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Fucking Busted Hardcore........

Fucking Busted Hardcore........

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Sorry to hear that. I Truly wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.
with the feds it's like no rhyme or reason. If you have stuff that they can seize worth value then you're chances go way up.

but at times it seems that small guys go fed. maybe to grab some headlines who knows. Glad ya made it through ok.

I couldn't believe it when i got raided the 2nd time for the same thing.
The fed's don't give you a call and let you know there taking over your case, they just straight raid your ass and put your life in danger.
machine guns in my face twice in one month.
They said the reason they came in raid style the 2nd time was because they were suspicious i was growing again. My answer to that was "how stupid do you really think i am"!

Yankee Grower

The fed's don't give you a call and let you know there taking over your case, they just straight raid your ass and put your life in danger.
The feds also won't tell you/attorney if they have a warrant out for you. The local popo's will...at least from what I know.


The point is that mmj should be legal regardless. I don't find it funny that the only way to legally use mj is to feign some sickness. I don't find it funny that the govt thinks that it is their right to tell people what they can and can't put into their bodies.

Well put zenoonez .


The feds also won't tell you/attorney if they have a warrant out for you. The local popo's will...at least from what I know.

They actually did call my attorney to verify my address, and he reluctantly told them.
I wasn't happy. He could have at least gave me heads up that they were coming. I wanted to fire him. It's a good thing i didn't though, he helped me out a lot in the end.


Active member
Well I used to be all for voting YES on prop 19. But now I dunno. I'm conflicted. I'd rather not vote at this point.

But my whole point, and question, and relation to this thread is, how does Prop 19 affect anything to do with this thread?

The only thing you come up with is that it would be a pain in the arse to make 16 trips to deliver a pound and that the pound you are delivering would not be worth it anyway...

So its better to have growers like KB grow and get busted and charge people an enormous price for medicine because they have court fees?

Unless KB is providing meds for $5 grams all day then he is not compassionate. He is gambling and willing to take a risk to PROFIT.

In the name of that, he deserves NO SYMPATHY.

If I lose $10,000 on a bet on blackjack at a casino are you all going to be there to post messages telling me how sorry you are, too?


damn your being a fuckin bitch how are you to say who deserves sympathy or not are you the fucking weed police

if you dont want to say anything nice stay out of the thread shit


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
My momma always told me "if you don't have anything nice to say, shut your f'ing piehole boy."

This thread is about our main man Krunch. It has nothing to do with Prop 19. Drop it already.

Yankee Grower

They actually did call my attorney to verify my address, and he reluctantly told them.
I wasn't happy. He could have at least gave me heads up that they were coming. I wanted to fire him. It's a good thing i didn't though, he helped me out a lot in the end.
When my friend's case was dropped by the locals because he was fully compliant he knew the feds would pick it up. His attorney immediately called the feds and said his client, my friend, would turn himself in on Monday. They refused to say if there was an outstanding warrant and the attorney said he was gonna try and get the info through someone he knew in the department. Anyway the feds came that weekend and took my buddy out of his home in cuffs instead of letting him turn himself in.


Active member
I truly wonder how many 10k, 20k, 30k+ watt threads here at ICmag have begun only to end with a raid.

It seems every time one of these 10k, 20k, 30k+ watt threads start 99% of viewers are in the attitude of "Rock on!" "You rock!" "Overgrow the government!" "You got balls!" only to end with "Sorry man." "That sucks." "Hope you get a lawyer" "+karma".

Then there is that 1% that tries to be the voice of caution and all you loud mouthed supporters of wrongdoing harp in "shut up" "you douche bag" "how could you not respect someone with titanium balls"

well ya know what, if ya don't keep those titanium balls polished, they rust.


Active member


When my friend's case was dropped by the locals because he was fully compliant he knew the feds would pick it up. His attorney immediately called the feds and said his client, my friend, would turn himself in on Monday. They refused to say if there was an outstanding warrant and the attorney said he was gonna try and get the info through someone he knew in the department. Anyway the feds came that weekend and took my buddy out of his home in cuffs instead of letting him turn himself in.

so your friend's attorney alerted the feds to his situation. sounds like the WRONG attorney.


