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Fully Baked's Outdoor Adventure


fully baked

Hey everyone :wave: , it's almost outdoor planting time and think it's just about right to get my first outdoor thread started. I'm aiming for a nice elbow of some dankness to last me a while into this next year.

Around my area there is a ripper problem with very limited places to plant. So I gotta figure I might lose anywhere from 1/4 to 1/2 of my crop even with good spots and all the camo I can get. For this reason I'm gonna exhaust my energy and start many plots with 3-5 plants in each.

This will be season 3 in the great outdoors and am planting my best and brightest girl in a spot I've used the past two years with great success. I'm hoping she alone can get me close to a pound. The rest is just icing on the cake.

Strains this year

My very hopeful female is a cross between Nirvana's New Purple Power and Mandala's Hashberry. (Simply dubbed New Hashberry (NH). She was originally gonna be a mom but my indoor endeavor was cut short.

Here's a shot of her in flower

As for the others... I have...

MDanzig's Feminized Blueberry (BB)
Verite's Holy Grail (HG)
Sam the Skunkman's Orignal Haze x Skunk #1 (OH x S#1)
Rez's Double Strawberry Diesel (DSD)
Nirvana's New Purple Power (NPP)
And more of my own seeds New Hashberry (NH)

fully baked

Soil Amending

The plots aren't up yet, so this is simply just on paper. The plan is to mix up the soil already there with a mix of peat, perlite, and some ocean forest. The soil around here is a fairly good mix already and the past two years I've had good results with no hole digging. Hopefully the holes give some massive ladies!

I've been contemplating using some of those water crystals that are super absorbent and release the water slowly. This year is calling for a drought and I sure don't wanna be visiting 7-10 plots every few days. Lugging that much water would just be terrible. Not to mention the more I visit, the more I might lead people to my crop or be caught. **Knocks on wood** If anyone has some experience with these water absorbing amendments I would love to hear about it!

Right now the little uns are sitting in a mix of 15% perlite, 35% peat moss, and 50% ocean forest. They seem to be liking it aside from my shitty lights and some stretching. That can always be taken care of when they go outside though :bashhead:

I'll get some pics up after uploading...

Cheers and thanks for stopping by!
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fully baked

Thanks for the lightning fast response HK!

Here's some stimulation for your eyes....

Hopefully my big yielder
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Active member
fully baked,

Good luck this season. I also have a few OH x S#1 going out this summer. Looking forward to this thread.

fully baked

Good luck with your OH x S#1 also McBride...

Good luck! Do you have decent rainfall in summer where you live?

Rainfall is normally adequate, but this year is calling for a drought. Temps in the low 90's. Trying to find someway to compensate and visit the plots less so I was thinking of using some water absorbing crystals. I've lurked in your threads quite a bit backcountry and would love some advice if you've had any experiences with the water absorbers. You seem to be quite the outdoor guru.

Irrigation line is out of the question though. There are very few streams and lakes around and they are much too heavily trafficked. Crystals is all I can think up for now...


Looks great so far FB. With a reasonable goal of only 1 lb. you should have no problem achieving that. Good luck with the rippers. I highly suggest the use of water polymers.They have proved themselves time and time again. look forward to seeing the show.

fully baked

Thanks for the advice Groucho, looks like those water polymers will be getting a trial this season. I might do a little experiment and not use the polymers on a few of the holy grails just to see the difference.

Planted a few more beans and now have some plant totals.

5 feminized Blueberries
6 Double Strawberry Diesel
10 Holy Grail
3 New Purple Power
3 Original Haze x Skunk #1
3 New Hashberry

And then my big girl New Hashberry.

Now its just a waiting game to get these beauties outside. Damn you spring frost!!!!

Take it easy guys


Active member
Good luck Baked. Out of curiosity, when are you putting the plants outdoors? Be careful of putting them out too early and having them go into budding, then reveg. It will stunt the hell out of them. Also, what is your light regimen now?

fully baked

tokinjoe said:
Good luck Baked. Out of curiosity, when are you putting the plants outdoors? Be careful of putting them out too early and having them go into budding, then reveg. It will stunt the hell out of them. Also, what is your light regimen now?

I'll probably end up putting them outside in 2 weeks or so, slowly harden them off and then in 3 weeks they will make the final transplant to their new homes under the sun. The past two season's I've stuck them outside around that time without problems so hopefully this year will be the same.

Right now they are under 16/8 so it will be less of a shock when they end up outside with a little less light.

Thanks for stopping by tokinjoe!

fully baked

A little update...

I've been wanting to get them a little bit of sun but we've had some shitty weather here! Temps dropping way down, cloudy, and rainy. :fsu:

Regardless heres some visual stimulation. The big girl is getting too big for her little ass light. So I pinched all her tops to slow her down till she can get outside. I threw a guitar pick in the first pick to give a size reference. :muahaha:

Peace out and stay high!


Active member
Hope the 16/8 helps bro. My experience with indoor to outdoor is very limited. I do intend to do such a grow this year though. I know the days start getting shorter after June 21st here so to be safe I'll put my second wave out in Mid-July. I think the 6/21 date is correct. If not one thing is for sure, there are many here waiting to correct any mis-info. The plan is to veg for 45 days to get some girth on them and then out into the great outdoors. Should be fun to watch if nothing else.

fully baked

tokinjoe said:
Hope the 16/8 helps bro. My experience with indoor to outdoor is very limited. I do intend to do such a grow this year though. I know the days start getting shorter after June 21st here so to be safe I'll put my second wave out in Mid-July. I think the 6/21 date is correct. If not one thing is for sure, there are many here waiting to correct any mis-info. The plan is to veg for 45 days to get some girth on them and then out into the great outdoors. Should be fun to watch if nothing else.

Ya 6-21 is the longest day of the year. I'm just hoping that when I stick them outside the increasing day length is substantial enough for them to notice. Hopefully that way they know it's spring and not the fall and won't start to flower. But I guess we will see in a couple of weeks now won't we!

Toke it easy joe...

edit: lemme know if you have an outdoor thread, couldn't hurt watching your progress too!
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fully baked

And the transformation continues...

The blueberry's, DSD's, and NH's are 16 days old.
The holy grails are 10-11 days old
The OHxS#1 and NPP's are 8-9 days old.

Here's some pics.

And who's who...



Thanks for stopping by everyone! :wave:
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fully baked

Getting ready to start prepping the outdoor sites. Hopefully everyone will be moved out within 2 weeks. Here they are under their weak ass lights in tiny pots...

New Hashberry






Everyones at the party

fully baked

Another update...

Probably gonna be digging all the holes this week and planting early next week. It's finally starting to get nice and has stopped raining...

I've scoped out a shit ton of spots, all in different areas, forests, prairies, in shrubs, by creeks. I plan to put 3 to 4 plants, all different strains per plot, so if I end up losing a few, I don't lose all of one strain. So I'm looking at 9 to 10 plots. Not to mention the clones I took of my NH girl. Hoping to start them under 12/12 and get an early harvest to tide me over through the summer.

Heres some pics...

peace love and mary,

fully baked

All sweaty and nasty now. Just got done digging holes and got 4 plots up with 4 in each.

My heart is still pounding...

I should finish up the rest tomorrow!


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