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Full room reset. Current Culture RDWC. GG4 clone only, what did you expect from me?


Well-known member
It has been a good while since I did a grow diary. Doing a full room reset and have a couple of awesome looking GG4 clone only plants rolling so I thought why not? As per usual I will be growing the GG4 clone only cut that I have had for about 9 years now. I have lost count of how long I have had here. Kept clones and moms going that whole time. Nearly 10 years growing 1 plant to keep the genetics going. I am proud of myself for that. Had a couple close calls on losing her. Really only 1 good scare that I remember when I was hurt. Had all the bark fall off the stem of the mother plant. Was able to get clones and save them tho.
So doing a full reset of the grow space. 15 years of growing in here has taken its toll on the floor. I ground down all the coatings to bare wood and let a dehuey run for a week in there. Pulled a good amount of moisture from the area.
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Then I painted with killz primer and finished with flat white paint. I did some of the walls to, they were in pretty good shape.
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Decided to put down a pond liner to help protect the newly finished floor from spills and spray residues from damaging it. $20.00 is cheap insurance compared to what 20 or 30 gallons of water can do to your home...The liner may take away a bit from the clean look I like but I think its function is what really matters here.
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Full scrub on every piece of equipment. That takes me a full day to do all the fans, pumps, containers, stones, chiller...etc.
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That is enough for now. I am ready to fire it up tomorrow. I will share more then of all the changes and nice plants.
Have a great day all. Peace, negative.


Well-known member
Thanks for following along there. Really appreciate it. I have never found a strain I love more. I have been growing it the whole time and smoking it. I never tire of it. It gives me exactly what I want every time. I have grown other strains in that time. I have made a ton myself but none have come really that close to the Glue. Well maybe the Super Silver Goo I made and grew many many years ago. Regret letting that 1 go...
Thanks for the comments on the room. it can get a bit crowded with the chiller and all the equipment in. RDWC is equipment heavy. I did drop my ph doser tho from the system. My ph has been so solid that I see no need anymore to use it.
We will be growing with Jacks 321 and almost nothing else. Revitalize for benes. Possibly some 3 part homemade cal mag if needed. I make all my own nutes from dry. It is the way to go. You save HUGE and get the best quality.
I also grow under 660 watts of DIY LED. Pacific Light Concepts boards, they are no longer in business. Samsung lm301b diodes set on custom heatsinks with 80/20 channel spine. thing was super fun to build and has never let me down...beast! I put some nice blue filler strip on it to fill some channels. Looks nice and can be used to hide wires. This light kicks ass. 2 drivers and fully dimable. 8 arm spine type setup.
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Drivers are remote mounted in a cab outside the room along with all other control equipment.
Smoking on this tonight from the last harvest about 4 weeks ago now. Fire in the hole. GG4 clone only
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Have a sweet day all. Peace, negative.


Well-known member
Thanks for the nice comments guys. I will have them up and going in the room today. Hoisting the new Can Filter 33 into place. The old one had put in good work but its time for a new one! I started to smell it outside my house last grown....the last 2 weeks is tough to contain the gassy reek of the Glue. I am lucky to live out of town on my own property. No close neighbors No real worries of smell but I don't like advertising what I do. You never know who might pop up at your door.
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Love using the ratchet straps to help with this. I use the non lite version of Can Filter so they are heavy. I like these because they have the full 2 inch carbon bed. I don't think they even make this one anymore. I got this from a closing up shop. I picked up 2. I always like to have backups on hand in case stuff goes sideways.
When you are in RDWC you need to be prepped to fix stuff very quickly. You can lose your plants in 24 hours if stuff goes sour and you don't have what you need on hand...like a air pump. I keep 3 in the house..lol.
Alrighty then. Going to start assembling the Current Culture system and fill with water. I built this system myself using all the right parts. Current Culture just cost to much to not save a bunch and do it yourself. So easy. You will find as you follow me am a HUGE DIY guy. Built my RDWC system, built my LED light and make my own nutes from dry. I trust what I do and it is fun for me!.
Plant shots. Tent is overflowing big time. Reset took a bit longer and these 2 are beasting out. They are only under 65 watts of LED..lmao. They will be set free today in the big room. Cant wait to watch them start to blow up in here to. Have a feeling its going to be some work to get them under that first trellis layer...dammit. Thank god for Silica...makes for some strong bendable stems.
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I run them in a flood and drain system. Easiest hydro ever invented by man. It does great. I grow in nothing but water at every stage of growth...no dirt here for years now. Even when starting from seed it never touches dirty dirt..lol.
Tiny DIY project. Have AC Infinity tent fan I want to use as a floor circulator in the room. I have no tent poles in the room and the clamp really only works on round things. I used some pvc pipe recycled from a cloner and a couple fittings I had laying around to make a little stand. Glueing it up now. Free and it works perfectly!
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Little plug for AC. I get nothing from them so no bias. This fan I have had for nearly 2 years started to make noise when in the rotating mode. Emailed them with a bit of info and had a new one for zero cost inside a week at my door. It was even upgraded to a Gen 2. Good on them.
Have a great day all. Peace, negative.


