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From Cfl's to 150w Hps NLxAk47


Hell yea!

Lookin' good!


Good luck with your 150W travels! I'm sure you won't be disappointed.

-Q :rasta:


Quazi- Thanks Quazi! I really can't wait to see what the 150w will do with my own eyes i should be amazed!

Time for an update
Decided i'd give my girls names so that it makes it easier when i talk to them lol. I can address each girl personally. Plus all the other cool growers are doing it so I figured i'd join :muahaha:
Anyways everythings going good with the Hps and fan figured i'd let everyone know since I was worried about everything working out right earlier in the grow but it's all came together quite well.
Some sad news I may have to get rid of one of my girls :badday: since my cab is small.

Here we are at day 16 of flowering.
All the girls are throwing some pretty white hairs... won't be to much longer till they start filling out.

This is Gemma my biggest girl

This is Gemma again giving you a better idea of what she looks like from the side and lets you see more of the bud sites.

Here is Briana

Briana again.. giving you an idea of what shes looking like.

Heres a group shot of all three. The Lst'd one is Laka she's the one i may be getting rid of shhh dont tell her!!!

I wasen't expecting Gemma to get so bushy I figured she'd grow more like Briana which would allow me to have more plants. Right now i still have enough room but i'm afraid when they start filling out they'll start fighting for space with some getting less light then the others. If Laka does have to leave me she'll have a nice home at a buds house and i'll get to she her every so often so it's not like she's getting hacked.
That's all for now.

BL4ZE ON! :rasta:
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looking great man! just wait till you see how stick that hps will make you babies man! :muahaha:


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
BL4ZE20 said:
That's the S&P, correct? I've been eyeing them myself. Care to comment further on sound? Especially how it relates to your old axial?


Freezerboy you are right it's an S&P Td-100.
It's definitely louder then my old 120mm 110cfm computer fan that I used but it's really not all that bad. My cabinet is in my closet so if my fan is running and I put my ear about a foot away from the cab and listen I can hear the fan. However I think a lot of what I hear is from how my ducting is aimed right at the wall of my closet so it's just blowing straight into that and generating noise. If I had some extra ducting I'd be able to test and see if putting the ducting blowing in a different direction away from my wall would make the fan operation quietier. Since I need more ducting anyway just to route the duct exit away from the closet wall I plan on getting some insulated ducting also. I believe if I do both these things the fan will be pretty damn quiet and i'm thinking pc fan quiet. Of course I won't know for sure until I try it but I have no doubt that it'll at least make it somewhat quieter. Ohh and a cool thing about this fan is, if you look in the pictures you can see the 2 band clamps on each side. Well if you loosen those up you can actaully remove the actual fan and leave the mounting and the sides where you hook up your ducting.So if you want to clean out the fan you won't have to unmount it and there won't be any redoing of your ducting and taping it back up since you can just leave that all together.
Well hope this helps you out and if you have any other questions feel free to ask.


Looking good man,

You have a dreamy fan that's for sure...

You ever hear how noisy the 6" vortex type fans are? I'm curious if there is a big sound difference between the two.



Niceshoes: thanks man.
I've never heard a vortex running before, but i'm sure it's a bit louder since they push quite a bit more cfm then the s&p i have.
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Looking great. Can't wait to see how this turns out. I'm only on my first ever grow (I'm using CFLs) but i've already started browsing new lights a little bit.. I'm considering maybe trying to get into the 150s next too.

The girls sure look like they are enjoying themselves so far !


East Coast Grower
I have a thread over at grasscity, if your registered I'll throw out the link, can't see pics unless your registered. no one really shows any interest in threads I've made here so haven't bothered with this grow. The most noticeable difference is definitely the light penetration, really gets all the way to the bottom of my plants, they are pretty small (sog) but it works. heres a shot of my biggest/oldest girl (2ft tall) and my flower area, lit by the 150 and 2 (now 3) 42w CFLs. I had the 150 real close to the tops, like 3-4" in the middle there but raised it a bit to extend its reach. hope you dont mind the pics :joint:

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Clay - thanks for stopping by man. My girls are looking good right now lets just hope I can keep them that way lol. And yea cfl's work great for getting into growing. i'll continue using them for the vegative cycle of future grows. I stopped by your thread and left a comment.

