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Fronts For Family & Friends



So i got a buddy of mine that i grew up with, we always use to grow our outdoor buds together from teenagers until we were about 25. Well i moved away about 15 years ago, but he still lives in that same city we grew up in, as most of our family & friends still do.

Like myself he's grew a few plants inside & out over the last 15yrs for personal smoke, but as of late he's been telling me he's seriously thinking of quitting his job & running a 2-3k grow for a living. I for one, unlike himself have been around these weed boards for years, but i could never get him to check out OG or here, so even tho ive gave him sum pointers ive learned online i didn't really know what to tell him when he asked "what would be a good front/job i could say i make a living at so the fam wont be suspicious" and i for once drew blanks !

Well i know him well enough to know when he's serious & i know he's probably gonna carry this out so i want to help him but i'm alittle lost myself as ive always had to work & never gave this aspect any thought.

With alot of jobs come tools of the trade that are usually seen by folks, like a construction worker usually always has some kind of cont. tools around..

What would be some "job" considerations you could tell your family without drawing suspision ? Like maybe internet buyin/reselling ? I mean if you live in the same town you almost have to come up with a "work at home" type of job, so when people see you or your vehicle home in the day, shit i just don't know what to tell him ! :confused:

By the way, i should add that another one of our life long friends that lives about 50 miles away from our home town is how he's going to get rid of the product without his local friends & family knowing, so thats covered, no traffic at his house at least.

Anyone got any good ideas to use as job fronts to keep my buddy's family at bay ???

Big Thanx, LBM


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
here's one, have your buddy move and tell no one where he lives. done deal. then he can say whatever the fuck he wants and ultimately no one can prove otherwise.

"what did you say u did for a living, again?"

"i didn't. what's with the 40 questions"

end of story. unless there are those of you who value human relations. then by all means lie to your friends and family.


Horse-toothed Jackass
A buddy of mine is a graphic designer and works out of his house: he does layouts for books and magazines, designs CD inserts and CD cases.
It's one thing to say you work in a field, another to actually sound like you know what you're talking about. If someone starts asking him questions about his job, or needs help with graphic arts stuff, can your friend pull it off?


Active member
robbiedublu said:
Consultant in whatever field he knows something about.

thats the key; it's gotta be something he can talk reasonably intelligently about . for me, i could pretend that i were buying used cars, fixing them up, and selling them for a profit. having actually done this, i know that the profit can sometimes be quite puny, but nobody else has to know that the real profits are coming from elsewhere.


telephone sales from home.

appointment setter. he cold calls businesses, gets paid for every appointment he sets for the sales person. Set your own hours, dont have to really know the product, the sales person does the selling.

Plays the stock market.

Owns some rental properties.

Flips houses

IT consultant

I could probably go on but i think between my ideas and everyone elses, you get the hint. I had a business that kind of went belly up but friends and family dont know. They think I still run the business from home.

You actually wouldnt want something like a welder or car repair. That would require city licenses and when your dog shits on the neighbors yard, they may call the city. Dont do anythink that may require licenses or where someone can report you.


Patient Grower
I've always thought that if I needed a 'front' occupation I would tell people that I write autobiographies for a living. You've definitely heard of the people's whose life stories I write, but due to confidentiality agreements I sure can't tell you who.


Listen to me jerky
Become a painter and tell people that you are able to sell your paintings to collectors for $$$. There is always some idiot out there willing to pay $$$ for pictures of all sorts of weird sh*t.

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