Well-known member
Putting water in now!! Looks a little cluttered but need to place the air stones and nute up the water and plants will be moving in.

Was able to reinsulate some lines and fix some other small things bugging me. So nice to start fresh!
The light. Nice to be able to rotate arms to get around obstacles as it goes in.
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Taking a nice long smoke break then putting in the plants. Then this beast of a light will awaken!
Have a sweet day all. Peace, negative.


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Well-known member
And just like that I am already past both fucking trellises...woot! They are pretty able to deal with bending so tomorrow we trellis like a boss.
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These plants hit me at the chin guys....lol. They got a bit outta control in the tent.
The way I grow in the F and D in the tent is with the CC baskets that you see the plants in. That way transplant is virtually seamless...just drop them in and roots are instantly loving it.
Calling it a day and brewing a fat mocha. Gonna couple that with about 5 bong hits of the glue and get my video game time on. Its been a lot of work for the 2 days.
Super pleased. I already LOVE the pond liner. I do not know how I have grown all these years and NEVER used one.
Going to be a short time to flip...these do not need any more veg time...lmao.
Have a sweet day. Peace, negative.


Well-known member
Pond liner is very useful. You seem to have it under control, but where it crosses a doorway people walk though, it's good to put a board across. Like a tall skirting board. Often the frame stop, seems made for the job. It may aid you, offering something to lean on. The dam wall is a bit weak without some sort of support.
You could put panda mat down if you want a white covering still.
Have a think about some carpet/rubber crumb/foam tiles, kinda thing. You can slip them under still. It decouples the noise of pumps and motors, from the building structure more. While also damping the noise within the build. As the plants do once better established. If it's all hard surfaces, you can build standing waves of quite some energy. Some damping is useful.


Well-known member
I did trim it down a bit lower where I enter the room. I had thoughts of a board as well but I am putting some bright yellow caution like tape on it to remind it is there. I am the only person that goes in so I can learn it is there.
At first I thought yeah white would be cooler looking and maybe surface temps might be lower. But now that the black is in I can see water so easily it is crazy.
Good idea on the matting to dampen noise. I should give that a try under my chiller. it would be easy to slide in there.
Thanks so much for the tips.
Peace, negative.


Well-known member
Working on the trellising this am. They got so tall I have no chance of using the lowest trellis. Got some more bending to do but slow and steady here wins the game. You get in a rush and things start snapping...
Running at about 500 PPFD with my LED light to start. The plants are loving the increased light and space. So cramped they were in the 2x4 tent. Only under 65 watts in there to. It is impressive what 65 watts of LED can do. They are 5.5 feet tall right now...lmao.
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My ph meter died due to me letting it dry out. I had it in a glass of solution that evaporated while I was doing this work. Its reading is a full point off now. That's why I have the combo handheld in the picture to check it. Had a feeling I toasted it when it dried out. Oh well like everything I have a spare or two.
I try to not get upset about little things like this. I have gotten my cost down so low for a crop that a piece of equipment replaced here and there is no big deal. I mean a 70 dollar probe is nothing. Think if you had to purchase all this medicine from a dispo. Each run is worth thousands to me.
That $70.00 might get you a bit over a 1/4 oz of AAA at a dispo. I get a wee bit more than a 1/4 oz out of a crop..lol.
Have a great Holiday guys!
Peace, negative.


Well-known member
All right gonna call that good enough for today. Trellis done! These are some big and healthy looking plants. Lanky as frick...love those legs!
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Thanks goodness for Silica. I only broke 1 small head. Let these go for a couple days and then take some clones. Prob be flipping by the weekend. No need for more veg time...lol.
Running Jacks at 1.8 EC and 500 PPFD at the tops. 18/6 on the lighting.
The room feels so good all scrubbed and new.
Have a sweet day all! Peace, negative.


