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fully probiotic organic grow in southern oregon


I'm sure you never harvested more than 24oz off those plants at a time...Sure of it;

Also, I am sure you didn't make a dime as per OMMP statutes

The English Cut

Well-known member
Nice grow, lovely looking plants, I hope everything finished well for you, I'd love to hear a bit more about your grow, it's a fascinating area of cultivation. Your part of the world doesn't really look all that different to mine, I think the climate must be pretty similar too - any mold problems?

Anyway I was wondering about the flexibe tube in this photo - is it for irrigation? To get the water below the mulch? I'm confused, please explain.

VerdantGreen: Probiotic, as I understand it means pro-microbial life, so in humans it's about eating food that feeds our beneficial microbes and in gardening it's all about feeding the bennies in the soil. Personally, I dislike the term, it makes me think of celebrity diets.

Peace, TEC.


Who the fuck asked Bongstar anyways? Clown... thanks for bringing this thread back up tho, this grow looked amazing. Go Oregon!!

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