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Frost resistant strains

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
I planted last week and as usual we've had a cold snap. Wednesday night was 32 degrees, Thursday day was a cold, cloudy and windy 55 degrees and thursday night got down to 27 degrees. Friday was back in the low 70's.

My plants were 12" tall at transplant. All faired well, although some had a little leaf burn on the newest vegetation, but are otherwise fine.

Strains that survived the frost and freeze

Sensi Star - paradise
Biddy Early -Magus
Blue Hash-Dinafem
White widow ghs

At 1' tall, these plants will handle those temps.

Anyone know of other strains that will be ok with a cold snap?


I have found that any strain that has purple phenotypes tend to take about 2 or 3 degrees C colder then there green counterparts. I have noticed this especially with Mandala #1 and with BC sweettooth. I has to do with the pigmentation of the chlorophyl that has a lower freezing point.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
I second the Hindu kush and agree with you FireFly22 because every one of the 4 strains i have listed above have some purpling in them.


Mandala #1 is a very frost resistant strain. Last year my 6 inch seedlings survived 4 frosts during the month of april they were

Sensi seeds shiva shanti
Nirvana seeds northern lights
Sensi seeds early girl


What nutrients and additives are you guys using, and whats the soil content? Im curious...
Your also directly in the ground, right?


if your worried about frost them cover them at night with clear plastic
just make sure theres a little air circulation
Wall-of-water plant protectors are a cheap insurance policy for any strain you've spent any serious $$$ on. Burpee seeds has them, along with just about every garden seed vendor on the net. If planting early, and frost is a possibility, add some unfinished compost to the bottom of your planting holes (it generates some heat in the root zone), mulch around your plants with a dark colored material that blends in (mulch helps hold moisture & helps warm the soil with early starts), and use a cloche (like the wall-of-water, a milk jug with the bottom cut out, or a similar protective cover). Then you can grow a strain that works best for your area / season, and you don't have to worry about getting a frost resistant strain.