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Fuch's Corneal Dystrophy


New member
About 19 years ago I went to upgrade a pair of glasses at a Pearle Vision Center in New Jersey. During a routine eye exam the ophthalmologist named Flanders noticed my cornea had an odd texture to it. After prodding and poking both eyes with a strong light he told me he thought I had Fuch's Dystrophy. I knew he was right - my mother has it and it is genetic. This was an impressive diagnosis from an ophthalmologist in a chain store.

Later that week I went to an eye specialist and told him Flanders diagnosis. He laughed and kind of rolled his eyes like the Pearle Vision guy was clueless. He doubted I had Fuch's first because of my age, then because I was a male. At the time they thought it was a female dominated condition but it is not, it's genetic so males are equally affected - females tend to live longer than men so it is seen more in females.

At now at the point where my vision is hazy in the morning, on rainy days, humid days or after swimming. I'm also sensitive to light, glare and my eyes almost always burn to a degree. Sometimes it feels like I have sand in my eyes, pain can be moderate at times. Over the last 2 decades things have progressed and my condition is starting to give me discomfort and more pain. I’m not at the eruption stage where the condition causes sharp pain but things are progressing.

I have read about a patient using medical marijuana to ease the pain during these eruptions. I was wondering how long I should wait before considering using medical marijuana? My doctor is old fashioned and straight laced so I’m guessing he would be opposed to a natural approach. He did say he would perform a corneal transplant but I’d rather wait as long as I can before getting knifed.

I‘m not a current smoker but I am considering medical use in the future. If anyone has information on Fuch’s Corneal Dystrophy and the benefits of medical marijuana please post.

What is Fuch's Dystrophy?
Hazy vision
Fluctuating vision - worse upon waking, improving as the day goes on
Light sensitivity
Watery eyes
Burning eyes
Decreased depth perception
Foreign object sensations (feels like sand or grit in the eyes)
Sharp pains in the eyes

Fuch's dystrophy is a disease of the cornea in which the inner lining of the cornea (endothelium) changes structure and function and results in swelling, pain and loss of vision. Although the cause of Fuch's dystrophy is unknown, there is a hereditary component (dominant trait, mostly affecting females) and the disease usually starts in the patient's 40s and progresses over the course of 25 years or so.

Usually both eyes are affected and early in the disease process there is the formation of "drop-like" particles on the endothelium in the absence of swelling. In the middle portion of the disease there is corneal swelling, in which the cornea thickens to about twice its normal thickness, and the patient experiences halos around lights, glare problems and blurred vision. The patient may complain of a foreign body sensation in the eyes, small corneal ulcers or blisters and pain.

The final stage of the disease process involves the further deterioration of the cornea, significantly reduced vision and possible growth of blood vessels in the side of the cornea, although the pain sensation decreases. Treatment sometimes starts with techniques to dry-out the cornea as well as the decreasing of the humidity in the environment, lubricants, occlusion or/and a soft contact lens bandage. Finally, penetrating keratoplasty is usually the treatment that provides the most relief for the patient. In penetrating keratoplasty a large section of the cornea is transplanted.


Active member
hey stevie-

are both of your eyes affected? unfortunately i don't think mmj is going to make that much of a difference for you. one of the few side effects from using mj can be redeye/dryeye which is usually not a big deal for most people but may exacerbate some of your existing conditions. its too bad but i do think ur best chance for a long-term solution would be transplant. good luck going forward, i can only imagine how difficult it must be dealing with such a condition...

Storm Crow

Active member
Hon, I really ain't got nothing for ya, sorry!

Hon, I really ain't got nothing for ya, sorry!

I have studies where cannabis slows diabetic retinopathy, lowers pressure in glaucoma, etc. So here's what I have on cannabis and the eye, hope something in there can help you.

Marijuana Compound May Help Stop Diabetic Retinopathy

Neuroprotective and Blood-Retinal Barrier-Preserving Effects of Cannabidiol

Getting Eye On Cannabinoids

Marijuana compound could prevent eye damage in diabetics

Marijuana Smoking vs Cannabinoids for Glaucoma Therapy

Dronabinol and retinal hemodynamics in humans.

Effect of Sublingual Application of Cannabinoids on Intraocular Pressure

Delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol in cancer chemotherapy. Ophthalmologic implications.

Effect of marihuana on intraocular and blood pressure in glaucoma.

Effect of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol on intraocular pressure in humans.

Marihuana smoking and intraocular pressure.

Neuroprotective and Intraocular Pressure-Lowering Effects of (-)Delta-Tetrahydrocannabinol

Neuroprotective effect of (-)Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol

Effects of tetrahydrocannabinol on arterial and intraocular hypertension.
(may need free registration)

So it is pretty obvious that cannabis can help with eye pressure, neuroprotection, and retinal degeneration, but will it help with your corneal problem? I don't know, but I sure would try it sooner, not later! (Maybe your doc could write a paper about it, if it helps you.)

In California, you'd be legal within an hour of walking into a clinic! Hope it goes as easy where you are, as it would go here.

Granny :joint:


New member
"In California, you'd be legal within an hour of walking into a clinic! Hope it goes as easy where you are, as it would go here."

I live in Oregon and think getting a card might be possible but it seems to be a little more work than walking into a clinic. I'm not really sure what it takes to get a medical card here.


New member

"using mj can be redeye/dryeye which is usually not a big deal for most people but may exacerbate some of your existing conditions."

I'll disagree with that. Dry eyes is not a problem with Fuch's - it's the opposite. The feeling of sand in the eyes is fluid which has not been properly removed from the inner cornea. Eventually this will build up until it tears through they eye causing eruptions.

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