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fungus gnats! am i doomed?

i dont know bro, but im about to bt the shit out of my crop. im pretty sure they have been a contributer to shitty results! from what i read in the infirm, the result of them munching on roots leads to leaves yellowing, then falling off! its starts like 25 days into flower as blotchy spots and then spreads to the entire leaf eventually killing it. by the end of my last 2 harvest i had zero leaves on my girls! all had shriveled to nada and died! not to mention buds almost non existent! sorry sorry harvest and final product. my personal worst! ill still smoke it tho! lol


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oh yeah, i put aphid chasers in there last night. little redish pinkish disks you put around the stem. rubbery and your not supposed to touch em. apperantly they disrupt communication for the aphids. not sure what thats gonna do...
I got the safer brand caterpillar killer. it has 12.5% bacillus thuringiensis, subsp. (haha spell check is trippen! )

it has directions for foliar spray only. would i use the same mix for a root drench? and would i water it in to just penetrate the top few inches? or do i want to get it in there deep?


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
fungus gnats are nature's way of telling you that you're watering too much :D
honestly i let them get super dry! i do the lift method to see if they are in need. i let it go till the pot is super light. i dont understand how people can tell people to water when the top 2 inches is dry. when my top 2 inches is dry my pot weighs a ton. ill go for days past that point. but i did just trip out recently and flush some, and overwatered everyone else. just one fuck up after another really. i guess doing less can be more in certain circumstances.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Diatomaceous Earth (NOT THE ONE FOR POOLS) some Lowes have a bag in the fertilizer section put this on top of your soil and in the bottom of your pots the aphids will shred themselves to death on it, very effective for the little bastards. Hang sticky tape to catch the fliers so they stop laying more eggs.
so my arsenal of bug killers and confusers stands at, aphid chaser, hot shot no pest strips, neem, and BT. if this doesnt do it, i dont know what will.


I am in the middle of battle with these fuckers as we speak. I had about ten, and then the next day the sticky trap was covered with hundreds. I went through two sticky traps per day. That explains the slow growth huh? So I have done the following. The first thing i did was put a thick layer of perlite on the soil. I then did a soil drench with Azatrol (OMRI Listed) I then waited 3 days and did a soil drench with mosquito dunk infused water. I have also put up the aphid chasers. It been a week since i have started this, and i am starting to get some normal growth back. I have seen a couple of straglers, but literaly only a couple. I am going to hit them two more times with the Azatrol. I am spacing the Azatrol treatments out 10 days apart. I talked with one of their tech guys and this is what he advised. Azatrol is not instant, but over a few week period it makes it so that the critters can not feed. So they die. So far so good on the treatment. All of my clones, two rows of vegging plants, and new seeds i was germing are still alive and looking much better. I was like you; Overkill. What overkill?:)

rick shaw

If all of those suggestions fail.Take one gallon of kerosene and a kitchen match... (Might void renters insurance)
Azatrol is just a neem product right? from the research i did on this shit, it seems like if you pussy foot around, they are going to win. fuck all that lol. i wonder if those aphid chasers do shit?
the mosquito dunks then are similar to my BT liquid. so we are pretty much doing the same thing, neem and BT with chasers, only i got some hot shots no pest strips instead of sticky paper.

hey bro, update me to how that shits working out for you if you dont mind. ill post my results here for sure.


Yeah I just don't get how people have so many problems with fungus gnats. They thrive on damp soil surface, seems to me you water too much. How many do you really have flying around??? an infestation is one thing, but just a handful is another...

And when people say to keep a grow clean they mean it... No pets, nothing from outside when working in the vegetable garden. I think many people get them from other houseplants or like you are saying with pre-bagged soil. Make some LC mix up and never worry about them again. Or your own mix.....


Azatrol is an extract from the neem plant. It is different than neem oil though, and if you find out that you actually have root aphids(or a number of other things) instead or inconjuction with fungus knats the azatrol will handle that as well. The shit is expensive, but to say "pussy footing" by using it is actually not correct. Azatrol would be the "one of the highest levels of organic containment" that you could do. It actually makes the pests feel full so they will not eat, and it also deforms their mouth so if they want to eat they can't. Used as a soil drench every two weeks will keep pest away for good. It does not effect the flavor, or growth of the plants either, and can be used up to the day of harvest. I would still not do that, but i am paranoid.

Product sheet link

Active Ingredient Wiki Page

Neem Oil can not get into every inch of your soil. Azatrol can. that is what it is designed to do. What if you have other bugs that the Mosquito dunk water doesn't kill? the azatrol drench will kill them to. You can even spray it on your lawn every two weeks to get rid of ticks.
Azatrol is an extract from the neem plant. It is different than neem oil though, and if you find out that you actually have root aphids(or a number of other things) instead or inconjuction with fungus knats the azatrol will handle that as well. The shit is expensive, but to say "pussy footing" by using it is actually not correct. Azatrol would be the "one of the highest levels of organic containment" that you could do. It actually makes the pests feel full so they will not eat, and it also deforms their mouth so if they want to eat they can't. Used as a soil drench every two weeks will keep pest away for good. It does not effect the flavor, or growth of the plants either, and can be used up to the day of harvest. I would still not do that, but i am paranoid.

Product sheet link

Active Ingredient Wiki Page

Neem Oil can not get into every inch of your soil. Azatrol can. that is what it is designed to do. What if you have other bugs that the Mosquito dunk water doesn't kill? the azatrol drench will kill them to. You can even spray it on your lawn every two weeks to get rid of ticks.

cool. the pussing foot is what we are not doing bro. that azotrol sounds good. if my stuff dont work, azatrol it is. thanks for your info man.


Honestly so far so good. I will keep you updated. I just wish you could drop a fucking bomb on the fuckers. For being so small they sure do suck major balls.


JFC people NEMATODES! One application is all it takes, no chemicals needed.

A $10 sponge of them treats 3000 square feet.

I just can't understand why people struggle with these gnats at all. You guys got the answer in the 3rd fucking post.


Active member
Hello all,

Gnatrol...BTi- a naturally occuring soil bacteria that is non-toxic (least you are a fungus gnat larvae).

Ebay cheap...


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