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Fuck Those #$% Ass Cops - Go Hard or Go Home


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Is there any reason you let your plants grow so tall instead of training to get more like to lower bud sites


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i don't have any issues with light getting to the lower bud sites(these days anyway). so i just let em grow like they wanna grow.
i think home piece is poppin a lotta beans and maybe doesnt always know what the height will be.i always do this when i pop new beans.i either veg to little or to much.id trim more of the lower branches off if they were my ladies,but i dont like hairy legs.the one you call dick licker is damn nice looking.that thing has some serious structure to it i would not lose that one,prob be good to breed with .lookin good!


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aside from my weezy and the deez, everything else is from seed. i have no idea how big they will be till they get big. usually i only grow em 4-6 weeks from seed before i put em in flower. but even still the biggest plants were only barely 1 foot tall when i put em in and now they're easily 3 feet.

Thnks OakyJoe i'm trying to clone her, she's def a keeper even if nothing else than that structure. and mold resistance.


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thang-thangs @ 4 weeks from seed. starting to get "that look"

Boyd Crowder

Teem MiCr0B35
HardMode On Deck: I love your FTW attitude and the wringing the most out of the least ethic.

You my friend, are the very definition of pratical, low budget growing, I mean that in the very best of ways. I been diggin into your other grows and hardmode is where its at. If theres one guy on this forum beginners should be tuned into , its you. Sadly, I often notice they tend to get all doe-eyed and moistinthecrotcharea looking at the BigNameSeedCo and MassivePowerBillGrows and think this is what they should do, and thats just not the case IMHO.

anywho, Whats the dicklicker about? you gonna onehttaquitta or you taking some clones?


Active member
thanks guys, i've been keeping it simple and working with what i have on hand. you don't need much to grow weed. it's nice to have a whole warehouse and 20 lights to play in, but i'm being realistic to what i have on hand and the current state of policing we live under.

I'm rooting a couple clones now that should have roote before i chop, if not i'll reveg her. she's too stinky to not keep if nothing else for seeds even if the high sucks.

@genedigger yeah they're all the same strain. just a test cross i'm running they don't have a name i don't think.


Active member
Hello , read the first 10 pages of your thread , then jumped to the end
Expected to see a more elaborate set up but wound up at the " all right guys bought a new light and a tent expect to see some more burnt leaves " lmao ....
Thou it's nice to see your still doing you ....
I can dig the work with what ya got style



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yeah i'm not selling anything so i don't care about yields and shit, just top notch smokes. which hardly yield shit for the most bomb anyway. i'm all about getting the most bang outta my bucks. thanks for stopping by, gonna be going back to the old school in a minute. my seeds are starting to get too old to germ. time for seed preservation runs.


Active member
guerilla ontology. talk that actually makes a difference to actual people who have to deal with actual life. so they can get actual weed on an actual day and get their head off the ground.

some of us know there are actual people in the world, and i thank you boyd for bringing it to the attention. and thanks ILBH for being here to talk real talk and help people with solutions they can actually get. but you see the worth of your actions so i don't need to talk about it.


Active member
thanks fellas, i'm just continuing the work of the people who taught me what i know and showed me i could grow weed with just dirt from my backyard and some fluorescent lights from above the kitchen sink.

paying it forward.


GoldRush@78days left side chopped the cola the other day to avoid any mold issues this close to the end. the rest is coming down in 2 days. last remaining BSK the #4, i dunno how many days. something like close to 70 or maybe 80. maybe 65. i gotta go check...close to 63. i wrote week 8 was the 1st. so somewhere between 56-63 days. coming down in a couple weeks.


gave it a shot of alaska fish bout 3 weeks ago and been flushing with molasses and kelp since then. just switched to plain old water today. should be coming down about 2 weeks. ish.


not that frosty, but getting ripe bottom up. makes me think blueberry more than ever. got a "hash?" "haze?" smell. i dunno. smells spicy and woody more than anything else. no fruity smells here. i also don't know where these seeds are coming from. nothing has nanners on it in the tent and these are all new. i think stray pollen is still in my tent. gonna spray it all down and wipe the walls when the lights go off.


i was looking her over before i took pics and some of the pistils looked purple under my flashlight. so i'm like omfg no. mold!!! so i clipped some pistils for a closer look. not mold at all. dunno if you can see it, but theres trichomes forming on the pistils. lol.


transplanted them thang-thangs into their final pots. gonna veg em another week or maybe 2 then toss em in the tent. would throw em in now but they're gonna mostly be in shade.

left side is #1 the strongest one. they all got tall and fell over as seedlings, #1 was first to stand back up and fatten up. went from 1 finger to 3 fingers to 5 fingers by the 3rd node and now up to 7 finger leaves. might go to 9 in flower but they usually max out by the time they sex. in the middle is #12 i just gave it that name so i would remember it was the special one. kept the 3 finger leaves till 6th node before finally going to 5. i think it's gonna max out at 5 fingers. looks most like what i see in the mom. right side is #3 or "tree". this one resembles the characteristics of the mom too. went for 3 nodes on 3 fingers now it's on 5 fingers. might hit 7 also.


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Florideez#1 here at...this doesn't sound right... week 5. 38 days by my count. that's what i wrote down so it must be accurate. anyway these things are finally done stretching and are starting to fill in. all 3 are very similar if not identical to the mom as i said earlier. this one is more citrussy in scent. but it's fairly light. think orange blossoms not actual oranges.


flowers are filling in really good. this one is gonna yield. i had to stake it up. at least thats what i call it lol. when i took it out for the picture it almost bent in half and snapped. nice looking sativa flowers, looks identical to the mom which can be seen a few pages back. these have gotta be S1's.


next up is the #3 it looked like the other 2 before i had to top it and then super crop the top and i think i had to pinch a couple tops after that. a real stretcher. in this cutoff 2 liter. i gave the roots too much depth to grow into and this "airpot" like design is working all too well. the buds are similar to above cept. more spread out as you can see. this plant begs for a scrog.


