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**FUNNY** Girl cheats on BF and tries to apologize....


The Hopeful Protagonist
True Story....the names have been blurred for obvious reasons.....On to the ownage.



It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
haha hilarious, i think i found a new personal hero

what a whore though, seriously



Ol' Skool
ICMag Donor
My thing is this.....I have no problem with the brother being pissed off. I also agree with the lack of respect that his gal has for him, as well as herself. I wouldn't want to own up to the slut either. Thing is, she'll do that same shit again and blame it on the alcohol. My concern lies with the guy now all of a sudden wanting to talk about her body and her thunder thighs. If I'm not mistaken, he probably camped out between them a time or two, with both his head and his ass. Everything was okay then. Now he wants everybody to know how large her thighs are. Have a bit more class about yourself. Chalk that up to experience and move on. I have no respect for somebody who'll f**k me one minute, get mad and talk about me the next.


The Hopeful Protagonist
My thing is this.....I have no problem with the brother being pissed off. I also agree with the lack of respect that his gal has for him, as well as herself. I wouldn't want to own up to the slut either. Thing is, she'll do that same shit again and blame it on the alcohol. My concern lies with the guy now all of a sudden wanting to talk about her body and her thunder thighs. If I'm not mistaken, he probably camped out between them a time or two, with both his head and his ass. Everything was okay then. Now he wants everybody to know how large her thighs are. Have a bit more class about yourself. Chalk that up to experience and move on. I have no respect for somebody who'll f**k me one minute, get mad and talk about me the next.

Ohh I'm quite sure you're correct about that point.....conversely, I'm sure he's slowly coming to the realization that wasn't his "first" encounter with having "almost" tasted second-hand cack, had he not not caught her that night......That is not some shit you just decide to do on a whim....."Hey, since you're already in the stall with your pants down, can I blow you ?"

WTF is that shit.... :laughing:

What a slore


Active member
The thunder-thighs comment was obviously a low-blow and he didnt seem to mind before.

Everything else...RIGHt on track. :D


funny thing about thunder thighs is all those thousands of years old carvings of thunder thighed women probably one of her ancestors maybe cum guzzling blonde is a darwinian
mutation as she would probably be second thing out of the cave after the club when the dinosaurs attacked
but she wasn't the last woman on earth trying to diversify the gene pool so she should just find a swingers club ....


Interesting that this email exchange appears to have occured at work. See small print. ^

I wonder if anyone has ever had a mature and reasonable breakup? Wouldn't it be nice to just say, "Hey, things just aren't working out, so I am going to go hang with these other people over there for a while. There are some things that I still really like about you though, so maybe we could do lunch sometime. Cheers!"

Why do things always have to get so messy? Not that I am condoning what she did at all, but I really do not think the human male and female species are programed to be monogamous anyway. Society and the fear of disease drills that in our heads. Bad behavior is bad behavior though and there are just some lines that you don't cross, drunk or not. Poor guy, maybe he should find a nice non-society girl that is more interested in books than the latest Prada bag. Glasses and natural hair color are super sexy.
See IGro4me sig.....^^^^^^


The Hopeful Protagonist
Interesting that this email exchange appears to have occured at work. See small print. ^

I wonder if anyone has ever had a mature and reasonable breakup? Wouldn't it be nice to just say, "Hey, things just aren't working out, so I am going to go hang with these other people over there for a while. There are some things that I still really like about you though, so maybe we could do lunch sometime. Cheers!"

Why do things always have to get so messy? Not that I am condoning what she did at all, but I really do not think the human male and female species are programed to be monogamous anyway. Society and the fear of disease drills that in our heads. Bad behavior is bad behavior though and there are just some lines that you don't cross, drunk or not. Poor guy, maybe he should find a nice non-society girl that is more interested in books than the latest Prada bag. Glasses and natural hair color are super sexy.
See IGro4me sig.....^^^^^^

Right on 808kahumai, of course I agree with your sense of taste.... :joint:


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
no shit IGro, that girl in your sig is hot as hell

And yeah, teno, i've written far far worse, and had a million times worse written to me...sounds tame compared to my high school breakups

That was pretty hilarious, and honestly she deserved the thunder thighs comment. She cheated, emotionally speaking that's one of the worst things you can do to someone, clowning her thighs is letting her off easy. I mean come on, I've been pretty freakin drunk before and I've never given any "accidental" blowjobs.


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
i can honestly say i've never given any blowjobs...drunken or not!

And my thighs are glorious



if it's real, the chick deserved every last letter of that email.

dude if i was bangin a girl, found out she was a whore, i'd immediately break up with her, bitch her out, and get an STD test.

mistakes don't involve you putting cocks in your mouth or up your vagina. those are choices you actively have to make and complete. like dude said, "not carrying the 1" is a mistake. cheating is a relationship ending CHOICE.

alcohol may reduce inhibitions, but unless you were taken against your will, you have every function of your body to NOT blow someone or to NOT fuck them.

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