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Fuck Dishes


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
Oh man, just read the Yummybud thread, and then came to this. Shit, I was upset that i got a DWI a couple weeks ago, but then I realized my fiance blew me as soon as i got outta the shower after getting bailed out.......Thank god for dick-sucking lips.



hey call me whatever you want, I'm still sneaking over to your house everytime you leave and doing your girl in the butt and stealing your buds

Can you come to my house first?...been a few years since a stranger walked into the house and I want the pups to brush up on their skills :comfort:

There's a job for ya H2O....grow house security tester.
Temporary position, no experience needed but a bit of a shitty health care package :comfort:


He's gotta come over to other peoples houses cause grandma wont let him have girls over

Funnily enough I can easily see grandma being taxidermied and sitting in a rocking chair while H2O goes about his daily business and talking to her.

It's probably only a matter of time....run grandma run :hide:


I spent my 1st night in jail because of a room-mate eating peanut butter out of my Jif jar with his finger. Apparently telling someone where I was gonna stick the jar is ok, but trying to actually do it is frowned upon.

h^2 O

No but I'm thinking of starting a bed and breakfast. It would pay the mortgage. I'd just have to make a seriously secure growing area. Wouldn't be bad at all, put rustic furniture in 2 of the bedrooms and find shit at yard sales like porcelain wash basins. A Bud & Breakfast maybe. Triple B - bed, bud, breakfast. Charge 100 a room per night

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
I say do it the "Don't tell Mom the babysitter's dead"(Early 90's Christina Applegate- many a pubescant kleenex were soiled in her honour) way.
Send a friend up on the roof with the dishes, while you stand below shouting "Pull", and blowing therm out of the sky as your frined launches them for you.
"Dishes are done maaan"