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Fucking Texas....


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer

have some trichomes, it'll make you feel better. :)


Where I'm at I could def use some of those delicious looking trichs hempkat.

Anyone who was not obvious white conservative christian over the age of 25 was harassed on the reg. for every mile of road in the town there was two squad cars just constantly circling one at each end. response time in that town for police was like 2 minutes. I couldnt fire off a paintball gun in my own back yard to test it after I fixed it with out the cops being called by some shit head neighbor that shits their pants every time a car backfires. I have literally been pulled over multiple times a day for no infraction, just a random ten minutes of questioning. Living in that town will turn you into a sheeple, a suicide case, or a serial killer. the suicide rate was extremely high among all ages. None of the schools had windows. The schools and the police have a zero tolerance policy with kids and adults. then they turn around and claim they are the best city in the state. The schools force kids that wont get into good schools to get GED's to keep their stats up. There was a law says your car had to be of a certain quality, and move every couple of days or they would tow it even if it was parked in front of your own house. The cops planted a joint on my friend, beat him and arrested him for being black in the wrong place. the stories go on I fucking hate that nazi police state. doesnt matter if you can own gun because the population is trained like nazi germans, and think the police there are just the greatest thing ever. they smile with compliance as they get herded along to starbucks then to work then to home everyday for 30 years.
Sounds like this major south eastern state I know, locked in constant competition with TX for things like:
last in education, 1st place in police presence, most wallymarts, most prisons, greatest number of churches & the largest churches.
Also a regular contender for highest number of DWBs (driving while black), usually surpassing DUIs. there is also DWM/DWL (mex/latino)
Expect to get towed/booted anywhere in it's capitol city, all legit reasons of course.
A place where in many municipalities, patrolmen wear a fucking molle vest, on top/outside obviously. BDU trousers and dropleg holsters. Some counties even have officers wearing full BDU in digi/multi cam with velcro arm patch made for military insignia/rank, web belt, patrol cap, and 8" combat boots. If it wasn't so uncomfortable I'm sure they'd wear kevlar masks or respirators just to complete the intimidation factor. These are just regular patrols, including those on grocery store guard duty.
I repeat, fucking grocery store guard duty wearing complete digicam BDU- LOL. pathetic. ATLEAST YOU CAN'T SEE THEM CAUSE THEYRE CAMOUFLAGE (woodland or multicam in 100% concrete surrounding). Oh wait, forgot, its because they want you to see them. Like I said, they couldn't try much harder. They just ain't tough enough to wear the balaclava all day in 98+ degrees..


Keeping her and her blessed little lambs safe from minorities and the impoverished ! :biggrin:

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