100%. And we have a sales tax on it too so the higher the price the higher the tax. Really hitting the poor the hardest.



Well-known member
NO NO... Give it to them for FREE!!
Hell, supply the whole army!

Why would you want to make them healthier?

damn straight! BOGO Big Macs, more sugar in Cokes, triple-size the fries....and give The Chump the same deal.😎 not really a problem though. news last night said that KFC, Burger King, Taco Hell & Pizza Slut are still going strong there...


Well-known member
europe also has functional mass transit....those high speed trains make cars look pretty silly

yeah, i know. but trains don't go anywhere near all of the places folks need to. and just TRY to get these fat bastards to walk ANYWHERE. they built "bike lanes" into main streets here, hoping for more riders. you'd have to be reckless to the point of suicidal to ride a bike there the way folks drive. and some of the bike riders seem determined to get run over, riding in the center of lanes with a 45 mph limit, yet staying in the center blocking traffic. yeah, THAT'LL make people like you...🙄


Well-known member
Yep.. and the crazy thing is people started to haul fuel for storage at those prices, while the crude oil price is already getting lower on international markets.

oil prices on the global market dropped 14% within hours of Zelenskyy saying he was "cooling" on the idea of joining NATO. we'll see how long before actual gas prices drop. quick to rise, slow to lower... "never let a perfectly good emergency go to waste" fucking thieves... and even "if " it drops, it is almost time for the Gulf of Mexico refineries to shut down to switch over to make the "summer blend" gas...which will make it rise again.


Active member
Please keep it Funny Pics folks. Years ago, ppl didn't and threads got shut down. This is my favorite thread. Hate to lose it.

Three Berries

Active member
Three hours a day. I heard

Careful now. Don't over work yourself.

Well I'm retired. Dug out another trench yesterday. and spread a wagon load of dirt around.

Got 3" of snow last night, but 70fs by mid week. Time to start transplanting trees. I have about a dozen 3 year old Dawn Redwoods and some oaks and tulip youngins to move. We got wiped out the last 5 years from the Green Ash Borer (thanks ChYna) and I have about 20 dead ash trees of varying size that are starting to fall apart. Need to fill that area in. And every spring before the trees leaf out I cut off willow branches and stick them in the dirt. Depending on the amount of rain we get some make it some don't.