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fuck it!!

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memphis man

ok so my give a shit broke today and decided to vent and say fuck it. anyone else that would like to add on whatever they wanna say fuck it about is more than welcome ill get it started

fuck walmart

fuck whining ass kids in walmart

fuck adults who do not dicipline there whining ass children while in walmart

fuck havin a blow out

fuck the melted ice cream in the back of the suv

fuck the leo that pulls up behind you on the interstate to watch you change your fucking tire all the while sitting in his air conditioned squad car

the list is endless but here are a few to get me started
Fuck slow ass drivers who don't know what they're doing.

Fuck people who can't spell simple words.

Fuck my dealer that won't answer any of my calls (srsly, a simple "I'm still out" would suffice and you wouldnt have to see me ringing you every 1.5 hours)

Fuck my landlord and his fucking ridiculous contract (no window AC allowed, only the portable ones)

Fuck this humidity

Thank you for this thread.

memphis man

i heard walmart is hiring. after 20 years there your financial worries will be over
after being in walmart for only 20 minutes let alone 20 years is enough to make anyone go fucking crazy.

fuck the employees of walmart as well

fuck supermanlives for suggesting such a dumass idea lol


Fuck that was good weed
Fuck i,m glad I got paid today
Fuck supper was good
Now I gotta go f****k my beautiful wife
Fuck what a world we gotta put up with
Fuck there ain,t even a Wal Mart where I live

oh well Thas life

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