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Fruit of Berlin x Northern Lights


Hi everyone, I'm snu and breeding since 1 year.

My first crossing was a T.H. Bubble Gum x D.P. Power Plant
called Fruit of Berlin, F2 Seeds done, but not worth to tell you more about this strain atm.

a view cash-growers in berlin useing a very strong and high yield Northern Lights, so i got this and crossed it into the sweety phaenotype of the Fruit of Berlin
the result:

currently I'm growing 8 seeds of this crossing in coco, and there is this fine mutation

I'm trying to isolate this 3 instead of 2 meristems per nodie now
I used google and find out: I'm not the firstone who got this.
:jump: and :wave:


Well-known member
hi snu :wave:

glad to have you here. yeah that nl cut is nice, used to smoke it several times as iam also from berlin.
do u have any pics of ur ladies? would really like to see them gals :)

greetings, randa


thx, Alex-F that's a very good thread you linked!

randalika, here a 2 pics,
hehe, at the first "meetings" with the NL It hits me so hard that i 've to go to sleep ^^,
i asked the "source" of this NL, and they told me that it is a selection out of sensi's nl

here is the Berlin Super NL Mother, the genetic is about 5 years old, I think i'm going to let her bloom soon...

...and here you can see an overview of the plants in my homebox, it's the Fruit of Berlin on the left, i've taken 54 cuts 7 days ago.
On the right the NL again.

ah and the mutation is buttom/right :) best habitus yet! (maybe a sign for beeing a male? :(()