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Fuck Those #$% Ass Cops - Go Hard or Go Home


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FD#1 looking better since i've been floshing actually. i see something resembling frost and it doesn't smell like grass now. some mild citrussy smell. still beats grass. hope it comes back some more.


FD#2 no worse for wear. this one is flushing pretty fast might be somehow i'm overwatering. kinda hard since i barely manage once a day. most probably because the outer rootball is dying off and the middle is staying wet. whatever. bout to get the chop and i'm not in love with this weird smell it ended up with. it's like chocoloate and wood? i dunno how to explain it, like if chocolate came from wood and you made a table of it. this is what it would smell like. not enough like chocolate to keep, too much like wood and furniture polish for me to want to smoke it. just kinda makes me a little nauseated to be honest when i take a good whiff. maybe it goes away with cure. but i'm disappointed with this one. at this point.


FD#3 this one is tied to one of the poles at the top of the tent. this is pretty much unable to support itself in any capacity at this point. 5+ colas all flopping in different directions on a flimsy thin but very strong stalk, all sticking 3+ feet out of a half a 2 liter bottle.
not sure what she smells like yet, but it's more citrus than anything, but i smell that "wood" smell in the back a little.

the other 2 are pretty much the smells of this one separated out. one smells like the citrus part, the other is that chocolate woody smell.


thang thangs all stretched the fuck out and ridiculously inefficient. took cuts from all three. most likely only gonna keep #12 the one in the back that looks like it's been playing in the snow. managing to stay relatively happy despite everything. my AC seems to be fixed...for now. lets see how long that holds up. after last week i switched my flower cycle to overnight, can't afford to be heating up during the hottest part of the day. i'm sure the elec is prolly cheaper at night or something and it'll be easier to keep cool and if i'm cold this can heat up my house and i won't freeze lol.


the tent presently. 2 in the back are the Deez (strawberry sour diesel haze) with about 30 days to go. much tighter than last time, i think i posted a shot in my last update above? on the right side we have the thang thangs, and in the front taking up an inordinate amount of space are the FloriDeez (atlantic diesel S1's/xBSK) those are coming down in a week or 3 then i think i'm gonna let everything else finish while i veg out 3 more. i'm gonna try something different my next grow. stay tuned.

i finally got a seed to sprout. i was checking on some cuts i'm rooting directly into the dirt. thought it was a limp leaf stem that was ready to be plucked or something laying on top of the dirt, i poke it with a toothpick and notice it looks like a taproot. yay! it was, something finally sprouted. except i dunno what it is. could be any of the seeds i failed to germ over the last few months or it could be a new guy that fell into some soil and wound up in a pot. but whatever it is please be a girl and please be one of the BSC or Sasha lol. please please please!!!


Active member

FloriDeez#1 left side/ #2 right side

#1/#2 lowers. the #1 branches the most of the 3 without topping. also the most sensitive.


lower bud on #1 identical to the structure of the moms buds.


up top same pic from last time with penny. started to purple up and getting a nice fruity lemony smell for the end. i'm sure if i had treated it better from the beginning with lighter feeding she would have come out fairly nice. i'm gonna see how they smoke before deciding if i'm gonna try any more of the S1 seeds. i cloned the #3 for a second run and it's on day 3 flower now. gonna try some of the seeds from the cross with the BSK in a later grow.


top of the #2 pretty leafy, got more reveg going before stopping. gonna be a major bitch to trim all of these.


Active member

a midsection bud from the #1. after i plucked like 10 leaves out of the shot i think lol.


FloriDeez#3 i chopped this one the other day at 68 days. been hanging drying. trying to get it real slow dry. it's not super humid in here anymore now it's super dry with my AC on all the time. no mold worries but now i gotta worry about drying too fast and tasting like bitter green leaves.


veg cab.
lower left is the seedling tray with 1 x StrawBoyryKush(s.deezxbsk#6) the next seedling i call "Alive In Tuscon" [wink] i dunno what it is, but out of the last hundred or 2 seeds i tried to germ over winter something came up. in a pile of reused dirt. yay! no clue what this is but please be a girl.
going up the left side column 1 we have a BSK3a(bsk#3xbsk#6)#1 seedling. above that is an empty pot with a seed from either my mf3k of sf3 that i'm just praying will eventually come up.

continuing to the right into column#2 is BSK3a#2. below that we have the goldrush aka dicklicker clone that i have rooted for almost a month now but refuses to actually reveg or anything. just sitting and praying for this one. i'm gonna go to the dicklickerxbsk#6 seeds in a minute if nothing happens. below that we have a "lil weezy" (WBK#2xBSK#6) seedling. bottom is a pot with a few cuttings from the FD#3 i'm gonna save as a mom while i test the potential. oh wait i never showed you the clone after it bushed out did i?
next column over are 3 trays of cuts from the thang thangs, #1/#12/#tree no particular order. in the last column top to bottom is the goldrush male i'm flowering to collect some more pollen from before i let him go. this this doesn't show preflowers for a long time in veg, but when in 12/12 it flowered immediately and i had open sacs in less than 7 days. below that a pot of MishaF3 male clones that i'm gonna flower and then get rid of. trying to get rid of all my males cept this last pot of BSK#6 males that i'm gonna keep one of for a father and get rid of all the rest of the males for now. i'm gonna keep this guy to use for testing.



