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Fuck Cereal


h^2 O


A doctor shows that by "high in iron," cereal companies actually mean "full of iron shavings." It is not the kind of iron you want in your diet - it is actual shavings/filings of iron. He moves the cereal around with a magnet and extracts the metal from the cereal.
Never eating cereal again.


The metal shavings would be hard on the ol' tallywhacker...just sayin...

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
From http://www.straightdope.com/columns/read/676/do-iron-fortified-cereals-really-contain-iron-filings

Do "iron fortified" cereals really contain iron filings?

November 16, 1990
Dear Cecil:

I saw a chemist's demonstration where a bowl of Total cereal was soaked in hot water (to dissolve the cereal). Then a white magnet was placed in the solution. Upon removal, the magnet was covered with tiny specks of metal, apparently iron.

A white magnet placed into a packet of "iron fortified" instant oatmeal and shaken around will also come out covered with tiny iron filings. Are these filings actually nutritious, or is this some terrible joke so these products can claim to be "iron fortified"?

— William B. Stockton, Washington, DC

Cecil replies:

Let's think about this, William. The stuff says "iron fortified." Experiments show it IS iron fortified. You figure this is some kind of deceitful practice? Like maybe it should say, "iron fortified and WE MEAN IT"?

Get with the program. Different iron compounds are used in different products and the particles may be different sizes, all of which affects how "biologically available" the stuff is. But yes, when a product says "iron fortified," that often means they put iron filings into it.

Let me add that the filings are tiny, on the order of a few dozen microns in diameter. The particles can range from straight powdered iron ("reduced iron") to compounds such as ferrous sulfate and ferric phosphate.

The stuff is "harmless and assimilable," it says here, and your body definitely needs it. Iron deficiency is common in the U.S. At one time the Food and Drug Administration even considered asking that higher levels of iron be added to more foods. (The plan died because of fears that more iron might trigger certain rare diseases.)

So eat, William. It's good for you. Just don't try walking through a metal detector afterward. For more information on iron and other food additives, read The Complete Eater's Digest and Nutrition Scoreboard by Michael Jacobson (1985).

— Cecil Adams


seen it before aswell mate put me right off, im sure i posted it up sometime ago aswell.


another excellent reason to enjoy a healthy full irish breakfast


Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
'Breakfast' cereal has always been designed to use the waste from grains, Cornflakes are maize husks, All Bran, more 'waste' ....the whole thing in an industrial con, it's even been shown to be one .... hence adding all the other stuff to give it any food value at all

In most cases the box is higher in calories


I thought the black pudding was blood sausage. So are those mushrooms at 8 o'clock?


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

A doctor shows that by "high in iron," cereal companies actually mean "full of iron shavings." It is not the kind of iron you want in your diet - it is actual shavings/filings of iron. He moves the cereal around with a magnet and extracts the metal from the cereal.
Never eating cereal again.

iron is an element (Fe), when it says "iron added" "high in iron" or anything else then you'd better believe it's gonna have actual iron in it.

you said "it's not the kind of iron you want in your diet"....... is there another kinda friggin' iron that only you are aware of?

I'll make it simple fer ya, iron is iron is iron. there is no other iron to add to your diet cause you can't make it out of anything else but iron. If we could form elements out of other materials we'd be making GOLD.

get it yet? here's the full list of shit you can't make from anything else but itself, btw over the years they would hide this information in books but now they hide it on the net.




weed fiend
Anybody try the magnet bracelets for pain? I know a few who swore by em in the 90s. I wondered if it had anything to do with blood iron. Might be a gag.

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