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♥-_-~Praying the Lord my soul to keep~-_-&#9
so ya'll im preggo... I was a chronic every day smoker before I found out I was preggo, so when I found out I was preggo I stopped smoking everyday all day... anyways, my docs office called me right now and said that I was positive for marijuana, I'm like no shit i'm a medical marijuana patient.. she said I need to see a drug counselor... I'm so fucking livid right now.. How every one looks DOWN on those that use marijuana. I hate fucking society and their fucking stigmas... fuck them all to hell
sorry im pregnant and pissed... watch out
but they didnt even TELL me they were testing me for "drugs". fuckin assholes... but anyways I will take my docs recommendation and shove it up their butts!!! SIDEWAYS!!!!

omg. I just want to go to another hospital now cause I'm sick of dealing with these stupid docs that do not understand the power in medicinal marijuana....


As long as the Federal Govt classifies Marijuana as a Schedule I drug, along with heroin and cocaine, these do gooders will continue testing for "evil drugs" every chance they get.

I would not be surprised if they don't turn you into Social Services, who will turn up after delivery and test the baby, or something ridiculous.

Get a new doctor. Bummer.

My theory is that smoking generally probably not good for babies, low birth weights.

My other theory is that smoking marijuana while pregnant makes the babies smarter.

I know a lot of pregnant chicks who smoked, and their kids were super intelligent and cool. Very bright children.

What a bitch that you are tested without your knowledge during a pregnancy visit.

good thing there weren't no crack or heroin, they would likely strap you to a gurney for 9 months in rehab.

what a bitch. i am sorry to hear this for you.


Cannabis 101
my mom smoked when she was preggo with me, by the age of 21 I was harvesting 20+ lb a month and i smoke with her every day.


Sorry about that, ay. :< Do what you feel is best for you and your baby, seriously. You seem like a smart girl who would never do anything she/you believe would jeopardize your baby's health.

All the best.


Garden Nymph
I agree with Lola; find a compassionate doctor. I'm sure there will be a few to be found in California.

I would definitely look into the whole privacy thing, if they tested you without your knowledge. I do not like doctors, either...at least the ones who have treated me in the past. They could never pinpoint what is causing my very erratic menstruation...after years of doing research on my own, I think I might have PCOS. I would go to a doctor to check it out, but right now I'm pretty hesitant..

Good luck with everything, KK. Hope that the doctor doesn't do anything to further complicate the situation. :huggg:

Helps Me

That sucks. Yeah, it's prob gonna be a while before the docs/etc get hip to the benefits of medical mj ya know?

Just imagine tho...some day soon we'll all be looking back on these times like when alcohol used to treated this way.....


I totally feel ya! I hope everything works for your benefit not against! I had the benefit of a nice ob.. bad hospital though


Active member
Sorry you are going through such BS. I just want to say that I smoked weed while preggo 20 to 30 years ago, and my kids are perfectly wonderful! All the best to you.


Active member
As long as the Federal Govt classifies Marijuana as a Schedule I drug, along with heroin and cocaine, these do gooders will continue testing for "evil drugs" every chance they get.

I would not be surprised if they don't turn you into Social Services, who will turn up after delivery and test the baby, or something ridiculous.

Get a new doctor. Bummer.

My theory is that smoking generally probably not good for babies, low birth weights.

My other theory is that smoking marijuana while pregnant makes the babies smarter.

I know a lot of pregnant chicks who smoked, and their kids were super intelligent and cool. Very bright children.

What a bitch that you are tested without your knowledge during a pregnancy visit.

good thing there weren't no crack or heroin, they would likely strap you to a gurney for 9 months in rehab.

what a bitch. i am sorry to hear this for you.

I agree with the above post. Congrats on the pregnancy, and I hope you find a great new doc!:cathug:


Active member
Hey KK congrats on the baby!!!!

Call your doctor and tell him/her to mind his own fucking business. Most likley its the nurse or administrator that is doing it and not the Doc...put pressure on the Doc and everything else will go away. Mention you are going to sue them and you will most likely be dropped and never bothered again....you'll have to find another doctor but we are easy to find...

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