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Fruit Fresh Produce Protector (citric acid) for PH

After realizing it was going to take waaaay to much ph 4.01 to get my PH to 5.5 I got some citric acid. But the only form i could find nearby was "Fruit Fresh Produce Protector". I used to adjust the water and was very easy, got my PH to exactly where I wanted it for the first time (without worrying that the 1/3 of a bottle of ph down was going to kill anything). I'm starting to wonder if anything else in this product could be damaging to the plants. The ingredients are:
Dextrose, Ascorbic Acid, Citric Acid, Silicon Dioxide (anti-caking)

Anything in there I should be worried about? My test dummy has only been in it for about 12 hours so I wouldnt expect to see much change, but the roots definitely arent hating it. BTW this is just a test plant, once I can get it happy in a 5 gal bubble bucket I'll be pulling the pump to see how long it'll take for it to die in the case of a power outage and then I'll start planning something real using buckets. So I'm not really looking for advice on caring for this plant, but I'm trying to tie down the methods I'll be using if I go ahead with hydro.

cooked cook

bake at 420 until nicely toasted
I use fruit fresh in preparation of foods. Throw a lil in the water when you cook your green beans...they'll stay greener!
As far as using it to lower PH...hmm, I wouldn't know about that. Only used it for food so far. I have used good ol vinegar for lowering my PH though. That works fine. Also, if I can't get to the hydro store for some PH down, I'll usually just go to the pet store and get some PH down for aquariums.
Good luck, SC.

cooked cook

bake at 420 until nicely toasted
Indigo said:
Citric acid, lemon juice, and vinegar, all of which can be used to bring down pH are NOT INDICATED AS LONG TERM SOLUTIONS.

Good point, Indigo. That's one thing I should have also mentioned. Generally I try not to use vinegar for too long, just to hold me over until I get some proper PH down. I have yet to have a problem with using it short term, but that doesn't mean it won't happen.
happy gardening!


I tryed to switch Earth Juice organic PH down Crystalized Citric acid I believe.
For like a week and I found it to percipatate and cause great shifts in ph.

Over all I think it sucks... At least with AN synth... Nutes..

I still have 98% of the Bottle left...
GH powder works great for me....



Active member
while i do not doubt your results cALyXTECH, do you really think we should give up on citric acid for pH down? An added bonus of using citric acid is that it is a medium-strength chelating agent that helps bind nutrients into formations suitable for absorption by the roots.....

sometimes when you are adjusting pH you can add a TON of pH down and nothing will happen on the pH meter until you have stirred vigorously and then, all of a sudden, you will notice a HUGE shift that totally puts your pH hopelessly out of whack......this is a serious problem for all reservoirs......

have you ever seen these magnetic spin-bars that laboratories use when pHing solutions? they work really well in the lab and i wish more hydro growers would look into using these devices.......it creates a whirlpooly vortex of water that draws in the pH down or up and instantly dissolves it into the whole of the solution.....

don't get me wrong- i would never criticize you and respect your solid scientific methodology and your cannabis intellect.....it's just that there are problems with phosphoric acid as well and its like i can never quite find the right answer for Phing....every chemical they come up with has a drawback in one form or another....

there should be a whole pH forum in here!!! then we would have room to adequately research the topic and maybe we could come up with some solid answers.....

kind regards,
GP :wave:

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
Good Thread...

Good Thread...

Indigo said:
...I found that adding 50% RO water to my regular tap water brings my pH down and fairly stable at 6.0 - 6.4 max.

I'm gonna try that. Thanks Indigo.

GP, I have an extra pump running in my reservoir to keep things from gunking up, and I found that it helps tremendously with mixing in nutes and pH up or down.

We definately could have a forum devoted just to pH issues. It's really the only nuisance I have with growing. Something is constantly throwing it off. I really need to invest in a RO system after this grow.

GreatLakes THC


GP Well put.

Thats a good call on the chelating action...

I am only posting my experiences on my use of Citric Acid Products...
Please test away by all means...

I also use a Rio 500 w/venturi action I put in the rez's when Adjusting and mixin..It works great when I face it up so the pump output breaks the surface for maximum agitation... I add it there....

Those stir plates work great... I often dream of a heated stir plate with a mixture of ethanol and ground Psilosybin.... resulting in a Crystaline Mushroom Trip..... Yeah its the only way toFly...........

Your too kind GP... and well spoken also.....Your right there should be a PH forum.....

I have tryed Life circle natural ph up and down
Symplex organic acid... GH liquid and powder...and the earth juice in an attempt to find somethin reliable...Im back to gh powder....

I will also add since my switch to PBP last week I have added none since Org. Adjustments....The buffer is the shit I love it.....I would of added 20-30 ml. by now on any other nute I have ever used...

Peace.........may your ph be stable and your plants be green....cALyX :joint: :joint:

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