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Fuck Those #$% Ass Cops - Go Hard or Go Home

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
there is never enough room for everything I want to run either. I am usually so far ahead on veg stuff that I have to plan which ones to cull or super crop and defol to slow down. But that's what I get for wanting so much variety.

so what u gonna do with the atlantic stihg, just pull the balls as they show or cull it?


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i don't want it to flip out on me and go full hermy so i'm gonna watch till right before the first male flower opens then pluck em all. hopefully it won't stress out and pollenate everything. female flowers are just opening on everything i have in flower.

i swear this must be what these breeders are calling "plants for the advanced grower" fucking touchy ass hermy plants you gotta baby. fuck that shit. sink or swim bitches. this strain better fucking blow me away...like literally with a blowjob when i smoke it...the smoke better form a chick shape and suck my dick till i blast a hole in her head with my jizz.

HardMode. separating the wheat from the chaff.


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WBK - cocoganic on left / chempy(coco hempy style) on right
the chempy seems to be doing a lot better. but it might also be the one i started on 12/12 vs the one i vegged for a week before putting in flower. didn't keep track.


MF3 - not sexed yet but i'm thinking a girl. this leaf set is definitely from the original male. 3rd node and already 9 leafed leaves... hey whatever happened to that guy? traditionally misha never has more than 5 finger leaves.


Victor Clipper


Atlantic Diesel - i haven't been able to keep up with the watering on these big ones :( they require water like every 3 hours. thankfully i'm almost done setting up my drip system. i'm gonna make the manifold today and hopefully have it in place today or tomorrow.


i plucked all the balls off once i saw the oldest ones start to open. so far no new balls. crossed fingers. this bitch is seeming to be mostly sativa despite the overnuting caused by the drying pots the leaves are like super thin. i'll have to go through a buncha pics but i think this might be the thinnest leaf plant i've ever come across.

anyway till next week. hopefully new cab should be up and running. veg cab is getting crowded plus i just dropped 6 more seeds.


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Deez 1 week in flower


Local outdro, just threw in flower 2 days ago. smells really fruity berry already.


MF3 Got a male




AD week 4 flower. it's at the top of my cab now. def an outdoor strain.


Active member
more males. need to pop more seeds.

outdro = male
MF3 = male
VC = male.

just popped some more seeds, still waiting on the 3 x Ad and 3x WTPF but i don't think those are gonna come up.

popped my last 2 mf1b, and 4x sf3 and 1...what was that...i don't remember. i wrote it down somewhere. oh yeah old school seed. hope some of those come up. i hate germing seeds in the winter :(


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aight, another week down. Out of the ...1...2..3...about 14 seeds i tried to germ. 0 have thus far made it above soil. i'm going to have to try another method. i'm losing all the seeds i only have a few of...got 9 more soaking of a cross i didn't really care about too much. some grapefruit d-lites i was trying to run, i dusted a lower branch early on with some pollen from either a the male GFD that came out, or Mystery Meat. never got to finish that run, harvested the premature seeds. hopefully some sprout.



anyway here is the Atlantic at...what would this be like 5 weeks flower? it's stopped stretching finally at...about 30 inches in total now. she's a slow one, mostly because of the small pot and i haven't been keeping up with the watering like i should be. also why you see the burns on the bottom leaves. oh yeah most important part. No more nanners. I dusted her and the WBK on one branch with the VictorC(p75xortega) just a small controlled crossing to see what could come out. i see at least 6 seeded calyxes.


Outdro smells really berry scented and stretches like a mofo, but looks to be another male and i don't really need any more males. especially not slow stretch males. I just changed my bulb, maybe it was going weak. i notice that it doesn't seem as blinding as it was before when i would have to grab my sunglasses if i was working in there for more than a minute or two.
we'll see. i might collect the pollen before i trash it. maybe i'll just wait till the last second then trash it.


Deez starting to flower.