fD#3 clone i took from the top. got super bushy. these are old pics, i'll show one from the flower next time.

till laters. imma have to buy a subscription. i think i can find some money for gypsy somewhere. after rent ...lol.
what brand hps bulb do you use?i just switched to hortilux and its makin leafier bud.i shoulda went with digilux like last run


Active member
i have no idea what brand this bulb is...whatever came with the ballast from apollo. the leafiness on these is mostly because they were stressed and started to reveg, or started making more branches instead of ripening the buds. end result was 3x more leaves.

imma try that vitamingreen. i chopped #1/#2 and i was super lazy so i just hung the whole plant. trimming these are a bitch even just the major fans. we'll see how it is after a few days hanging.


Active member
well after 3 days hanging i took off the fans and it's semi dry, the other stuff i left in there for closer to 7-10 days i just chopped up and put into a bowl tupperware. i think it might be too dry. the effect so fat is really up high in the head. but it's also very clear almost imperceptible till you sit and think about it. yeah, i'm still high. i took em way early i think based on how the calyxes look. prolly needed more like 90 days. i only have the #3 that imma run again. and ton's of seeds from BSK#6 pollen.




THANGS THANGS, SAME POSITION AS BEFORE. I'LL TAKE EM OUT AND GET SOME PICS SOON. oops . llool anyway it's really floppy in there and i don't feel like moving anything right now. [procrastinating adding stakes
growing over the top and then some.


under the reflector

i've been super lazy lately. i didn't stay on top of checking. i think the #tree has nanners on it. it had some early hermies. but now it looks like it'as fulla seeds, and prolly the other 2 also. oh well.

Boyd Crowder

Teem MiCr0B35
jeez bro , them girls gettin a lil too close to the light ya think ?
thats some serious hardmode right there my dog,
FTW or what IC thank


Active member
Oh yeah they're def too close. But they stretched so much my only options here some 4 weeks into flower is either chop em or finish. I'm just gonna continue.


Active member
alright back again with a small update. i've been smoking the F.Deez exclusively for the past week or whatever. smell and taste are unable to be judged since it was taken early and not very flushed. #3 smells pretty decent when you open the container, the other 2 smell like grass of course. taste was bitter unflushed weed lol. the high's on the 3 are very up, the most intense being the #3 and also the one i happened to clone. i tried to reveg the other 2 but the #1 didn't make it, and i don't really care for the#2. my friend likes it so when it starts to reveg some more and leaf out i'll flower it again for him and see if it's any better second time around with less nutes and yada yada.


FloraDiesel (atlanticdieselS1?) aka florideez/flodeez/f.deez
this is what it looks like now...since however long ago i said i took that picture before this was.

moving on.

WBK#2(whiteberrykush [blubonicxwhiteog2.0]) a.k.a ""weezy"
i tried to have 2 weezys to run this go, but for some reason the second clone keeps dying. i started like 6, 3 had rooted, then mysteriously 2 died. i pot up another one to join it and then the old one dies. now this one is all that remains to flower out. maybe the universe is telling me my filter isn't ready for that level of funk?


my Deez (SourStrawberryHaze[KKSCxSSSDH]) aka S.Deez/StrawDeez @ 57days. practically done but imma go to 63. do plain water for a week. i didn't anticipate the nutes flushing out this soon. i overcompensated for what happened last time. but all in all really good run. between the results of these 2 (one on the left has no stake in the pot) and the yogurt cup, i think next go round should be perfection. they stretched a little at the end from the heat. i flipped to 600 one day and it fried one of the tips and everything else close to the bulb got really stressed and or bleached. but i been running 400/450? whatever 75% power is for a week now. next run i hope to keep everything short and crank it up to max. got an exhaust fan now and i'm redesigning my filter.

this is almost as tight as it should be, the buds separated from each other a little, but the nugs are way less airy than the last run which i took to like 100 effin days lol. last time i got close to 30 grams if you include the larfy bits i used to cook and the stems i couldn't be arced to trim all the way from the buds. this is way more solid so i'm crossed fingers for 2 oz out of these 2 plants or at the very least 1 oz when we take away all the stick weight lol. also forgot to mention i see like 5-20 fully formed seeds in there. Selfed. i long suspected this plant hermies but i never saw any evidence except leetle tiny snap crackle pop immature baby things. can't even see em, just hear it pop. but this time i find whole seeds just sprouting from the ends of the buds closest to the light. either there's stray pollen on my reflector or i finally stressed it enough to produce viable pollen.