Rob547- Thanks for stopping by again. I don't have an account over at grasscity I guess icmag is my home lol. But yea I can already tell how the 150w penetrates because the lower buds are devolping moreso then what they would under cfl's.

Got some pictures for you guys even though my camera skills seemed to be lacking tonight. We're at day 23 of flowering now.

Heres Gemma starting to fill out a bit

Bit closer shot of the main cola on Gemma

Heres Briana looking good

Random macro under the hps

I'll be updating every week with new pictures through the rest of flowering so stay tuned.



Well greenlf your ass better be poppin alot of it cause i'm gonna be givin you the munchies alot. Maybe i'll even make you drool a few times into your bowl so you better have some on standby!

BL4ZE ON!! :rasta:


Time for another update guys. This time my baby's aren't as green and luscious as they once were. Gave them a break from the nutes one day and waterd with tap water and the days after that leaves were yellowing out and more defiences were showing up in the leaves. I already had some deficiencys prior to this but I lost a lot of my nice big green leaves :(. Seems to be phosporhous and some kind of cal/mag? Or perhaps nitrogen but I didn't think the plants used very much nitrogen during flowering. O-well though that's how it goes i'm finding out more and more that it's easy to grow some weed the hard part is having that perfect grow all the way through without any deficiency. That's why I like growing though becasue it's a challenge and something I can try to perfect. It'd be boring to me if it was easy anyways. I'm sure i'll grow this strain a few more times so i'll get to know it better.
Anyways time for a few pictures
We are at day 31 of flowering in these pictures. (60 day strain so over half way yay!! :jump: )

My big girl Gemma

My girl Briana

Starting to frost up a little bit

That's all I got for this week. I was really tired the other night and didn't really feel like snapping pictures. Next update i'll try and get some good shots or atleast more for you guys.

BL4ZE ON!! :rasta:
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As i toke on my bong i gaze acrosse the web and i find this,

and what........DAMNIT it's all wet now guess i will listen next

time and have some on stand by!!!! Looking full and frosty in

there! merry christmas brother :rasta:


greenlf87- i warned ya man!!. That soggy pop corn isn't to tasty either huh?
I'll stop by your garden and see what's going on right after i finish this.

SquallRealm- I'm not using a carbon scrubber with the s&p. This strain is very low odor while growing so I dont have to use anything which is nice. However when it's dried and ready to smoke it sure is sticky n stinky :)

BL4ZE ON!! :rasta:


Here's some pictures of a little nug which is some of the nlxak47 dried out. Got this off the guy that gifted me the clones so it's none of my grow but same strain.
Smokin on some right now and i'm quite high :joint:

BL4ZE ON!! :rasta:


WOW! that dose look like some dank! so whats the smoke report? i see it got you high but smell taste?? well i guess you will see soon but i chopped one hoping they cure like those you have posted here! well take it easy and keep it green :rasta:



greenlf - i had already smoked it all before i saw your post asking for a smoke report. I think the taste is hard to describe but once mine is finished i'll try and give a better description. It does have good smoke expansion i guess you would call it.

Alright a little late on my update for this week.
We are now at day 40 of flower.
Just 20 days left hopefully my girls will fatten up a good bit during these last 3 weeks.

This time i'll start off with some shots of Briana first

Lets get a little closer

And now for Gemma

Shot from up underneath

Lookin good :joint:

BL4ZE ON!!! :rasta:
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Whats up everyone

Time for another update. I had more pictures but kept having trouble getting them to upload it was takin forever etc so i was like screw it. So you guys will have to settle with 3 lol.
This will be the last update i'll be doing before harvest. I'm still hoping they fatten up a bit. May not do as well as i hoped since temps have been a little higher here lately and I had to throw my carbon scrubber on and that really didn't help the heat issues. I guess the hps really brings out the smells because the first time i grew this strain under cfl's I didn't even need a scrubber.

Day 48 of Flower in these pictures.

Here's the only picture of Gemma that got uploaded


Cola shot of Briana

BL4ZE ON!! :rasta:

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