MF3 seems to be leaning to the dad with the slow flowering. took like 8 weeks before i finally got any pollen. hoping this one shows me a reason to save it's pollen other than i might not get most of the other seeds to pop and i need a male.

i had a theory about males and females in flower. My theory was that if you have an unsexed plant in a cab with a buncha females it's most likely going to turn male. so far this round has held true. all these seeds i've tried to pop the last couple months. close to 50+ now. and only 4 seeds have made it and 1 tried to hermy on me, the other 3 are males.

i'm sure they communicate with each other and send signals to each other to communicate they need to reproduce. theory that was held long ago on why females pop nanners late in flower. the need to reproduce like a self destruct timer. one way or another they're going to produce seeds. they need to survive the species.


Active member

the WBK in plain cocomix.


the Chempy one which is actually one week behind the soil one. the perlite layer at the bottom seems to be helping the roots stay warmer in the winter than the coco only one and as a result has done way more branching. i guess i'll be switching to chempy in the winter and doing plain cocomix in the warmer times of the year.


here they are together for comparison.

till next time. crossed fingers for sprouts.


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i finally got my tent in a usable state. still need to add a fan for use as a flower box. right now it's just vegging my seedlings moms and dads.
there's only 4 in the flower chamber now. Deez week 2-3? something like that. the small WBK 6 weeks flower/ The big one 5 weeks/ the Atlantic 6 weeks.


WBK. the chempy one is clearly doing way better. i think mostly because more room for roots, and because they can suck water so they don't get under/over watered too much like the plain coco one. that girl is having a difficult time. been so cold here and i got stone floors. also been having some watering issues which should be getting solved now.


the chempy one. they didn't like all that nitrogen last feeding. burned leaves on everything. some is light bleaching from the hot spots. gonna replace the mylar on the door with panda film instead.


Deez, starting to flower again, needs more magnesium again. luckily i just fed em again. Got my dripper system in, manifold ver2.0. the original design was too large for just 4 plants. would water uneven, the lines closest to the pump got most water the ones farthest away got little to none. woke up with wet floor this morning. hard(mode) as hell trying to get a 60GPH pump to drip out less than 1 liter per hour to 4 plants in 1 quart pots.


The watering schedule, or rather being able to keep up with one has shown evident almost overnight. the buds on this one started to get noticeably more dense.i put the drippers on and 2 days later i notice that the buds are way more solid than before.


Active member

that tent i spoke of, temporary housing for my parents and seedlings.


everyone is huddled around my 70w till i finalize the ventilation. wake up to the strong smell of garlic and onions every morning...looking at you WBK...


my moldy friends at work turning these dead leaves into food


when everything is going well i can expect to see this.


i decided to keep the outdro male for a while. so far i like the looks of the flowers. might dust something with it. i popped 6 more seed like this one and tested rapid rooters for seed popping uses. i can say it was a success. one seed didn't pop but thats because that one was a dud. the seeds were struggling a little bit in the rooters. i had to do a little surgery. but in hindsigh i think they would have been alright. one seedling bent itself in a U and then poked through the side of the rooter lol. talk about strong.

anyway enough rambling, i just cleaned and packed my bong. time to get faded. peaces.


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7 weeks flower for the small WBK and the Atlantic. Week 6 for the big WBK, week 4 for the Deez.












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i dusted this and the Atlantic with pollen from victoria clipper male.


Chempy champing along. all of them are doing better since i got therm on drip. still tweaking it though. some underwater across all of them in general


this one in plain coco mix still lagging behind. i don't think i put enough drainage for this one. staying too wet while the others are staying too dry. gonna go back to hand water on this one.


all four group shot.


nice grow, i love the 2 liter bottles that's what i have chose for a perpetual sog that i am working on due to ease of shuffling around alot of them in a small cabinet i was wondering what your yields were looking like with the limited medium and if it causes any problems with plants becoming root bound during flowering


Active member
Hi Chef thanks for stopping by. Yield is going to be based on your setup, and the strain, i can tell you what i can get outta my plants for anecdotes.

it's mainly going to come down to strain. If i was to grow the WBK in coco in perfect conditions i can expect up to 15g under my 100.watt MH. I haven't finished this current run with the chempy but i predict it should be similar or slightly more. this is like from rooted 3-4 inch clone straight into flower, maybe 1 week veg.

however if i was to run another strain that yields more anyway like my Daze, or this Atlantic i'm growing now i'm sure it could easily see 50% more. but i only have 100W and there's only so much weed you can expect out of 100W no matter how big your pot is or how long you veg.