Well-known member
For those that want to know I will share some room specs with you.
Overall size is 4' x 5' x 8'. It is a in and out type air set up. 6" Fantech filtered intake air with 6" Fantech carbon filtered exhaust. I have the intake on a variac so I can match the out take. I usually have no problems with temps but I do have a small space heater if I need it.
For lighting I run 660 watts of DIY LED. Meanwell drivers, lm301b chips, all the good stuff. It is on a spine with 8 arm configuration. It can give me well over 1500 PPFD at canopy level if I need it which I don't.
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I grow in RDWC. I built it based on Current Cultures systems. Basically exact copy. I used to run a 4 site but found 4 plants tended to be to much for this space. Trimmed it down to a 2 site and it works better for the space that way.
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I have all drivers, controllers and electrical outside the room in a cab. Keeps it all away from moisture and I can get at it anytime to make adjustments. Also does not add any more heat to room.
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I run 2 fans for air circ. 1 up high and 1 down low. I use Bluelab ph monitors....only Bluelab.
I use Jacks 321 for nutrients. Revitalize for Benes and some home made cal mag if I need to. I use R/O UV treated water.
This system has done very well for me. Very clean, very precise and very fast! This was last run.
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Hope you all have a great day.
Peace, negative.


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Well-known member
Time for a 3 day spray with Green Cleaner. It is the only spray I ever use. I use it as a preventative as I start every flower cycle. I have 3 dogs and live in the country. I am outside every day many times working on my property. Always a possibility I could bring something in. I hit them 3 days in a row before I start flowering even if I see nothing.
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I just use a simple pump sprayer and make sure I hit all the plant. Make sure to hit the undersides and down low where the bugs like to start. Things are going well and plants are loving the increased light and space.
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Looking to take clones this weekend and flip to flower to.
Have a great day all. Peace, negative.


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Well-known member
Hey a call to all the RDWC growers out there. I use 34% hydrogen peroxide to clean my pipes and chiller and cloner. The stuff is amazing as long as you handle it properly. Well lately all the online supplies are no more. You can not ship it at that strength or pay a big hazmat shipping charge. So everyone stopped selling it and now you can only find 8% It used to be around 70 bucks with free shipping for a gallon.
The chemical places want a "statement of use" and a business license to ship to you and still charge a Hazmat fee. Not good. I searched for alternative and found 1. It is a product made by 3M called 34A. It is a peroxide cleaner that is made for use in the commercial cleaning systems. Made to be diluted with water for various cleaning tasks. I am cleaning my cloner with it now and its perfect. 3m wont say what's in it because it is a "industry secret" but its 34 percent hydrogen peroxide. Here is a picture of the bottle.
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You have to pop out a little dispenser cap that goes to the system they use to dilute it. Then use it just like you would the 34% H2o2. Best part about it is that you pay no hazmat fee and can get it cheap and at many places. About 40 for a gallon with free shipping. Going to stock up on it a bit.
Hope this is helpful to those that use the product. It is a amazing no touch cleaner. If you have not tried it you should. Just remember very caustic and will cause burns to skin and eyes. Where eye pro and gloves when pouring it out and putting it in equipment. I will sometimes use Ph down to create a more acidic solution. It cleans better that way. Good shit!
Have a great day all. Smoking on some long cured flower today. From 2 grows ago so at least a 6 month cure on it. mmmm
Peace, negative.

Gone Camping

Well-known member
Nice setup, following along.

Happy with the Bluelab Guardian? I'd like a few but a bit pricey for me, unsure if the premium price is warranted over cheaper options.

I'm running an s1 of the Josey cut.. found a nice one recently.


Well-known member
Nice setup, following along.

Happy with the Bluelab Guardian? I'd like a few but a bit pricey for me, unsure if the premium price is warranted over cheaper options.

I'm running an s1 of the Josey cut.. found a nice one recently.
Thanks for the comments about the setup. Taken me awhile to get here...It is basically what I dreamed of having as far as equipment for a long time. I wish I had more space but don't we all...lol.
I had been through about 6 meters until I got to Bluelab. Hanna handhelds x3, Hanna monitor type with separate probes and another brand I cannot remember right now. They all crapped out quickly or were completely unreliable. I treat my stuff with care and clean and calibrate every grow. The quality was just not there. I have had the 2 bluelabs now for like 5 years or more. Have the combo handheld and the larger one I cant remember the model. Perfect all the time, no issues. The only prob I have had is killing that 1 probe a couple weeks ago because I let it dry out completely....totally my fault. I basically forgot about it as I was doing the reset. Easily replaceable because it is BNC connected to the monitor.
In my opinion it is totally worth it. I am all water here so knowing the Ph all the time is important.
Hope you have good luck with the cut you have and thanks for watching along.
Peace, negative.