I keep checking in to see if krunch has an update and all I see is post from some dumb fuck turd talking about prop 19 ^^^ you should go poke your head into 1 of the 44 worthless threads you started and get the fuck out of here


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
wow, every time i go on here, my day brightens up big time!

the love is immeasurable and i appreciate all of you, except mr boom diggity, dude, seriously, please leave the discussion....thank you

well, first court date, judge was really cool, even joking with me, he said he appreciated i made it to court..
charged with intent to sell and transportation of marijuana only!!!!
my prior cultivation charge was brought up from when i was a wee little 18 year old, the date was wrong, apparently i got busted when i was 10 years old.......

if im charged with anything that happened at my house, it will be a second case, arrested again and wont be bailing out again, to low on flow.....

meeting my first lawyer today from someone on here who recommended me to her, appreciate it! going to try to retain her with as little cash as possible, this should not go to trial im sure, the charges can be explained with my collective, i was literally delivering to my chief financial officer, at least i hope.......

harvested everything at the other house and is drying at a friends house, 30+ hours of trimming sucked.....
will be close to 5 lb's im sure, so it will keep me going till the next run......

cant sleep or eat, lost 15 lb's already and im not even working out or running anymore, just to mentally worked. every sound at night, i think there coming, it sucks to live like that, but hey, its what i do....

this whole thing has me reconsidering what i do, this is my passion and my life, but i dont know if i can get into trouble anymore. i tried to go by the letter of the law and i still lost.......

tell you the truth, this is one of my only really good skills. the day i started smoking, i started growing. even though i went to school and even a trade school and was labeled a genius at 12, i don't have a career to fall back on. so, kinda stuck doing this......man this ulcer is starting to hurt........

you guys fucking rock, i love you all!!!!!!!!!!! :tiphat: :tiphat: :thank you: :thank you:


Active member
Woah dude hang in there! Try taking up the exercise as soon as possible it will help with the stress and the ulcer. Watch your back!


Feeling good is good enough.
Your joy is our collective joy KB...!

This will only make you wiser and stronger...

Resin in thicker than water!


Active member
If he has good things it's because he worked his ass off to get them.
You also forget to consider the cost of operating decent size grows. Constant 1000 + dollar trips to the hydro store,rent,electric,security,etc. Each crop may cost thousands and growers are being undercut by greedy buyers constantly. If you ever worked hard at something you would probably understand and take back every word you said.
You seem more like the negative stereotype of pot users who won't work and is lazy,has nothing,earns nothing,and is jealous of the success and accomplishments of others who busted ass for what they have.

sounds more like a cop to me.


good word bro, I figured it would get thrown out, cops charge you with everything they can, then judges and DA knock them down with some reality, keep up with the MPB bro, judges hear 4plants and they say next case please


Active member
my last 2 posts had nothing to do with prop 19.

this post has nothing to do with prop 19.

so basically - since you started smoking you started growing - and have acquired no other significant skill otherwise - and now you want to call it quits?

if that doesn't scream "don't start smoking kids, it will ruin your life" i don't know what does.

Yankee Grower

so your friend's attorney alerted the feds to his situation. sounds like the WRONG attorney.
You're fucking stupid. You don't know shit about the situation and making assumptions. The FBI was side-by-side with the local sheriff staff when they cleaned out the property. The feds had the locals lead the bust and charge my buddy first. Everyone knew the feds were gonna pick it up immediately after the locals dropped it. Could get into more details but it was the right call in this situation IMO.


Active member
Well then the only thing I have left to say is how do you grow pounds on the regular and not keep enough loot for a lawyer?

Sounds like someone isn't playing the game properly.

I've sprayed enough doosh juice in this thread.

My apologies.

i tried to be civil about your hateful comments but this just sets me off....you obviously have no idea what you are talking about or what kind of re-investment it takes to do what KB does...it takes a shitload of money to produce lots of weight.... and he just set up that collective im sure that burned through alot of savings. my other friends who run big opps are the same too...it costs money to make money. you obviously have no idea about the thousands of dollars it costs for new cans, new nutes, electricity, plus rent, etc etc etc etc it goes on and on and on. these guys probably spend more on nutrients and rent than you make in an entire year...

seriously bombdiggity...get the hell out of this thread your smug self righteous opinions arent welcome here....can a mod politely tell this guy to GET LOST??

that being said...the rest of us should pay attention to this and stash away some lawyer/bail money asap. i have my 20k tucked away in a safe in an offsite location somewhere in case SHTF...
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