As for the rootbound issue. i don't think plants really get rootbound like everyone thinks happens. yeah the roots get crowded into the container and start to wrap around. that is all true. but they just keep growing till they run out of room to circle. then they get thicker. technically you could start the plant and finish in the same pot and have no issues. the problems you run into when a plant gets rootbound is that it absorbs all the water you give it really fast so if you have a big plant that's always thirsty then you need to always be watering it.
you have to stay on top of the nutes making sure not to overfeed or underfeed with all this watering you're doing. basically unless you have an irrigation system in place you'll have issues with rootbound.
but if you can stay on top of the plants water and food needs then you shouldn't have any problems. this is why i used the chempy this time around. the res at the bottom always has water which will last till the next time the drippers come on. or the next time you water. however you do it.

hope that helps.


Active member

I tried to clone with no dome, i keep hearing people tell me it's the only way they do it.
must be really humid where they live i guess? i had 1 that just barely made it out of 4, it was really 6 i doubled up a couple. but even still.


lone Survivor WBK clone. champion amongst other inferior plants.


The 5/6 Outdro seeds i started to go with the male i found. so far pretty uniform.


I get by with a little help from my friends...
Been reusing this coco for over a year now. this is like the 4th cycle.


Group shot. too lazy to disconnect ...all 4 of those spikes lol...

this is how they looked a few days ago, not much changed. officially in the 8th week now for the Atlantic and the WBK is on week 7 (right side) / Its 4 weeks for the Deez in the back left/ and 8 weeks for the WBK front left.
After the flood last week i redid my floor with panda plastic instead of the windows plastic i was using before. this is thicker and i also didn't put the staples right near the bottom where it could leak if there was another "timer set to on while pump floods box" incident.

anyway's i gotta bounce. till next time.


, The Ghost of
Save yourself a lot of hassle and ax those AD now. They aint worth shit. Didn't have any herms but they all auto'd. Any seed from a good bag o weed is better than these.


Active member
i only got one to sprout out of my remaining 4 seeds i had. this must be the one i was meant to have, same limey "7up" scent like the ones i grew in the past. so far no more issues beyond the balls that showed at the start of flower.
since then i've put her through all kinds of hell and still staying a girl. I won't know if i'll be keeping her to reveg til after the smoke test. but so far she's a nice girl, didn't autoflower like the rest of the ones i grew before.

At any rate i signed on to test some seeds, hell i dunno even if that guy still sells seeds anymore but a promise is a promise.

besides if nothing else i got some ECSD genes to cross with. might be able to get some pollen outta those early male flowers next time and get some S1's to play around with.


, The Ghost of
At least youre sticking to your word. DWS seems to have dropped off the earth. Anything you can throw at it should be an improvement.

Did you end up with a lot of males?

EDIT: +1 - my rep is dysfunctional.


Active member
i think i found 1 male the first time, or maybe it was a plant that hermied i'll have to go back and check my notes. I gave like 3-4 seeds away they told me they were no good. dunno if he means junk or they just didn't sprout. the last 4 seeds i got one to pop the rest never cracked. No males. basically. i dusted a branch with some pollen from a victoria clipper [princess75xOrtega(NL?)] hopefully it will come out grapefruity. i'm looking for some good grapefruit to match with this grapefruit Dlite i still have a couple seeds of.


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crazy roots, one week 24/0 practically i only turned off the lights like 2x for a couple hours while i was sleeping. plain water with a little Alaska Kelp, and a drop of superthrive. lol wasn't even trying to clone this i was just keeping a male cut alive till the flowers opened.

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