last thing i'm running this round is these thang thangs(GG#4xRGT)@day42. they don't have a real name so this is what i'm calling em. so don't go around asking if anyone knows where to get some thangthang seeds lol.
here we are at exactly 6 weeks and so far they aren't too bad. i've overfed them. to varying levels. from left to right are #3 pheno which seems to be most sensitive to nutes or most sativa leaning which are usually the same thing. very slow flowering, which may also be dependent on it being very sensitive to the N in my nutes. which is very little btw.
next up is the second pheno i call #12 i liked this one the most since the day it popped out of the ground. it's the frostiest thing in my tent, not only among the 3 but it's even beating the Deez and i haven't even dialed it in yet. it seems to be the least sensitive to the nutes and the heat and everything really. but... it's the only one with nanners on it. Womp WOMP WOOOOOOOOOMMMMMPPPP!!!! lol fuck it, imma have to baby this bitch. at least till i can cross these nanners away into something else. it might just be the nutes but i like the way it grows. if it's not sensitive to N which it doesn't seem to be then it's got a natural sativa foxtail profile like all those pics of the tropical sativa's but way more frosty. and the smell is pure lemons so far. very nice. i immediately think OG. got a couple seeds in there either somehow came from the strawberries or selfed. i'm excited about those.
finally on the right we have the #1 which i don't remember topping...but i guess i did? somehow it has 2 top cola's i'll have to go over my notes again. anyway this one has always been closest to the lamp and has been fed the same as the other 2 so i'm guessing the growth structure on this one is supposed to be little golf ball pine cone things. it's not really stretching as much as the other 2 and it seems deficient. i'm gonna try and give it more mag on it's own. smell on this one is grapefruit and it's the second most frosty of the 3. a medium between the #12 and #3 also very dense, seems to be a medium finish behind the #12 and ahead of the #3.
i can't wait to run these again. got the #1 and #12 vegging up...very very slowly might i add. these are some slow veggers or my house might be too cold? i'll figure it out.


Active member
some "better" (sarcastic air quotes) pictures.




#12 you should be able to spot a nanner in one of these pictures, as well as the level of frost and sativa buds.

another picture of the Deez for good measure. almost where i want it. just a little lower overall EC and run the nutes till up to 10 days before chop then flush. should be muah <that italian thing where you kiss your fingers> perfecto.


Active member
i'm glad you think the only real grows are commercial ops running one strain dialed in in a sterile environment. those are soooo exciting. me i like to grow in a small stealthy area in a hardcore state where you can go to prison for a year over 1 whole gram of weed. i also like variety which is why i mostly grow from seed, and why i use bagseed and seeds i made vs buying genetics where you already know what you're gonna get.

hard mode means simply that, doing shit the hard way, its the best way to grow really you learn a lot, and the weak get culled much faster. if you can't survive a few gnats then why the fuck am i growing you? there will always be pests, you don't want to cater to your plants, you want strong plants that can survive.

anyway sorry to disappoint, no warehouse here, and no clones. just adventure and excitement.

keep going hard man! it's a whole lot more fun that way for sure!

lol, just realized that was a post from years ago. oh well
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lol still the same old hard mode. not in a cabinet anymore, now i'm in a small tent. still popping seeds and still pushing em to the limit. still no warehouse.


Active member
back with a small update. thang thangs are varying degrees of overfed and i'm going to start flushing for a chop in the next 2 weeks or so. i got the next round all vegging up and will be ready to go once i pull the others out.




all @ 56 days. the #12 has nanners all over, i'm going to have to have a phenomenal smoke test in order to keep it. it seems the happiest yet has nanners all over. they didn't seem to pollinate anything else cept itself. but still... nanners. the #3 is eaither the heaviest sativa i've ever in a long time or way too much food. or nitrogen in general. i've cut my nitrogen way back since the initial over nitrification but still not doing much of shit. the other 2 are flushing as of a week ago with bRumats (bootleg blumats lol)
finally #1 seems to be handling the nutes ok, it's easily the highest yield of the 3 but... it's still throwing all white pistils and new buds...all the time. even after a week of plain water + a little micro.


bsk3a#1 very overwatered. i dunno how. i barely water it. yet somehow when i come back still seems very heavy and wet. showing iron defs. i've stopped watering it altogether at this point.


doing really well in my setup. it's looking like week 3 buds at 14 days. this one is a fast plant anyway. should be done close to 50 days.

i pollinated weezy with my mf3 pollen think (BBxOG)x("thebestweedyoueversmoked"xBB) and i dusted another branch with some hermie pollen i found in the last nug of bud from the goldrush aka dicklicker. found 2 little nanners.
and i also have another bsk3a#2 in there too. anyway. laters.


ICMag Donor
What is the 'soil' you are putting the cuts into?

My flowering soil is 50-50 new-used soil so it has some nutes in it. I consider it too strong (and really also too dense) to put cuts straight into. They end up struggling and look a lot like yours (yellowing leaves, slow growth).

I put rooted cuts into a blend of promix:earthwormcastings:perlite (3:1:1 ratio). It's a slightly looser mix and the ewc supply nutes for the starting cut without burning it. Even yellowing cuts will green up nicely and start growing pretty quick.