Florideez #2 aka Goliath. not happy with the food at all, but everything else has too much nitrogen/ food in general. so majority winds in this case. she's not suffering too much. most of it comes from being too dry most of the time and also being 3 whole inches from the bulb. luckily it's the base of the lamp which isn't as hot as the sides. you may or may not be able to make it out, but that top part of the cola is all calcium/lockout twisted leaves, foxtailing. looks like it's revegging up there. might just take the top off. maybe take that for my clone if it keeps revegging.


but that aside this one is my favorite so far. its looking like the lightest yielder, but it's also hungry so maybe more food would turn that around. but the best part is the smells. it's got a WONDERFUL! chocolate smell. like dreamy. smells like chocolate pudding is wafting through the air. also has a dull brownish color to her buds under the hps. i might just be imagining that part, but the buds and pistils always look like they're slightly shaded when i'm looking at her in the tent.

anyway, that's all for now. i'm almost outta picture space too. so i'll slow down on my pictures. till next time.


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peek inside the veg tent.
got 2 weezy clones vegging up left foreground, in the back it's a clone of FDeez#3. in the middle right side is a tray with 5 dead unicorns and 3 BSK3a(BSK#3xBSK#6) seedlings at about 2 weeks or close to it. gonna pot em since i see the one laying down is getting stem rot. behind that is a tray of random cuts i'm rooting. 2x weezy one looks rooted. 1x bsk#4 , 3xbsk#3. the bsk#4 might make it along with maybe one of the bsk#3. the rest are fungus food. doesn't matter much. they were both kinda bland. the #4 anyway, the #3 i had to take early because of mold. i managed to root the #2 clone i had i'm gonna run that one again soon with less food and see if i can keep it from hermying. if not. to the trash ye go.


this one i have no idea what it is. it's something in the tent xBSK#6 is only thing i can be certain of. little midget plant, or proof that i should start my seedlings in their final container. this thing is 6 inches tall and close to 10 nodes already branching. hopefully a girl i would love to see what it does in flower.


inside the flower tent. lamp is only running 300w with my rudimentary cooling setup it somehow manages to stay cool as long as my AC is running, which it usually is cuz it's hot as fuck sticks outside.


it's really hot in the 6 inch radius around the bulb. you might notice a lot of single leaves at the top of the tallest buds. hope when i get a proper exhaust i can turn the light up and they won't stretch as much...or however that works lol.


finally i present to you pics from my second worst grow. Deez, started off promising, but never filled in or packed on weight. the roots were thick and healthy, i guess was either just too hot or too much nitrogen. multiple factors were influencing it. still frosty as ever, just a touch will leave your fingertips feeling gritty like theres sand stuck to em, but so stringy and foxtailed out.

dunno why everyone loves foxtails so much. not sexy. at all. imho.
oh well, we gather our data and move on. /hardmode


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S.Deez @28days fairing better than last round so far. but the tops are too hot as you can see the stretch and the single reveg leaves. seems to be done with overall stretch at 4 weeks so 4 more weeks of hopefully issue free weight packing and we should be on the way to a better harvest.


F.Deez#1 left. Had to take the top off. was in full on reveg mode. i noticed the rest was doing the same thing so i took em all off the sauce. this one is so sensitive.
F.Deez#2 right. this one is sensitive to N but more tolerant than the #1, also showing some reveg signs and general growing more leafy vs packing on buds, aka starting to foxtail.


F.Deez#3 this one is more or less "just right" stretchy like a motherfucker. wait till you see the clone. ridiculous. anyway smells the most pleasant, got a floral lemony zest thing going. very light so far. tolerates the nutes best and overall seems to be the closest to completion here at these 57 days. also has the most frost coverage. you can't see it in this pic but it's there.


Thang.Thangs #1,#12, #tree in that order. they've gotten ridiculously stretched out and floppy over the course of the last week. i blame myself. too hot and i haven't been able to keep them fed enough. as a result that stretch got carried away. i put em on drippers today. stretch seems to be stopping. hopefully i wont have to top. they all seem to be 3 distinct phenotypes of the cross. the #1 is long very narrow leaf with a fairly tight spread. the #12 has long wider leaves with a wider spread. #tree has short wider leaves with very tight spacing. most indica looking of the 3. aside from the leaves and the supreme sativa stretch of #12, they are all 3 fairly identical in branching. the #tree has more branching with tighter nodes. trimmed all the lowers earlier for clones. 4 branches from #1,#12, and 6-8 from #tree.

i think thats it for now. i'm almost outta pics so imma have to start deleting i guess. till next time when i'll update the progress of the veg. i think the first bsk3a is gonna be a male, and one of the other seedlings with the stem rot is not going to make it. still having no luck germing seeds...this grow might come to a screeching halt soon lol.


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thang thangs @~18 days flower.





full shots in last post. nothing so far, some frost traces building up. so far #tree has the most frost potential, #12 has the most similarity to the mom i've observed also ridiculously stretched out. i dunno how much of that is because there was a shortage of nitrogen in the first couple weeks.
no smells on any of em yet besides the basic limey/piney weed scent.

back next time with some more seedling updates, prolly gonna run weezy again.