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from indoor to greenhouse what would happen


auto guerilla

What would happen if you veg clones inside under 20/4 or similar and then put them in a greenhouse in summer. would they start flowering regardless of time of year or would they just keep growing if it is summer? Has anyone ever actually tried this or should I?


Usually if you put a plant under sunlight in early to mid summer it will continue vegging until fall, but actually it depends a lot on the strain , and the environment.

Certain strains flower easier than others, and a switch from 20/4 indoors to natural sunlight outdoors may cause some strains to flower no matter what time of year.

Environmental stress is also a cause of early flowering. Not enough sunlight, too much heat, drought, these things can all cause plants to flower early even if they are put outside at the correct time of year.

your best bet to keep your plants vegging thru summer is to keep them inside until mid may or early june, also make sure they are not stressed at all when they do go out under the sun.

auto guerilla

i was thinking more along the lines of veging indoors and being able to chuck one out any time of year to get some personal. can it be done? does anyone have any experience with this?


ah i see, if your goal is simply to veg indoors and flower outdoors/greenhouse, it can definitely be done, and has been done, but if you put plants out in the summer they may not flower until fall. like i wrote above, there are a few different variables involved.

Any other time of year they will probably start flowering when you put them out because the days are shorter. I've vegged plants indoors and put them outside in november, they finished in february with small but tasty flowers.

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