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Fuck Dishes


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
i fuckin hate dishes too. especially other peoples dirty dishes. 99% of the time i wash mine as soon as im done with them. nothing says clean like an empty sink.


one day, if you work hard you might be able to buy a dishwasher


maybe you already have one and just are lazy ? :p


Active member
i have a woman. she dont mess with my weed and i dont touch her dishes or mine LOL on her behalf i do all the cooking tho. stuffed pork chops tonight. apple almond stuffin


Lived in this current dump for 6 months..
Haven't done dishes once..

Don't give a rats ass about the bathroom either..


not fuck dishes, more like fuck your roomates, and contrary to popular belief girls can if not are waaaaay more filthy than boys.

but then again, with my son and two daughters, boys are dirty "thus way" while girls are dirty "that way".

i rocks's a baldy and a beard so hair is not my thing but between the stepdaughter and wife?! oh fuckin forget it, every dustball in the house has hair in it, the sink, fuckin shower, ugh!! shit just grosses me out. found hair in the babies leg fat crevice once while changin the pamper, picked him up from his play area cause he was chomping on something, it was hair.

now let me leave a granule of stubble in the sink and you'd think all hell would have broke loose.

keep the dishes, chuck the roomates. even if you lower the limit of dishes and start using disposables guess whats gonna happen . . . your gonna have a shitload of disposables all over the place.


Oh I see your a fuckin slob too,eh douchekuy...

Yeah Jen...i vomit and make dookies in the blue bucket...then maggots form..then the ants come to eat the maggots,then spiders eat the ants,then roaches eat the spiders,then I let birds in to eat the roaches,then feral cats to eat the birds,then chupacabras to eat the cats..
Its my own private circle of life...

rick shaw

One of 'golden rules' is,act as if your Mom was watching you.
Bet your parents are proud of you...aren't you the one that started the 'Climb Mt.Everest' thread.

h^2 O

hey call me whatever you want, I'm still sneaking over to your house everytime you leave and doing your girl in the butt and stealing your buds
i loved the story when you bought the tape from her, but knew it was a bad move because you had planned to tape her up and toss her in the trunk of the porsche. mommy would never approve and you knew that was your only shot...


Active member
Did all the dishes yesterday, woke up today and the sink is full of dishes and there's a wash basin thing next to the sink full of dishes as well.
I've decided I will not do the dishes anymore. I am using paper plates and cups. I have taken one knife and one spoon, and one small pot. I will be using these from now on, and will let the dishes get worse. The one roommate must think she can just put food-caked cookware in the sink and it will magically clean itself. Must be the language gap. Maybe she'll understand when all her rice-caked and fish-gut smelling plates and cookware are sitting there for a fucking week. Day 1 of dishwashing strike almost over. Mixed up tuna INSIDE the can...made clam chowder by using my one pot...which I will clean in the bathroom maybe, when I'm showering. This shit is out of control. Fucking pigs. And then the other roommate, if she's too fucking drunk every day to do her dishes, well then she can watch them pile up.
If you cook or eat something, clean your fucking dishes! If you're lazy - just put it in the fucking dishwasher!

Will post pictures as situation increases.Fucking nasty - bitch is eating take-out right next to her stacks and stacks of dirty cookware and dishes. Enjoy the view bitch.

I'm fkn dying with laughter here H20!
edit: took out half of what i said incase the other half see's it hehe, if you did see it, baby,honey, it's fine you don't do the dishes much :) really..... coughcough..... now git back in the kitchen! :p

h^2 O

apparently Rick Shaw is interested in CHICKS WITH DICKS...HIT EM UP IF YOU HAVE BOOBS AND A WEINER

h^2 O

I'm fkn dying with laughter here H20!
edit: took out half of what i said incase the other half see's it hehe, if you did see it, baby,honey, it's fine you don't do the dishes much :) really..... coughcough..... now git back in the kitchen! :p

hell yeah man, I say paper plates and cups all the way. Shit's whack.